Do any of you cultivate an aesthetic in your life? A conduct of some kind?

Do any of you cultivate an aesthetic in your life? A conduct of some kind?

I'm a real life Byronic hero. Everyone thinks so.

Mostly gentle male homosexual love

I make sure to be consistently pathetic and defeatist

I outline people's shadows on the ground with chalk when they wait for their bus. I also like anonymous sex in public restrooms.

I like to eat lunchtime beans on toast on a bench table outside of my neighboring University flat. The bench sits just in front of a bedroom window, in which a lovely Korean girl is usually found studying. She leaves her curtains open, so I know she can see me enjoying those beans daily.

I do nothing but read, drink coffee, and work out. I have finally gotten enough literature under my belt that the books I read attract some attention from girls, but a youth of rejection and romantic failures has left me totally unwilling to put myself forward romantically, and I always resign myself to an affected aloof appearance even in the face of very obvious physical cues from girls, pretending that I don't notice them while really just waiting for them to give up on me and either ignore me or leave, so that I can return my attention to the books which I have attempted in vain to use as substitutes for meaningful human contact.

It's less an intentionally cultivated attitude as it is something that was brought on me by circumstance, and which I lack the social intelligence or the courage to escape. At 23 I have all but decided to never try again, and the only thing that gives me social pleasure is my near-fetishization of the ever-growing disparity between peoples' high assumptions about my social success based on my looks and interests, and the total lack of that success, which is the reality that not even my parents or closest friends really know.

>that the books I read attract some attention from girls

what books?

i try and fail to be "punk"

I try to be a renaissance man with wide-ranging interests and no faults because I'm an insecure wreck. I don't really know how I come across to others.

I just read books and chill

>reading books to get girls

I think anything beyond YA will do the trick if you read it in public. Many novels are received well because it's likely that even a casual reader will have at least heard of the author. For me it was mostly entry level Russian stuff (Tolstoy, Dostoevsky) that got the most attention.

>completely misinterpreting my post

I dress like 19th century agrarian, wear wire-rimmed spectacles and only read Enlightenment-era philosophy


No because I can separate tumblr from real life

I'm a normal urban 25 yo that dresses like a fuccboi and goes out on weekends. I read plenty, but don't let others know that I do or am eager to reveal the vast depths of my personality to just anyone.

wish I could pull off the edgy degenerate nationalist look

I deliberately exagerate aspects of myself others would consider white trash.

>entry level Russian stuff (Tolstoy, Dostovesky)

What's advanced level Russian stuff?

Like what? And why?

Lol. Nice dubdubs tho.

>cultivate an aesthetic
fuck the internet, honestly

I model myself after Adolf.

yea fuck le whole interwebz xD

You model yourself for suicide?

Not really.

t. dresses like shit

YOU ARE a fuckin punk!

Are you me in 3 years.
Please tell me what to do to prevent this from happening.

I act just like this refined fellow, loving only the roses which I've not picked.

I'm trying to achieve a fusion of Joyce's dress code, with Pound's hair and facial hair.

If its gentle younand doing it right.
We men can take s lot.

What does this even mean?

I would but I have young children and they seem to systematically wish to ruin every attempt.

He looks like the Ron Weasly actor.

That looks like Robert Downey Jr if he never eent tp rehab and gained some weight.

>Do any of you cultivate an aesthetic in your life
No and I doubt the sanity of anybody who does