When will this brainlet be removed from office? And who here unironically still supports him?

When will this brainlet be removed from office? And who here unironically still supports him?

MAGA 2020

4d chess dear brainlet

trump is the best president

Ever heard of 4d chess? Trump is a master of it.

hopefully never

Can't wait to vote for him agaim

During the trump presidency:
1. He didn't get rid of the spicks
2. He made PC culture stronger than it has ever been before and it is getting out of hand. I wouldn't be surprised if PC faggots manage to make Veeky Forums illegal
3. He claims he is smart yet he has so far only done retarded shit.
4. He started a trade war like a retard.
5. Plus now this faggot is trying to take our guns

I know most people supported the Trump meme but how autistic do you have to be to vote for a retard just for a good laugh.

I cant believe how infest with poltards this board is... This man is a human papsmear, a walking clusterfuck. You people need to kys if you think anything different

To kill the Jew you must become the Jew.

Rescind everything after the 10th Amendment. God Emperor for life.


He tried to get rid of the spics but the SJWs are cock blocking him.

I visited the states last year you guys got a lot of cleaning to do, your streets are littered with dirty Mexicans.

If I was American I would have voted for him, and then vote for him again in 2020.

Lmao I hope he does. I'd love to watch your shitty country tear itself to pieces under this retarded wanna-be dictator. The rest of the world is laughing hysterically at you dipshits

thank GOD we have a capitalist like Trump in the white house


Same. Also not Veeky Forums related. Fuck off somewhere else. Don't usually post in off topic threads but just came to tell OP to kill himself.

4 more years

'4D chess' is a term coined by zealots who are trying to pretend that a retard with the intelligence of a 4 year old can think like a functioning adult.


I want 7 more years of MAGA. He is great.

If it were Clinton in his place, crypto would be banned and we'd likely have another war in the Middle East.
He's not perfect, and is most likely economically illeterate, but Democrats are way worse

>He started a trade war like a retard.
>falling for the (((free trade))) meme

Lol look at this brainlet

8D Underwater Backgammon.

I can smell the euro flag

Let’s compare: Off-the-cuff (no prompter) remarks on cyber security.

>I think there’s no doubt that developing international norms, protocols, and verification mechanisms around cybersecurity generally, and AI in particular, is in its infancy. Part of what makes this an interesting problem is that the line between offense and defense is pretty blurred. And at a time when there’s been a lot of mistrust built up about government, that makes it difficult. When you have countries around the world who see America as the preeminent cyberpower, now is the time for us to say, “We’re willing to restrain ourselves if you are willing to restrain yourselves.” The challenge is the most sophisticated state actors—Russia, China, Iran—don’t always embody the same values and norms that we do. But we’re gonna have to surface this as an international issue in order for us to be effective.

>We came in with the Internet. We came up with the Internet. And I think Secretary Clinton and myself would agree very much, when you look at what ISIS is doing with the Internet, they’re beating us at our own game. ISIS. So we had to get very, very tough on cyber and cyber warfare. It is a huge problem. I have a son—he’s 10 years old. He has computers. He is so good with these computers. It’s unbelievable. The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough. And maybe, it's hardly doable. But I will say, we are not doing the job we should be doing. But that’s true throughout our whole governmental society. We have so many things that we have to do better, Lester. And certainly cyber is one of them.

This has to be the steepest fucking IQ drop in a transfer of power in modern politician history.

>During the trump presidency
You mean year 1 of 7, Rabbi?

Literally none of this is true

I absolutely cannot wait for the REEEEEEEEelection

I was watching season 1 episode 1 of The Apprentice recently, hoooly shit is it a trip. Now in 100 years have to put paragraphs in our textbooks explaining how our time was that of "Reality Telivison" ,the most retarded of all television, and how out of 300 million people we chose the YOURE FIRED guy... Shit is depressing I'm disappointed in y'all .

>No prompter
Pick one.

Idk the majority of people in the US. That must really suck being a media pawn, spy boy.

He will win 2020 unless he destroys himself somehow.

