Are there any works on sexual capital and how it works in the same was as traditional capital when it comes to power...

Are there any works on sexual capital and how it works in the same was as traditional capital when it comes to power relations?

Other urls found in this thread:

every houellebecq book

you won't find much because normies are the bourgeoisie of the sex world and don't want to give up their capital, but you'll still see them call for all other capital to be redistributed because it's trendy

>mfw I realize that r9k wants sexual communism

this tbhfam

It's not capital, capital grows more and more through investment, your sexual appeal doesn't gain more and more value over decades the more you exploit it.

hi phrost

This boy got it, you're looking for houellebecq friendo.

Except it does, through sexual experience and getting fit, not that a tripfaggot shitheel tranny would know anything about that.

Yeah, look for Baumeister's full-length book Is There Anything Good About Men?

Here is a sample:


Meant to reply to

Veeky Forums already is MRA. Maybe you haven't noticed the last two years go by.


As said above, it is the main topic of Houellebecq's novels (especially his first ones).

Veeky Forums is already /pol/, retard.

Is the beta uprising when they seize the means of reproduction?

Maybe Esther Vilar?

Fuck off, retard

You can't be serious

Lyl, this.

Whatever by houellebecq
The elementary particles by houellebecq
The manipulated man