Will snorting a small line of speed help me focus? I have so far never experimented with amphetamines...

Will snorting a small line of speed help me focus? I have so far never experimented with amphetamines, other than recreationally, and Ritalin or Adderall are too expensive to just try them out without a prescription.
Its fairly clean stuff as far as I can tell and I have noticed increased concentration when using it in certain settings reaching as far as tunnel vision.
Normally I have a hard time keeping my focus up, like right now, when I should be learning but instead am writing this post.

Anyone have experience with amphetamines that arent specifically designed to improve focus?

I have experimented with many drugs in the past. My advice dont do it.
It wont give you anything good.
Stick to coffee.

But arent diseases like ADHD treated with amphetamins?
The inability to focus for more than ten minutes is as far as I know a symptom of ADHD, so even if I dont have that specific disease (which I dont think I have), I should be able to treat the same symptoms with the same substance, right?

speed as in street amphetamine or worse yet, methamphetamine? no, methamphetamine is far too euphoric and who knows what adulterants are in it.

snorting speed also hurts like a bitch and fucks up your nose, btw

>so even if I dont have ADHD (which I dont think I have), I should be able to treat the same symptoms with the same substance, right?

brain doesn't work like that, adhd is a neurological disorder

trust me, as someone who actually has ADHD, stimulants and amphetamines do not affect ADHD and neurotypical people in the same way.

most normal people would get incredibly spun out if they took 25mg of adderall a day, but that's pretty normal for someone with ADHD

Thats like trying to cure a headache with heroin.
If your concerned go see a doctor. Font resort to filthy drugs. Trust me, i nearly ruined my life on them.

normal speed is cut like a bitch and honestly not that good, not even for learning purposes. maybe try to get some adderall but from my experience you could probably just achieve the same things without any drugs.

if you use it strategically its pretty good, amphetamine got the allies and meth got the germans through basically all of WW2

the thing to watch out for is the wrong kind of focus, like you say youre writing a post instead of learning, amphetamine will do that to you if youre not careful, you can wind up spending hours on the internet, basically anything you do is pretty entertaining

the people in this thread are overblowing things (look up Paul Erdos, one of Veeky Forums's favorite mathematicians)

i will say a lot of stim use in your adolescence probably isnt good, you can look up the medical publications i CBA to find them, a little use probably wont hurt though

maybe try modafinil lad, some people say its a wonder drug although the long term effects of that drug arent known entirely

Adderall/Amphetamine is great for focus. Just take it the right way (dont be an edgelord and snort it). Methamphetamine dont touch with a 20 foot pole.

Amphetamines = University
Methamphetamine = Prison

Not OP, just some random guy.

I've tried modafinil, isopropylphenidate and modafinil's retarded cousin adrafinil.

IPH made me feel so focused I became forgetful. Very weird drug. Hard to explain. Focus feels retarded. No motivation. No euphoria at all.

Modafinil gave me a very fast heartbeat. Definitely kept me from feeling awake after a day of no sleep. Didn't do anything for focus or motivation.

Adrafinil is supposed to convert into modafinil once you take it, but honestly it's complete shit. A nice cold glass of water to the face is better for energy than adrafinil. Completely useless.

Never tried amph or adderall but I hear it's too good, whereas the shit I just reviewed is too shit.

This about speed. Most speed is cut with filler at best and shitty research chems at worst. A lot I hear is cut with caffeine. Just stay away from street speed.

Not street but from a darknet market.
I guess there is no way to find out how much amphetamine is in there without a drug tester?

>Not street but from a darknet market.
Which could have come from the street.

Yeah but you generally have a higher chance since many other people have rated him based on the performance of his drugs, so he has to have it much cleaner than a street dealer who you just have to trust.