Oh wow

Jesus fuck, I just dont understand how anyone could listen to this baboon speak for 5 munutes and not immediately dismiss him. He's fucking brain damaged.

Have fun burying more of your high school students in 2 weeks burger



Holy shit that's a pretty huge contrast. I think obama was just another neoliberal, but at least he was intelligent and well spoken. Having trump as a president is fucking embarrassing.

I do. MAGA 2020

He will only be replaced by another puppet of the jews.

pattern recognition is a sign of intelligence. if you haven't figured out by now that things tend to go trump's way, you're the retard.

Fuck off back to pol you mouth breathing fuck you 24 IQ niggers still haven't figured out elections are rigged, and it doesn't matter who's in office. LITERALLY FUCK OFF YOU CANCEROUS CURRY DRINKING COCK BANDITS

I love President Trump more than I loved my own father. 100% serious.

Reelected or no, the 4 years of sjw screeching and tears he has produced has made it all worth it. The dismantling of Obama's legacy, fucking priceless. I hope the Democrats swing so hard left in response that we are all but guaranteed another 4. These virtual signalling cunts would gladly nominate a disabled atheist Latino trannie and its going to be fucking glorious.

back to plebbit with this homo cringe authority worship please

if he turns out to be serious about ending DACA he will have my vote again. If he can't end that then it wont matter how many jobs he brings back because we will all be competing with illegals in the job market.


gas amerifats before jews desu

Nobody cares Eurocuck, you go ahead and raise tariffs on Harley we'll just move the plants here, electric cycles, we can use our solar plants Obama made for some fun :)

I will laugh as Union Democrats vote for Trump because he just saved their ass. 7 more years!


>Lol who cares if he is an utter imbecile who will run the country into the ground given a chance
>all the butthurt from people on Twitter is worth it xDD
Children have no place discussing politics

Ohh like Hillary wouldn’t have been far far worse for American interests if she’d won.

He's baiting them for the midterms. DACA, gun control, he wants them to tie their own noose. Notice how the Dems are doing everything they can to avoid taking the bait while their base screams for blood? It's gonna be glorious watching him work during the primaries.

Soy boys like you are the reason we have Trump. Thanks soy boy! Keep up the good work!

pretty much this

obama was a well trained monkey who read scripted lines off a teleprompter but he was a shit-tier president even with the entire media shilling for him. trump clearly has ADHD - and probably a lot of other psychological problems - but his IQ is clearly off the charts. his ability to manipulate people and in particular the media is unparalleled.

americans are so epic xD


Pretty sexist statement of you. That's offensive to transwomen who will never be able to get a papsmear.

That was from a sit down interview

wrong board faggot

>he thought this was funny
neck yourself


They are both shit
Doesn't mean you have to pick one

Obama didn't read that off a script
Trump is a dead shit. You think he plays the media? The media is stupid and plays themselves.

Oh, so he was handed the questions before hand. Big difference, I'm sure.

100% pro trump and holding 100k crypto after this bitch of a dip.

>Veeky Forums is filled with brainlets thinking crypto will help them /make it/
>Veeky Forums is filled with trump soyboys and racists

nothing new here anons, brainlets unfortunately learned how to internet about a decade ago

hey next you can try a joke about sexually identifying as an attack helicopter, that'll really get the keks and trigger the sjws

>but his IQ is clearly off the charts.
Yeah but its off the bottom. It's either creeping dementia or too many hookers have beaten his head around after pissing on him. His own staffers admit he doesnt read documents longer than 5 pages. Thats your president, champ.

>The rest of the world is laughing at you
>Implying any of us care

maximum cope

So all the Trump shilling just for sjw butthurt lolz, ask yourself is it worth it.

He's only been at it for a year, give him another 7 and see what happens.

Plus the jews in media are cockblocking him at every turn because he's trying to undo everything Obama did.

Obama couldn't get rid of ISIS in several years, he did it in a few months.

