How do I squeeze some money out of our socialist government Veeky Forums?

How do I squeeze some money out of our socialist government Veeky Forums?

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Don't, you leech.

Fudge your taxes. They never check

Hey they have been stealing hundreds of thousands from me to pay for refugees, I want it back.

This, easy money

If you don't agree with the way the current government spends, make it known other ways and vote for another party come the next elections. Don't leech off other people if that's what you stand against.

Both parties are the same. I've tried being politically active and it does nothing.

can confirm. both suck immensely.

OP, ur best bet is to vote conservative next election and than really push for business incentives. what u can do right now is start a corp and actually make money, there are tons of tax breaks and way to work the system through this. the chinese been doing it forever. dyor

Didn't the liberals just close most of the small corp exemptions?

What kind of corp can I get to squeeze some bucks.

1. Quit your job
2. Get on EI
3. Start a cash business

Don't be a literal nigger and not do step 3

he might be a nigger...

Do you know how Canada works?

Do what half the Chinese population does.

1. Go to Uni
2. use student loans to the max, graduate
3. fuck off to foreign country you have citizenship
4. make $$$
5. don't pay back loans
6. wait 7 years to pass
7. laugh at loancucks still on the hook

I wish I had foreign citizenship...

>build shitty apartments in shitty urban area (hamilton, brampton, london, windsor)
>rent to immigrants/refugees/social housing

No maintenance costs, endless demand, can always sell off or gentrify

what province you in?

This Chinese guy told me his brother skipped provinces from Ontario to BC and collections couldn't follow him. KEK.

BC. Trying to get together enough money to move to the states.

Not a leaf but every patriotic leaf should try to get as much from socialism as possible. Why? So the whole thing can collapse sooner rather than later. If you care about your country then unfortunately you have to remind the government why socialism is awful. Do everything in your power to bring it down. Good luck user.

This Chinese woman got a certification saying she reads too slow. The government gave her 10k to buy tech each year to help her overcome her "disability". I remember her and her husband buying all sorts of nice laptops and cameras each year. That's when I knew this country was absolutely fucked.

nice user, every canuck I know that stayed behind has never made it.

Do you know which nationality of people makes the majority of illegals in the USA? Everyone says Mexicans but the correct answer is Canadians. It goes to show you that Canada is just Mexico of the North now.

Google estimates 100k illegal canadians at most, but OK user. And yeah it's really hard to make it as a hardworking person here. The only option is to be a leech.

I'm not going to source it, I heard this tidbit on TV. I think they actually said citizens overstaying their visas the most. I guess illegal Mexicans don't bother with visas to begin with.

You can't leech, leaf bro. The immigrants know the game too well and have cornered the market.

My hypothetical game plan would be get some useful degree like comp sci or software eng and fuck off somewhere in the US that would hire me for close to 6 six figs and not look back. I think this is what Vitalik tried to do before he became successful with Peter Thiel's grant and dropped out of university.

I have an engineering degree actually, I'm applying for things down there but nobody seems to be biting.

I guess everyone is too scared to sponsor right now with trump making things hard.

In 99% of countries, if you tell them you have no working visa or Permanent residency they throw out your application out. Maybe you might need to consider boosting your credentials or doing a different degree.

Engineering degrees in Canada are so worthless now other rich countries are outsourcing the eng work to Canadians. The reason was that they could hire something like 3-4 Canucks for price of 1. Tfw Canada has become India in the globalised world.

It really pisses me off, I don't know what to do.

All I can do is engineering and it's wasted here.

is it even possible to get a job in the us as a canadian without a degree? how can you be an illegal from canada and get a job with decent pay?

radiate yourself until you get cancer
you'll be draining millions of tax dollars for your treatment.

How can a neet escape to the states? What skill should I work towards that the US has a demand for?

How do I short Canada? I'm willing to put money on the country going to shit within a year but have no idea how to do it.

farm laborers

The only solution is to become Ragnar Danneskjold.

Take it back by force.

What other degrees should I consider?

Would doing a PhD in the US be worth it?


>Thinking it's possible to vote away a welfare system after people are dependent on it

You'll have to do research about the job market, leaf user. I only remember guys getting computer or programming related degrees able to get good jobs in the US.

I know of heaps of leafs that escaped to South Korea and Japan and became English tutors but that's probably a last resort

short CAD?

I dunno man, the country is quickly becoming something that resembles Brazil with the weather of Russia, at least in the city areas.

Actually, maybe I should take advantage of this.

Maybe I can start an outsourcing company or something.

The welfare system in Canuckistan is one of the worst. In Ontario, I heard it's a like 680 CAD/Month....which is laughably low compared to other socialist nations in Europe and Australia.

You will never vote out socialism in countries where women have the right to work and vote. Good luck removing rights from women now.

Every day I just feel like killing myself here.

how old are you, leaf?

25. 2 years applying to basically no engineering jobs.

At the end of my rope.

*by that I mean there are basically no jobs, or all filled with pajeets. The cities are filled with pajeets.

This isn't the country I grew up in.

Your story is quite typical of most leaf graduates. What's depressing is that each passing year introduces another 10-20000 eng grads into the job market. The good news is that the government has recently introduced an income based repayment system for student loans so you won't have to pay anything back since you make no money.

At some point though, you'll have to leave for greener pastures. Whether it's Alberta or Texas, you'll have to go to places that actually have jobs. I mean seriously, what is Canada going to do if you skip out on them? Not give you a job? Kek.

That, or make your own job, become an entrepreneur.

Heh, I saved through all of high school and worked three jobs in uni to pay for it.

Fucking socialism.

