So when drumpf gets elected and seeing what happened with the UK... How far of a set back will this be...

So when drumpf gets elected and seeing what happened with the UK... How far of a set back will this be? Is this going to be a second dark ages?

I mean, I know we'd be colonizing mars with nasa if Bernie won, but facts are facts..

Other urls found in this thread: vaccines

I mean for scientific progress

>Is this going to be a second dark ages?
Probably not THAT bad, but pretty damn bad nonetheless, considering he's an anti-vaxxer and thinks video games make people violent.

>I mean, I know we'd be colonizing mars with nasa if Bernie won
I know you're trolling, but you're not that far off... I mean, considering Bernie, who, even though not a communist himself, is much closer in his ideology to communism than Trump, and communism pushed scientific advancement faster than anything else.

>considering he's an anti-vaxxer
Where did he say that? He just thinks Vax should be inforced on someone.

>communism pushed scientific advancement faster than anything else.

Even Nazis pushed scientific advancement further than communists. Communism is great for making individual achievement worthless.

>communism didn't do anything

LMAO, remind me who was first in space?

Are you serious? You're on Veeky Forums for fuck's sake, you should be able to do basic google research yourself. vaccines

First 3 links:

>He just thinks Vax should be inforced on someone.
Translate in English pls

>and communism pushed scientific advancement faster than anything else.
this is what commies actually believe

meanwhile they had zero money for any real science in the USSR and just did things based on ingenuinity or stealing shit from the US

Your links only show that he wants an opt-out method.

>scientific progress
>individual achievement

You're disproving yourself.

Communists pushed scientific progress more than any other state during their lifetimes, it was insane. Not to mention they helped mobilise US scientific efforts, which led to arguably the age of the grandest scientific discoveries of mankind. And I'm saying that as someone who abhors stalinism.

>meanwhile they had zero money for any real science in the USSR and just did things based on ingenuinity or stealing shit from the US

Thanks burger bro I bet you believe you were first in flight as well.

Thanks Venezuela, lemme know when your country lands on mars

Nonesense, Islam pushed science further than any Infidel ideology ever did. If we hadn't of saved your asses with Algebra, you'd all be speakin' German right now

Anyone have that pic about how Christianity saved us from the dark ages?

Most communist countries are complete shitholes.

If you're talking about the soviet union, it still pales in comparison to the things done by everyone else.

>I mean, I know we'd be colonizing mars with nasa if Bernie won, but facts are facts..
>mfw bernout manages to beg hard enough to get Internet access
Hey buddy, how's your candidate doing?

>Most communist countries are complete shitholes.
Maybe that's because the countries that converted to "communism" (usually just dictatorship with a thin layer of ideology) were shitholes in the first place. If Albania became communist and didn't colonise Mars, I'm sure you people would blame communism as well.

You're right about one thing though, I meant to say soviets, not communists in general. Anyway, not here to debate the potential of each ideology, but rather the scientific advancement. And either you're a burger who got high on all the Cold War propaganda or you're lying to yourself about historical facts. There's nothing wrong with admitting that communism (in its severely distorted form at the very least) helped achieve the greatest rate of scientific advancement in modern times. You can still hate everything else about communism/stalinism, I know I do, but denying facts just makes you look like an idiot, especially if you want to have a serious discussion.

>I know we'd be colonizing mars with nasa if Bernie won
this is some high quality baitposting

Can you all not be idiots and realize that democracy slowed all progress?

Communism had nothing to do with scientific advancement being pushed in the USSR. The advancement was pushed because of that half a century long dickwaving contest called the Cold War.

I feel like I'm talking to the ghost of Lenin.

For one, you've offered 0 facts.

Here are some facts:
The Soviet Union collapsed because it was failure
The highest rate of scientific is now. Thanks USA and Europe.
The Roman empire, renaissance and the industrial revolution were great periods of technological growth that had 0 to do with the Russians. I'm sorry that's not in your communist history books.

>The advancement was pushed because of that half a century long dickwaving contest called the Cold War.

What school told you that?

>Lenin believed that the USSR would never overtake the developed world if it remained as technologically backward as it was upon its founding. Soviet authorities proved their commitment to Lenin's belief by developing massive networks, research and development organizations. In the early 1960s, the Soviets awarded 40% of chemistry PhDs to women, compared to only 5% who received such a degree in the United States.[97] By 1989, Soviet scientists were among the world's best-trained specialists in several areas, such as energy physics, selected areas of medicine, mathematics, welding and military technologies.

Scientific progress was and is a key tenet of communism, the Cold War was just the cherry on top. Do you think it's a coincidence that the Soviets established free universities in every backwater burg in the Soviet Union, not to mention encouraging a scientific and atheistic worldview on their people? Scientific education is one of the cores of communism. Again, if you think you can find black and white scenarios in the real world (american democracy good, communism ebil bogeyman), you're wrong.

