This will kill all other blockchain projects
This will kill all other blockchain projects
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nice trips...a lot of companies will use private hypderledger blockchains and use chainlink to connect to external resources.
do they have a permissionless product?
na. IBM already has an AI based oracle generator. Requires no coding.. customer inputs what it wants, the AI builds the oracle. We've been testing it for about 2 months and it will be rolled out by end of Q1. It requires no code, no tokens or anything and it's blockchain agnostic. Not a financial advisor, but you should probably sell LINK asap.
Thanks sold 100K.
Just like IBM killed off everyone in the late 80s.
Lumens are built in this though, is IBM coming out with something separate?
damn thanks for the headsup...just unloaded my 67k linkies.
Post proof
And partnered with Link. Feels so damn good.
>AI based oracle generator
>customer inputs what it wants, the AI builds the oracle
>Post proof
There's no reason for a utility ledger to require a token. Thanks for setting these retards straight, user.
hes larping. The thing is the IBM docs showed they were looking at many oracle solutions. Chainlink was clearly the best.
Hyperledger is not going to win out and there will be many private blockchain solutions on different platforms. For example it is more than likely Bosch and VW use IOTA or a token on IOTA. Then we have other blockchain products like w/ corp partners.
Chainlink is the only solution that will work with all blockchains; therefore, will be the oracle choice by most....including hyperledger chains
how would you reward or penalize independent nodes?
LINK is blockchain agnostic and designed to work on ETH , BTC , and Hyperledger.
good thing LINK is designed to work on hyperledger. Also a good thing SWIFT is a member of the hyperledger project. DESU, it wouldn't surprise me if smartcontract becomes a hyperledger member.
>we are now working with IBM, building them their own oracle node
>on the chainlink network
yeah i should post everything from the intranet and get fired. No thanks.
good, now fuck off you lying larping worthless lump of shit
wow such convince
"IBM docs" that are public are often 12 months behind internal. Some of us get annoyed by this but getting more data out there, well we call it "blue tape". I went through a lot of data on the intranet last week, LINK was pretty much dismissed outright, why? The constant maintenance required to re-task the oracles. The AI solution learns what changes and re-adjusts the oracles on the fly. Also, from what I see they were wildly underwhelmed by Link. Don't get emotional about it.
Well since your say that you are from IBM
Opinion about Sovrin?;)
How sad for you. The way you live your life on here
That's some decent FUD.
Still a central point of failure, though. Not to mention still having to trust a third party, even if it's the owner of the AI. Even if you aren't just fudding to buy cheap linkies, I'll take my chances on the decentralized infrastructure.
I will, however, take a closer look at hyperledger
companies block out Veeky Forums due to obvious reasons but thanks for the laugh
yeah it's hard to tether to my cellphone while on lunch break.
Are you IBM insider user from the other day?
no. first time caller.
gmail is centralised, you think billions of people and 100,000's of businesses give af? no. The decentralization meme is painful.
So what is use-case for Stellar in all of this?
thanks just bought 100k
What coins ARE they interested in then? I've seen a load of coins with IBM advisors so theres gotta be a few
Primarily their own, and 2 they are mega into, they just want to fork it. gotta go
just because exec's or employees of IBM are 'advisors' of a project, does not mean the company IBM are interested in a shit coin. Plus an advisor is a loose term. Say a few words, point them in the right direction and collect % in fees
mods ban this retard
I searched coin market cap. No results. Where to buy?
Decentralization is a meme? This is how i know you're LARPing.
Without decentralization, what's the point of a blockchain? How would a smart contract be any different than what we use today?
Decentralization makes the data on the blockchain incorruptible, so long as bad actors working in tandem don't control a majority of the computing power on the network. And your google analogy is a good one, and it's why i want humanity to move in the direction of decentralization. Google is evil inc, i trust them as far as i can throw them. They've made some good products that are imperceptibly building a prison around people. And they've already been shown to manipulate search results to suit their libtard agenda.
So decentralization is pretty fuckin important
Just buy IBM stock I guess
Decentralization is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.
>2 specific ones
>gotta go
AI based oracle generators are impossible. Ignore this FUD
Enterprise clients form a different pool of actors, other than that of conventional cryptos (drug dealers, pedophiles etc) so the requirements are different too
are you retarded?
Isn't RLC working on something similar with AIs creating smart contracts though?
So from the Leddit page, Stellar
The minister of finance in South Africa just a few days ago announced that they were going to print as much money as they're able and give it to poor black citizens so "everyone will be a billionaire."
Granted, who gives a fuck about SA, but that is what can happen anywhere you have a single group of people with the authority to make unilateral decisions that affect the value of your currency.