Can't think of one thing he's done that I disagree with. My only complaint is "he doesn't work fast enough." But when you're surrounded by a den of vipers, it's probably for the best.

he was unironically the better choice for the election. The dems fucked themselves by rigging their own primary to put a satanic daemon as their candidate.

classic trumpfags
first, obama is embarassing the u.s.a, we need a leader that people will respect
now, respect doesn't matter who cares what the world thinks!!

CAUGHT YA! That isn’t a real picture of Trump, it’s been altered to make him look stupid.

Him upsetting a bunch of eurocucks is exactly what we wanted.

mexican girls are qt tier tho.

Absolutely. You did it to yourselves. How much shit about safe spaces, white privilege, personal pronouns, made up genders, illegal aliens, mentally ill trans, shit did you cucks think you were going to force down our throats until it blew up in your faces? Trump is a warning shot, keep pushing your faggot shit on normal Americans and I hope the next maniac leading the charge gets us into a full blown race war. Bring it niggers! Blue wave 2018!

I agree with this. The left is going to keep pushing until the right gets sufficiently pissed off. Dems were afraid that Trump was going to be Hitler? Oh no. Once the right gets sufficiently pissed, the real Hitleresque candidate will emerge and start the purge

He sounds like a massive retard
Dont you have any well spoken republicans?

Hey dick head, stop trying to shove everyone into into your jewish made two side bullshit. It's a fucking joke. Can't you see how pathetic you are?

>He doesn't entirely agree with me, he must be a cock sucking sjw tranny loving pedophile sympathizer or a misogynistic racist nazi rapist
Kys for falling victim to such stupidity

there wont be a race war, youll just be forgotten and left to rot in montana or whatever while coastal elite kikes continue to suck up all the money
you wont die at the hands of a nigger, youll die because it's a 3 hour drive to the ER to get your gangrene looked at and youll be 20k in debt for that privilege

>Now, whether a universal income is the right model—is it gonna be accepted by a broad base of people?—that’s a debate that we’ll be having over the next 10 or 20 years. You’re also right that the jobs that are going be displaced by AI are not just low-skill service jobs; they might be high-skill jobs but ones that are repeatable and that computers can do. What is indisputable, though, is that as AI gets further incorporated, and the society potentially gets wealthier, the link between production and distribution, how much you work and how much you make, gets further and further attenuated—the computers are doing a lot of the work. As a consequence, we have to make some tougher decisions. We underpay teachers, despite the fact that it’s a really hard job and a really hard thing for a computer to do well. So for us to reexamine what we value, what we are collectively willing to pay for—whether it’s teachers, nurses, caregivers, moms or dads who stay at home, artists, all the things that are incredibly valuable to us right now but don’t rank high on the pay totem pole—that’s a conversation we need to begin to have.

TRUMP....hasn’t said anything about automation. I don’t think he knows what it is. But his Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that automation was "not even on our radar screen," and that the two-decade timetable grossly exaggerated what was likely "50 to 100 more years away."

Anyway attached image is the new machine rolling out that flips burgers.

Your President is dooming your country. I hope when this is all over you have fond memories of laughing at SJWs while you starve in your ravaged Republic. I have no sympathy. I’m glad I don’t live there.

nah, maybe like 1 out of every 100

There's no point in pretending that anyone actually respected Obama. So we're starting from the very bottom as it is. If people won't respect us again, then I'll settle for being feared.

GTFO faggot wtf is this

Right on

op is a muslim faggot.

anyone got the pic of Trump’s mentor with the text describing his counter-semitism?

Obama is a retard for spouting that nonsense. It's a good example of the kind of shit we had to deal with for 8 years of him.

U tell them bruh. If only you weren't a fat fuck who's afraid of his shadow. Racial war lol, negroes would win easy.

that "shitty country" librated europe, TWICE.
>back 2 back world war champs, euro fag
>enjoy the mass immigration and acid attacks.

>his IQ is clearly off the charts

>C-counter semitism... Surely you mean anti semitism? Right goy?!

when did these anti trump beta reddit users migrate to /biz? Fuck off OP, beta loser

Richard Spencer

back to pol if your feelings are hurt

they're definitely late adopters. they prolly heard about biz on some shitty crypto subreddit