What's a good book for when you hate work, you hate being alive, you hate moving a single muscle...

what's a good book for when you hate work, you hate being alive, you hate moving a single muscle, you hate that society measures value and soul sucking labor that amounts to absolutely nothing, because every conceivable thing is absolutely pointless? I fucking hate people who say that work is important and value effort. What the fuck does effort show? It shows you're willing to be a fucking slave for a system and your head is filled with empty robot like features which makes you crave the drug of money. I fucking hate people who worship money and worship work, I fucking hate work and it pisses me off that I have to wake up every single day and know I can't just live for the sake of living, I have to live for the sake of fucking soul crushing labor because that's how I'm supposed to survive, in this fucking money hungry, soul sucking, labor intensive society! FUCK YOU! I WANT TO DO NOTHING ALL DAY!! YOU ALL DESERVE DEATH!

Other urls found in this thread:

uvm.edu/~asnider/Ivan_Illich/Ivan Illich_ The Right to Useful Unemployment.pdf

Apathy and other small victories


"redpilled", I think

You want Pessoa and Schopenhauer.

I was about to get essays and aphorisms, I hear he has a book on pessimism. Anything that's more readable than the world as will and representation. I'd need a mentor to help me get through that one.

sounds like the edgy teenage version of A Short History of Decay

You don't have to work.
But despite the concrete walls and asphalt in your view there is still nature everywhere. And in nature some effort is required to stay alive. So if you don't work, how do you plan to eat?

Most people only care for survival. They would like to drive a Ferrari, but the fewest actually care. I think the real careerists are women who were brainwashed into thinking that upper white collar work is liberating; but this really is their own fault.

You are free. You can opt out.

I for one don't mind work and think that the system is sound. What I don't understand is people who prefer full time work over part time work. I for one plan to live off the land and the income of an apartment I'll rent off. I'll live in a small shack in the woods. I'm pretty close to that goal. Maybe 3 more years.

I've heard people tell me these trivial facts one too many times. No duh you need to do something to survive. Maybe if survival meant something a little nicer then I would actually be excited for it. Except no. I'm sick of being tossed around and then told "oh you better love it and you'd better ask for more, and you're worth shit besides what we tell you you're worth, so you better behave and meet our goals or else you're ass is grass". I remember being in freshman year of college at a community college, in an english class. I went up to the instructor after class and told him that I can't stand to sit in a two hour class. I constantly felt the urge to just get up and leave, and I would always do that. You know what that slime bag told me? He told me that it's time that you either sink or swim because there's no one telling you to push yourself no no safety nets like there were in high school. I despise that fucker and I despise the mentality in our society that goes with being a worker and making a "living". I don't want to be anything, I don't want to do anything, I hate doing things. I hate moving. I feel apathy in every single mother fucking fiber of my being.

It's a secret that no one will tell you this, but the only reason they want you alive is so that you can give back to society. Society couldn't give a fuck if you kill yourself, because the people who give nothing to society and leech off of it and make society worse for others are hated. People love it when people who don't contribute to society die, because really all that society cares about in the first place is itself. So basically, in the scheme of the society we live in, if you don't care then you're basically better off just killing yourself. That is how cold, selfish, and callous this world is, even though it gives no purpose but to keep itself function and afloat. It's really nothing more than playing a video game, except one that gets very boring, very quickly. Don't like video games? Some people feel the same about society. Don't like math? Some people feel the same about society. Don't like waking up every day and doing shit you don't want to do whatever it may be? You may be fed up with society. But there's no escape, there's no way out, you're a slave to it, or else you're as good as a many in the woods desperate to find something to hunt and kill to survive, or you're as good as a hobo, because that's basically what life amounts to, unless you're a fucking drone, to society.


Go read

I recommend that you read Plato, eat more vegetables, and perhaps drink less coffee.

I only drink decaf coffee maybe once a day and my diet is strictly 2500 calories a day (I'm 6 foot 2 inches and 170 pounds), because that's the amount I've found over the years that works best for me. I only have one bottle of alcohol in my house, and it's a bottle of whisky I maybe take a shot out of every once and a while. My diet is strictly whole grains, fruits, vegetables, high protein dairy like eggs and greek yogurt, with vegetables and fruit. I have a better diet than almost anyone on this board I would imagine, and I don't allow shitty food in my house. I eat plenty of olive oil, salmon, and avocado, every day of every week, to keep my brain functioning well. There is nothing wrong with my diet, and I remember when I was exercising 6 times a week years ago I didn't feel any better, it didn't make me feel better at all. I can still run a good few miles without much trouble, but I despise working out because I've found that it doesn't do much for me and I am still in alright shape without it.



Your pain won't go away if you take it out on me. People only lash out at others when they're hurting.

How will vegetables and less coffee help OP?

You should probably kill yourself friend.

No you


Bob Black - The Abolition of Work



I like how no one has any serious refutation for my statements.

Stop being a pussy

If you don't like working don't work
If you don't like money don't earn money

If you're not willing to make these changes then shut the fuck up
Live your life but stop whining

>I have to do things I don't want to!
So don't, and die. Your options are do it or don't. Harden the fuck up and stop whining on the internet, this is accomplishing nothing. All you want is a book that justifies the opinions you already have and pats you on the back for your childish rebelliousness.

uvm.edu/~asnider/Ivan_Illich/Ivan Illich_ The Right to Useful Unemployment.pdf


Marx go to bed

Yeah it doesn't matter, kid. Either grow up and learn that society doesn't give a fuck about your special snowflake needs, or move to the woods.

Marx loved working.

Is that why he didn't work a day in his life?


Houllebecq - Whatever

Marx very much met Nietzsche's definition of a parasite, never mind any other.

He gets a sort of shit rep on this board but you're coming pretty close to describing Sartre's concept of "mauvaise foi" (bad faith), you could look into some of his stuff. It's pretty extensive on the topic.

our hero likes his job though

Hello saddude69

I am currently trying to read Nausea by Sartre but my progress has been slow, because I'm not confident to move on to another page, the style of writing is very confusing and very abstract. I almost wonder if I got a bad translation of the book, my translation is by Lloyd Anderson. I remember actually finding a different translation of Notes From Underground, after finding the style very difficult, and I found it to be much smoother and I read through chapter one without much difficulty yesterday.


Hi bb

Mostly egg whites, but there's nothing wrong with eggs. Not that I have read about anyways. I see so many mixed opinions about eggs though, from they're good for your heart, to they're bad for your heart, to that they're a good source of protein (which is true either way). I say hey, fuck it. Eat some eggs. I usually just eat egg whites though.

What do you do with the yolk? Also I get that they come from cows but eggs are by no stretch of the imagination dairy

I buy cartons of egg whites, those exist.