Fuck the fed
Pic related
The whole reason for blockchain is get away from centralisation you dumb fucking faggot.
The powers to be will smite down crypto if it ever gets to the point where their power gets threatened.
Blockchain is a glorified excel sheet lol
>Being this dumb
Do us a favour and dont wake up tomorrow morning.
So Equifax getting hacked and compromising all of its customers' data is a problem that couldn't be solved by a decentralized credit/reputation network. Cool.
You're all just mad because you have to gamble with meme money, why not buy stocks and bonds like the big boys?
This is what i think about a lot. How would they do it? You'd have to shut down the entire network, and even then as soon as connectivity is regained, there'll be thousands of backups of the longest chain, so it just picks up where it left off. The only was i could see it actually creating an issue is if they manage go isolate the network into, like, 10 different pieces, each continuing to operate separately, which, if im not mistaken, would create 10 different forks, right? Someone smarter than me weigh in, plz
Of course centralization isn't perfect, but it works well enough. Decentralization just trades one set of negatives for another.
Custormers being in control of their own data undermines the whole point of their model of business
IBM? What's that? Didn't they used to be relevant at one point in time? :^)
90% of my assets are in the stock market. But if crypto revolutionizes what i think it will, my 10% crypto holdings should dwarf my 90% equities
Smart money already left, it's too late. Everything is going to zero.
Yeah that experian hack was just a meme. Right?
What else besides that? Another user already brought that up. Centralization isn't perfect but it works well enough.
Smart money has never been in crypto until now.
LINK is where smart money is.
The only LINK people care about is the one from Legend of Zelda...that meme project will fail.
We shall see.
Good chattin
You're the most retarded person that i've seen in the last 3 years of Veeky Forums fucking retarded
>muh prrof of authority
literally autism teer "blockchain"
lost all respect for this when a 22 year old tried to explain all its benefits for 8 hours while saying nothing or demonstrating none of the supposed features.
You guys must be insane:
>LINK will take IBM
You didn't answer my question on Sovrin, so you are 100% a faggot kys
Nice projection lol
kys retard
You don't even know what ChainLink does do you?
It’s lunchtime in Australia meaning this faggot is a fellow ausfag, and you are also a faggot if you think IBM is doing anything even remotely this important in Australia
Of course I do. It lets you play games at chuckee cheese
What's stopping IBM from developing their own decentralized network...they probably already have one lol
Oh no your baseless speculation is scaring the hell out of me. I better sell now.
Isn't it funny how the hyperledger currently runs off the Stellar Network which utilizes Lumens to faciliate transactions?
>gotta go
How does IBM get external API data onto onto a blockchai... oh hes gone.
Doesn’t mean the work is originating in Australia
t. I work in banking in Australia and have never heard of this project, and I am a senior analytics professional
IBM is not partnered with LINK, only thing partnered with LINK is ranjeet
It's not a huge priority desu, their network has hella redundancy. I've been on disaster recovery teams that planned for multiple nuclear strikes and how to manage global failovers in such events. Most companies are cucks and want a centralized solution from a 'big boy' to manage their sensitive data. They don't give AF about decentralization, that is the reality, it scares them. They're going to run all their shit through some dude Sergey's nodes LOL, get real folks. You are being emotional and frankly, quite deluded.
This project is secret. The files I uploaded were not supposed to be released. The banks that are working with IBM have been approached individually, as they stand to gain and benefit as first movers, your bank may not be apart of this (yet).
>the point of decentralisation is redundancy
Sometimes I do feel like an early adopter
Exactly, why would big boys want their sensitive data to be managed by autists
>want decentralized network for stability
>want centralized network for control
The AI connects to the API, does what you want it to. There seems to be a major disconnect here with people thinking Oracles are complex and require a dedicated company, token and nodes. Oracles are piss easy to setup and the AI makes it even easier, essentially plug and play. Once the AI connects to the API it collates the multiple in/out streams and lays it out visually. The operator builds the oracle by selecting what data and where to write it etc. A monkey can do it.
>Oracles are piss easy to setup
keep going...
I 100% believe you work as a mid-level marketing manager at IBM Australia, because your input is just specific enough that it’s clearly something you heard in an all hands... but didn’t you say you had to go? Well what are you sticking around for
Nice link bags, marine
>Once the AI connects to the API it collates the multiple in/out streams and lays it out visually. The operator builds the oracle by selecting what data and where to write it etc. A monkey can do it.
sorry im high, just read this bit.
but isnt HL supposed to be immutable? The API data is too high risk.
Christ, big blue eh? Tough gig.
>IBM is not partnered with LINK, only thing partnered with LINK is regret
'ere fixed it for you
Am I larping?