It is effectively the same thing as Adderall.
I have never found anything better than amphetamine for studying, and I have tried more than a dozen amphetamines, and other stimulants.
I would eat it instead of insufflating it, since it lasts longer, you won't have to deal with a distracting rush, and you won't destroy your nose. You should also buy a scale, because when you are just eyeballing your dose, you would be surprised how quickly 10mg turns into 40mg.
If you want to maximize your efficiency, have a list of things to do, and if you are studying, go somewhere with as few distractions as possible, and ideally no access to the internet.

Outside of cocaine, most DNM drugs are either sold by the manufacturer, or by the first buyer from the manufacturer.
Most big vendors will show test results that people send in, showing how pure it is. Even if they don't, the amount of business they get or reviews that they have is almost always reflective of the quality of the product.

Buy powdered caffine. You can purchase it legally.

There's literally zero evidence that Modafinil and friends treat ADHD symptoms, and I know this because there's been a stupid amount of money poured into clinical trials to get Provigil and Nuvigil approved for ADHD and nothing has materialized.

for anyone else wondering of modafinil is worth it, it's not. When I first ordered it I thought everything was going to change and I was going to get so much shit done with the focus I was going to achieve. Then I took them and realized its all overblown bullshit. At most you feel a caffeine-like buzz for a few minutes before you go back to yawning and staring at the wall. Complete garbage.

Don't listen to these moda haters.
It totally depends on the person if the stuff works or not.
It has a huge effect on me, I get focused and talkative. Same for some of my friends.
I also have friends who don't feel anything with it.
No idea why this is.

Alright OP don't listen to the prescription jew shills and don't listen to the anti-drug posters. If you want to experiment with amphetamines, look into research chemicals. There are a couple of really popular amphetamines that are in a legal grey area right now and you can probably buy online. They're cheap and they're pure, so you know what you're getting. I know reddit is shamed here but there are research chemical subreddits that are actually really helpful, and can even recommend "functional amphetamines" that won't give you too much euphoria but will help you focus and get shit done and give you a mood boost too.

Slightly related, my ability to focus went trough the roof after taking Venlafaxine + Mirtazapine (antidepressants). Is that a knows side effect of them? Or did treating depression just bring back my normal ability to focus?

parachute it instead

(put small quantity in little square of tissue paper and swallow with water)

will last longer so you can study longer

dont take too much or you wont study youll go on a tear fucking shit up

more efficient/safe than snorting

>(put small quantity in little square of tissue paper and swallow with water)
cant you just put it in pill capsules?

so what are some of the subreddits for this kind of thing

Yeah but who the fuck wants to buy pill capsules when you can just use paper?

r/rcsources is my main one, there are a couple other ones that give more information (along with erowid, of course) but I can't quite remember them and don't have an account

you don't even know how to take modafinil and no I'm not going to explain why, just saying so people who read your retarded post don't take it serious or at least will be more sceptic of your shitty experiment.

Not even coffee, if you mean it everyday. Caffeine should be taken intermittently for bursts at test days

Well I used to snort it every now and then at parties but the only thing it does to me is it keeps me awake AF, even when I'm tired. Don't really feel any concentration boosts from it, and as already pointed out hurts your nose and the shit will probably be cut so you don't really know what all is in there.

Hippie AF but yoga helps me concentrate a lot actually. Like a 30 min session and then studying helped me a lot this semester

Of course. How do you think people get degrees?

Adderall is just a fancy mix of various amphetamine salts. It's slightly dex-dominant as well but nothing like dexedrine.

I've become horribly caffeine tolerant, I can't stop though because of migraines.

My doctor just prescribed an SSRI to help me with my lack of focus (and anxiety).

Why bother with anything just lick it up and drink a few gulps of water to wash it down.

I just wèened off. Replace 1 cofffee with green tea on weekends. Then replace through week till u are down to 1 coffee the have green tea instead of this every 2nd day then just green tea, then slowly ween off green tea, ie one every 2nd day or reduce strength. Slowly do this. Feels better.

>You don't even know how to take it
Pretty sure you just take it out of its blister and down it with water.

>and no I'm not going to explain why
Because you don't have a good explanation, if any.

It's worthless for anything but staying awake for long periods of time.