Just buy more when it dips lower.
In this case, meme lines would have helped you
wtf is the bears problems man, they got to short 100x to 6k. let us have our fucking bull season
shorted at 11.5k with 50x leverage
only going to close after it hits 6k again
hwen moon agian?
No we weren't. You're just a retard.
It's recovering.
Hi Marius
This isn't a bull market idiot. Look at the volume. Weak as fuck.
you fell for the dead cat bounce
We just had a bull season followed by a massive crash. The normies got justed and left, they won't be buying again anytime soon even at these prices. Check the BTC volume now and compare to Nov/Dec, it's literally a quarter of that. Also check how much of that is USDT rather than fiat.
There won't be another bull run anytime soon
Do you think we'll keep bleeding all year?
don't short a potential bottom
don't long a potential 3 wave upward correction before we plunge to 8k
Are you guys literally retarded?
It's up for the week still. 10500 is an obvious bounce, if not then 10200 or 10k.
Did you guys sell at $6k too?
Not all year, but there will be a slow bleed (bouncing off various resistances while drifting lower) until the normies who still have some interest get back in. And pro-tip, they weren't interested at all when BTC was at 9.6k a week or two ago.
My optimistic assessment is a bleed to somewhere around 6-7k, followed by a slow recovery until some actual regulations which allow financial institutions to take a big position in crypto happen. I estimate that this will be around late 2019 at the earliest due to the difficult nature of creating said regulations.
>thinks btc will ever go down to 6-7k ever again
Uhm no sweetie
why? its a lot closer to 7k than it is 50k
Perfect time to accumulate then?
Why? The current price is vastly inflated. This is sustainable when FOMO fueled by media frenzy and a seemingly undetectable BTC is in full effect, but not anymore.
BTC crashed to 6k and had 2 solid months of pretty much nothing but bad press (with some meandering hearings in between). The average normie has lost interest, and the few who haven't are not going to buy something that was half the price a month ago now after seeing that it can crash 70% in a matter of weeks. They'll just wait
The proof is in the volume, check it on CMC during the frenzy days of Nov/Dec compared to now, even at almost half ATH price
People still willing to throw in fiat are waiting on the sidelines until BTC hits a reasonable price, because time is on their side currently
t. brainlet
If you weren't a brainlet you would know crypto is about to explode on the world market to normies as company's make it more accessible and retard friendly.
*undefeatable not undetectable
Yes. If you accumulate coins and tokens with a future now you'll make good money in 2020
sweet argument
Why do you say 2020? I noticed other anons also saying 2020.
This is the most sane thing I have read on this board in a long while. We used to discuss potential 10 baggers and the market here....now everyone is just shilling crypto with no or little fundamental reasoning. BTC will test lower than avg. cost of production. That will be the true test.
Why did you respond to yourself with a different ip? Are you that much of a gay faggot nigger?
once last dip to 9k before we're in the clear again boys. Im shorting to 9k then long after that
Because the real crypto explosion will happen once large financial institutions jump into the ring, but that will not get going until 3 things are settled:
1. Legal uncertainty and exposure
2. Hedging tools to limit volatility
3. Markets less prone to manipulation through single large actors
All of these require regulations, but making those will take some time due to the international nature they'll have to have. Countries won't be able to do their own thing, all the various economic blocs and players will need to get their ducks in a row, even if it is an imperfect row. That takes time, plus we have summer ahead where fuck-all gets done politically for a few months. So we'll probably be looking at late 2018 at the earliest for things to pick up, but that's with full steam ahead. 2019 seems more likely, but it'll still be an experimental period where things get settled. 2020 will be smooth sailing.
Lack of access was an issue in late 2017 when crypto exploded. The current problem with normies is a lack of interest, which is mainly caused by price and volatility. Simply put, crypto is too volatile at its current price
Omega is back boys yeah short away kek
regulations are being enforced as we speak, and as long as they're pro-active and not damaging theres no reason why we would have to wait till 2020 for another bullrun.
Please dont act like you have any idea what you're talking about.
Lack of interest is because btc is half the price of what it was in December. Once this changes the normies will be fomoing in again pushing btc past its previous ath (as it always has done in the past).
What are some good projects to invest in? I have LINK and RLC
3 mths ago
Also when do you think the bubble will finally pop dotcom style?
Anzu used to be more fuckable
What fucking bull market? Are you guys STILL deluding yourselves that the time for moom missions isn't over forever? lmfao
If volatility is reduced wouldn't that mean no more NEO tier moon missions?
>regulations are being enforced as we speak
Where? At best we have regulatory pseudo-code as for what might happen in the future, but it's far from an established framework. And I don't mean taxes, I mean stuff like Basel 3
I don't have a crystal ball so I can't name specific stuff but stay away from shitcoins on places like Cryptopia. In scarce times moon missions will still happen, but instead of drawing the money to fuel them from other sources they'll cannibalize shitcoins.
The time of low mcap useless coins mooning is over, make sure whatever you invest in solves a problem, has solid fundamentals (team, track record etc) and isn't just another me-too cashgrab.
Eh it partially popped already. Now the rest will just deflate until the excess weight is shaken off
There will be moon missions, but fewer as winners take all and me-too projects get shitcanned, and slower as you'll probably have more profit-taking and general risk aversion
So basically invest in projects with a solid use case in regards to smart contracts and when all is said and done I should leave with a good amount of cash.
>Eh it partially popped already. Now the rest will just deflate until the excess weight is shaken off
Do you think the mcap of crypto will reach trillions?
I love how delusional some folks here are. Let me help some of you out, because whilst I love to laugh at your pain, part of me feels sorry for you.
The retardation fest that you experienced which was the December 2017 - January 2018 bull market is not coming back until normies have a reason to fomo in. That reason is BTC regaining media attention, which will only happen if it hits ATH and break ATH.
Right now, that is just not possible. Institutional money is at least another 6-8 months away, and that is smart money - not the fomo normie fuckwads who bought all your bags last year and drove prices up with pure speculation and mania.
"So how do I bring this magical and glorious time back, user?" I hear you ask. Well, you drop all your fucking shitcoin alts, and you buy BTC & ETH. That's it. BTC, and ETH.
>bought at 11650
a lot of reddit spacing for an analysis thread
Yes. Eventually. This year? No.
Aside from the fact that dumping alts for BTC/ETH does not drive the fiat value of BTC/ETH up, normies are waiting for more reasonable prices rather than a new ATH. What good is an ATH after we witnessed a 70% crash from the last one? It would only work if the new ATH is sustainable for a long period of time (2 months or so) which is impossible with the current order books and volume
This is true but BTC will die and ETH will hit 10k by the end of 2019.
buy the dip fags
did analysis before. figured that there would be a near 3x top around 11.5k resistence. i was early a few weeks, so i guess it makes my analysis null, but we've had worse signals.
You. You understand. I think most people who entered in Dec and Jan are just delusional and wishing for riches thay already came and went. It will be another 8months before we see this market start to pickup.
Perfect time to accumulate good projects then
post rare pinkies