>The Soviet Union collapsed because it was failure
Yes. This thread is about scientific progress though. Bashing communism belongs on Veeky Forums.

>The highest rate of scientific is now. Thanks USA and Europe.

>The Roman empire, renaissance and the industrial revolution were great periods of technological growth that had 0 to do with the Russians
No problems there, agreed. Never claimed that Soviets were the only people who helped scientific progress considerably.

>I feel like I'm talking to the ghost of Lenin.
Okay. Soviet Union was the devil. Satisfied now? Is this what your opinion boils down to? wow

Can you stop posting please?

He wants opt-out because he thinks that vaccines cause autism. This isn't a barely-principled libertarian stance, but actual Veeky Forums-level nuttery.

Sure. If pointing out the metric fuckton of flaws in your completely one-sided reasoning and thinking hurts you so much though, you should probably consider leaving Veeky Forums or any place with dissenting opinions in general. Ironically enough, communism would fit you perfectly in that regard.

opt-out is not the same as a ban on them, basically the retards that don't want to vaxx are fucked and this weeds them out.

Also it "weeds out" anyone in the vicinity who has a suppressed immune system or was just unlucky. Probably that's not a very convincing argument in a board full of social darwinists, but please keep in mind that this policy will kill innocent people to no real advantage.

>admits communism is only good for killing people with dissenting opinions

You're lucky your parents avoided the gulags, commu-spawn.

>Your links only show that he wants an opt-out method.
Not him, but...
That's the second most extreme anti-vax position possible.
the only way he could be worse would be to prohibit vaccines.

>hey look at this point not what you are refering to!

Okay and?

>>admits communism is only good for
nice strawman

>says I admit that communism is good at killing dissidents

My advice, instead of trying to save face and have the last word in this discussion, how about you try to educate and correct yourself based on what I have posted instead. It's going to benefit you more in the long-term, much more than putting a label on me and ignoring everything I said to give you the feel that you triumphed over an internet opponent by insulting him to death.

>and seeing what happened with the UK

Stop overblowing things.

Communism is dead, bucko.

No one believes your retarded trolling that communism is the greatest thing in science, despite every communist country being a shithole.

Even Islam has contributed more to science.

>>hey look at this point not what you are refering to!
>Okay and?
What are you trying to say?
Are you claiming an opt-out vaccine policy is a moderate stance?

okay, damage control and ad hominems it is

Again, not saying what trump said...

>Are you claiming an opt-out vaccine policy is a moderate stance?
It is.

> Those who sacrifice liberty for safety deserve neither

>Again, not saying what trump said...
Please put the bong down long enough to form a complete sentence.

>It is.
The only "less moderate" stance would be an outright ban on vaccines.

>> Those who sacrifice liberty for safety deserve neither
But we're not talking about the safety of the person sacrificing their own liberty, dumbass.
By that same token, I should be able to set my own house on fire, even if I live in a row house, and it will also burn down my neighbor's house.

More importantly, Trump is clearly an /x/-phile. We might as well elect Ken Ham.

If you say the government can force something into your body for the "greater good" of the community, you are sacrificing your personal liberty.

> not a trump supporter btw
> pro-vaccines, and pro-education about vaccines

Take your pedophile cartoons back to .

Fucking degenerate.

you can romanticize the decision all you like, in the end it's either get poked by needle or allow more disease to spread because your concept of freedom does not allow it

If you don't understand the concept of herd immunity, you should be the one exposed to sickness, just saying.

If vaccines are optional, I vote we hold them back from everyone who voted for "personal choice" in favor of rationality. Shit's going to get fucked either way, why not directly punish those responsible for fucking shit up?

Yeah why not punish those bootlickers who thought it was a good idea to let the government shoot you up with whatever they feel like for the "greater good".

It's not like there's ever been a bad batch of vaccines or anything.

> we're gonna lose herd immunity
> hey I got a good idea, why don't we have even less immunized

Jokes aside I'm so glad Bernie lost. It would be a terrible thing watching NASA dismantled while being attacked for racism & sexism and all their budget gets distributed to welfare leechs and refugees.

>It's not like there's ever been a bad batch of vaccines or anything.
Woah, the conspiracy theorists are getting stupider.

>Shit's going to get fucked either way, why not directly punish those responsible for fucking shit up?
We could also send them to the pole to die of disease, but I think that would be harder to pull off.

definitely never happens

How is that relevant?

>There have been only a few vaccine recalls or withdrawals due to concerns about either how well the vaccine was working or about its safety. Several vaccine lots have been recalled in recent years because of a possible safety concern before anyone reported any injury.
Ban food.

should click above a couple links.
that poster was against mandatory vaccinations.

Personally I'm against uniform force feeding.

That poster is me. Try again.