guys i have no time to explain but i am from the future
someone will get quads in this thread and it will ensure the future of chainlink. it will become $1000 EOY
oh shit they are breaking in my door, get those quads before its too latgjjigerwjiugwjuhgujehuhUHG8U8AEGUFYU56H2H085329852HBNUHU00HU2345273905H9U203HTUSDJHGFHKJSDFKJSDFKJSDKFJHSDAFHYAQ9UHFHUAS90FY79423HUT234UHOJTY2JN34OT2JNK
Jackson Richardson
Jackson Anderson
is this fake?
Tyler Foster
Dat dubs 4 1k eoy
Henry Butler
Jacob Nelson
Julian Peterson
Could a group of bagholders be any more pathetic
Josiah Nelson
Brody Walker
Quads checked
Isaac Kelly
>8163333 >8164444 >8165555 >8167777
Isaiah Gonzalez
John Foster
What quads?
Justin Thomas
OP U HERE?????
Blake Gray
It looks like it is not ment to be.
Colton Allen
>someone will post quads That would be me; LINK will hit $1,000 before the end of 2018.
Hunter Campbell
$0 eoy
Anthony Garcia
fake if true
Luis Richardson
maybe in like 30 min we will get quads
Jordan Campbell
or maybe 10min
Kevin Lee
Leo Parker
Nathan Green
Thomas Thomas
100 short, $900 confirmed
Juan Morales
Jack Bell
$1000 eoy!
Dominic Torres
okay wtf is this board so slow
Chase Powell
SmartContract llc seized by the US counter-intelligence agencies for affiliation with foreign spies. All staff arrested.
Charles Scott
Stinky linkies gonna be laughing with $1000 eoy
Carter Anderson
1000 eoy
Jack Martinez
God time it's like you fucking idiots really think post numbers are RNG Fucking kys
Carson Morales
$1000 EOY
Aaron Walker
Might as well.
Isaiah Nelson
$1000 EOY
Jaxson Brown
Logan Long
Quads LINK
Owen Cooper
Linkies always win
Jace Murphy
Anthony White
What I just sang the Evangelion opening theme and pressed send on the last note, not a japanese anime board for nothing.
David Long
Holy fucking shit OP is right.
Owen Brooks
Fuck u nigger not buying your bags
Joseph Reyes
Ty bought 100k
Logan Jackson
Maybe hiro made it super easy to get dubs or quads. People roll them in every thread now
Dylan Parker
Thanks bot 100k!
Jayden Price
the autism has reached unprecedented levels
Jason Adams
double dubs is as good as quads to me
Jeremiah Hall
HOLY SHIT! fucking Check'd!
Nathaniel Moore
quads get. also what chain link swag should i design and 3d print. i was thinking a chain link tissue box cover but idk. it needs to be something thats a cube.
Lucas Barnes
Easton Kelly
ur shit fagwagon
Anthony Davis
Juan Collins
damn is OP alright??? what happened? OP ARE YOU OK??? TELL US IF YOURE OK
Alexander Bailey
when LINK moons im going to be the most obnoxious prick youve ever seen on this board. im going to seriously devote time to messing with nolinkers
Christian Cruz
How did you manage to type all of those letters and then complete the 10 step CAPTCHA you stupid larping faggot. LINK 0.15cents END OF YEAR!!!!!!
Mason Jones
Same. I will post my chainlink blue lambo with "STNKYLNKY" vanity plates daily. All the sloots rubbing their steamy beavers allover my ride at every red light. It will be glorious.
Anthony Foster
He has the powers of time travel FAGGOT. He obviously knew EXACTLY how much time he had to get us this super important information.
Chase Nelson
quad 4s as well. double fulfillment. now, according to my mathematical analysis (im a mathematician at a MAJOR university that i cant mention, but you may have heard of it - its called harvard) quad 4s means that the growth rate of LINK will become exponential. i dont want to get you guys too excited by saying what the number may in fact be, save to say that LINK will account for about 135% of the worlds monetary value. i have come to this conclusion after careful deliberation with many colleagues including the esteemed Ted Kaczynzski
Jayden Jones
Dylan Cook
dude hes literally from the future. you think they havent figured this shit out in his timeline?
Nathaniel Foster
i complete the captcha before i started writing my post... doesn't everyone do this lmao?
Luis Green
fugggggg if LINK moons we should start getting really gaudy custom made items done with the chainlink blue, especially shit that will trigger the fuck out of people, like that my little pony Kar98 that someone from /k/ made.
Carter Gutierrez
Isaiah Powell
Brayden Green
What the fuck. Why would you even do that? Marines assemble!!!
>CAN WE GET QUNITS PLS >LINK 10 CENTS END OF YEAR Wait wait. Guys. He misspelled quints like a retarded faggot. Doesn't count. 1000 EOY.
Parker Adams
well fuck. what happens now
Gabriel Gomez
Didn't you know as long as the first and last letter are there it doesnt matter what order the rest is!
Joseph Baker
my friend your quints are weak
Matthew Rodriguez
Jackson Perez
Nicholas Jackson
new computer no reaction pics but if i had one it would be a hot girl taking off her sunglasses and biting her lip while she checks those quints. well done my nigga
Lincoln Barnes
vs. Sorry, you can't undo the magical power of the 7's, kiddo.
Jonathan Lewis
OK so weve confirmed that the US dollar is going to rise really really really bigly by end of year. can we get that dollar value in euros please so its not so confusing?
Carson Roberts
holy shit
Dominic Richardson
he got quints in a LINK thread. thats all that matters. check out your ID user
Joshua Gutierrez
Jordan Butler
So it is said, so it shall be done
Xavier Bell
You're a tool so you should
Michael Garcia
Linkies are stinkies confirmed, capd
Henry Sanders
Sir. Based time treaveler OP said that QUADS would confirm LINK price. He said nothing of quints of blasphemy.
Joseph Johnson
>QUNITS Damn it user, you were so close to dereailing the meme-magic of LINK.