
So, I'm planning on starting up my own flooring refinishing business which does most types of floor refinishing but specializes in seamless resin flooring.

I can not think of a name though. I was told to try this board in specific.

Any better ideas than /b/?

Also pic related but not my work

Stinky Linkies Floor Company

>actual business
>Veeky Forums

this is where neets come and shill shitcoins. you're not gonna find actual business advice.

Floorida Refinishing

*only really works if you're actually based in Florida

upskirt reflections, llc

The Floorist

actually dont steal that, ill steal your business idea instead
sounds easy as fuck, youre just working a flat surface and some edges. too bad my back is fucked up

It's not exactly like it's an original idea anyway and the odds of you being near me are so low that I couldn't care less of you do it yourself haha


its agood name tho bro
tell me you like it

luxury floors.
use gold and black in your brand, charge more.

>Smooth Operator
>Aesthetic Flooring

What about Resinart Floors

Cum On Your Floors

The Faggot Company

Sleek Floors

NOW give me ETH

resin doors

call your floors doors, keep the customer on their toes.

Do you have experience with epoxy/resin coating floors? They're easy to mess up, but they look epic when done right.

you could do a lot of garages where people store their cool cars. i imagine it would be popular with them

It's already popular for that exact reason. Rich people's garages

Moore's Floors (only works if your name is Moore)
Bubba Scrubs (works if you're named Bubba, and probably even if you aren't)

This is unironically a good idea.


thanks just bought 100k


>They're easy to mess up
How so, like getting bubbles and dirt trapped in them?

Fingerbangin' Floors
Fred the Floorman
Faggot Floors From San Francisco

that last one sounds pretty good, though distasteful

Prestige Worldwide Floor Makeover Co.

Flawless floors. End of thread.

Floors by Dre
Sexy Floors United
Dildo Floors
Eminem Flooring (only works if ur Eminem)

VERY Cool Floors

Solid Grounds.

Think: who's actually going to be hiring you? Middle aged white men who all have the same sense of humor. They'll eat this shit up.

"Seamless Floors"

Dude trade business need simple and direct names. You never hear a carpenter with a business name like "Axeon" or "StanstrideOakford" or "Evolution XT" or some shit, they're called "Brown's Carpentry" or "West Coast Cabinets".

"Seamless Floors" is direct, sounds as premium as you would want and is a direct indicator of exactly what you do.

Flow Floors

send me payment in ETH thanks

Floory McFloorface

Finesse floor works

Yes, those can be issues. Sometimes the epoxy can outgas, causing bubbles to form that you have to sand and recoat later. Dust needs a similar fix. Fuck doing this on a windy day because the edges will probably get dust on them near doors to outside. Also, if you don't vacuum underneath baseboard well, then debris will get sucked out from underneath the baseboard when you paint and/or squeegee the epoxy across the floor. There's more shit that can go wrong, too. Plus you're racing against the dry time of the material, which is a soppy fucking mess that almost permanently stains anything you touch with it.

"JUST liquid"
Gets my vote! Sign of the times and all...

And great idea for a small business!
Good luck user.

this one is actually good

Floor? I hardly know her.

Call it "faggot OP's gay little flooring venture".

eh-poxy floors

Pepe floors

Top Flight Flooring

"Handjobs 'n Floors"
"The Floor Whore"
"The Floorhouse"
"Pour-on Floors"
"Floor Non Blondes"
"Floor Twenty"
"The Naked Floor Guy"
"Floorteen Eighty Eight"

Those are worth at least a half Eth each, but for you, today, I'll let you read them for some NGR or Shitcoin (or equivalent stupid meme coins)

One last one, may actually be usable:
"The Floor Solution"

What kind of homo wants floors like that?
Are you fucking retarded?
You are better of selling second hand fleshlights

How much you give me for this one?

knockin on heaven's floor

I want floors like that

Infinite Floors.

4 floors of whores

Resinate Flooring

Flat Floors Society