Fuck this whole country. I guess I'll try to be an entrepreneur while at the same time applying to texas.

Maybe I can just make up some kind of make work company to get work experience to get to the states.

My worst fear is trump takes away the TN visa and I'm stuck here forever.

doubt it. There is a lot pressure on the US government to let the tech companies have their cheap tech labor. Besides his entire platform was based on removing illegals, putting up a wall. He also said recently he wanted to introduced a skills/points based immigration similar to Australia, which is the same one Canada has currently.

Leaf here, it is actually the most depressing place on earth
(lived in australia for awhile but visa ran out). Anyone in the U.S have a basement I can hide out in?

That gives me some hope user.
It's like russia but less fun.

>twf leaf
>tfw going to vote for a sikh in the next election

Best head south asap user

Why would you vote for MORE of the stuff that is killing us.

Because I don't buy the facebook meme that it's "killing us". I like walking around my city and hearing different languages and seeing different cultures. Identity politics and tribalism may lead this country into infighting and absurdism like it has down south, but I'll resist it as much as I can. It's only a distraction from the real issues that face our generation.

Socialism is not the same as inclusion. I'm fine with inclusion. Socialist high-tax anti-business policies kill the economy.

THAT is why the NDP sucks.

>Socialism is not the same as inclusion. I'm fine with inclusion. Socialist high-tax anti-business policies kill the economy.

I'm not going to argue this with you because it's unlikely that I'll change your mind. I'll simply say that in no way is Canada a socialist country. We have a minority party that are democratic socialists, but that is a completely different bag than the centrally planned economies of the eastern bloc.

I do wonder where you're located though, and what your engineering degree is in.

Head south OP, a place where the beer flows like wine, where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano.
>also the god emperor
>low taxes
> American cheese
>non-cucked leader
Hurry user before he closes the boarder

>> American cheese

Another reason to close the border.

Reading back through this I see that you're in BC. Depending on what type of enginerding degree you have I may be able to help, if you're still following this.

What opportunities do you know in BC?

since India majority of Canadians will vote for conservatives over Justin Trudeau. Even the feminist find him pandering now.

Depends on your engineering degree.

Mechatronics + Programming (not the degree, just skills).

That's a bit out of my wheelhouse, but it's possible I could help. If you're and graduated 2 years ago does that mean that you are still in Vancouver?

Do as I do. Work illegally while collecting NEET Bux. Just be smart about it.

Yeah I'm still in Vancouver. I'm pursuing some business ideas and hopefully one will take off.

I was just despairing a little bit earlier.

What's a field with a decent outlook in Canada?

Have a health related degree, looking to pursue a master's or a post-grad in Canada, and maybe get a job there after finishing.

I'm in Vancouver too. If you want I'll buy you a beer or something and see if I can't help you find a job. Like I said, your degree is out of my wheelhouse but I have a lot of contacts in industry. Send me an email at wvvbppzg (at)

Masters in public health?

By going to UoT, UBC, or McGill for cheap as fuck. It should be a fucking crime to get that tier of education for that price. Canacucks will still complain it's too expensive too.

You can't we actually have some of the most economic freedom in the world. Canada is Bereucracy run but most stupid Canadians (such as OP)get their news from American media that cant even find Canada on a map and its amplified by Trudeau saying dumbshit.

>Tax payer paid "free healthcare"
>Tax payer backed student loans
>Tax payer paid welfare

Are you sure?

I sent you a mail user. I don't know if I'll have the balls to meet up with a random user but if I do you know how to meet me.

>Are you sure?


>Tax payer paid "free healthcare"
Single payer healthcare has proven to be cheaper for the majority. Granted, it's not perfect, but I'll take long wait times and higher taxes over the US model any day.

>Tax payer backed student loans
I'm not sure what you mean? Maybe interest relief? In which case, yes, that supports the idea that some of Canada's institutions are based on democratic socialism. Socialism would be "free" university.

>Tax payer paid welfare
A social safety net is crucial to a functioning economy. We live in an age when most people are so addled with debt that they don't have enough savings to support themselves for a few months without a paycheck. As a society should we ignore those people and allow them to starve to death on the street or should we give them a buffer so that they might recover and become functional economic citizens again. Boot straps are a meme. Sometimes people need help, and I believe that we should build our societies to allow for that help.

>muh taxes

Fuck off. Build your own roads, infrastructure, and society then.

SR&ED is the best way. You get 64% of R&D salaries and 32% on contractors.

I always wonder why more people don't do this.

Yeah I heard good things about that. Do they pay founder salaries if we can get funding?

Because who would leave Canada for just a few thousand dollars?

You admitted at least health care and welfare is paid by taxes. You've now shifted the goal post from "Canada isn't socialist" to "yeah its socialist, so what! It's crucial to a functioning economy!"


Leaf cuck, if you've ever been outside your country you'd see first hand how terrible your healthcare is. Other socialist countries like Australia have much better quality of healthcare with much shorter waiting times. They pay twice what you get in welfare. They even have a real job markets with quality jobs, not networking events and 5 layered interview sessions.

The only socialist country worse than Canada might be the UK and Venezuela being the obvious worst. Eventually governments run out of everyone else's money and it's always interesting to see how bad it can get before people finally say enough is enough and go Galt.

Many US states have medicaid. BAMN socialiat. But wait it gets worse. Public, fucking, roads! Jesus thats like Full stalin. Wait the military is private at least!?!?
Read the Fraser Institute report on economic freedom instead of spouting dumbass talking points.

Be an indian. They get a fuckton of gibs.

Ok looking at SR&ED I could maybe get some kind of startup going with that and some private money, then move it to the states once it gets off the ground.