Tfw science and mathematics is extremely important yet have a brain that isn't catered to learning it

>tfw science and mathematics is extremely important yet have a brain that isn't catered to learning it

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Kys, brainlet.

Literally just practice

an intelligent and coherent response one can only expect from Veeky Forums

The missle knows where it is by subtracting where it is from where it isn't, to get where it needs to be

>Literally just practice
this t.b.h. f.a.m.

and besides why would the brain be catered to learn it. it is first and foremost concerned with reproducing and survival and science and mathematics are not directly related

I really think it's the coolest shit and I love the idea of learning it, but I just can't focus on it when I actually buy a physics text book from a second hand store and try to read it. I just start to think "why am I reading this? I'm not in university so nobody would give a fuck about me knowing this stuff because I won't have a stupid degree, and it would take me years to become such an expert that could do something special with the knowledge so why bother...?" and I just stop. I have books sitting on my shelf that I bought specifically to learn all of this science and mathematics, and I've barely cracked open half of them. I feel like a retard.

It hurts because I can imagine the possibilities. I can see that glimmer of what I can be with all of this knowledge just being handed to me, these huge textbooks and the internet with all of this shit just sitting right in front of me ready for me to absorb and become some awesome person, but it all goes away when the reality that I can't focus on the details sets in. I hate it.

Even with Khan Academy, none of it sticks and it bores me. I try to learn all of the math up to Pre-Calculus and it bores me, because I know that none of it is interesting, and all of the cool stuff is the high level stuff that will take me forever to get to.

All one needs is focus and concentration backing the will to learn more about the world and unveil the mysteries of knowledge surrounding us through the use of scientific method.

If you can spend 30 minutes thinking about why, you can spend 15 minutes thinking about how. You will arrive at the truth eventually.

Nootropics, faggOP.

learn by doing, visualizing the information is the (((only))) way to retain anything useful

>tfw got depressed in highschool and did badly even though i started it above average
>tfw having to teach myself maths again to get into uni

>I feel like a retard.
first of all hating on yourself will get you nowhere

i would know because I feel exactly the way you feel.
I feel the way i do because there is nothing else quite like the purity and the importance of math and science. But you have to understand that you seem to like the idea of understanding high-level science rather than actually liking it if that makes any sense

Don't bother, i for example am not going to bother forcing myself to learn certain things because i recognize than i'm not intelligent enough to do so, some people are born with "better" genes than others, there's no point in me, a 5'4 guy, trying to become a basketball star, if you know that you're not intelligent enough to ever accomplish anything with the information you learn then why bother?

>cant do something
>blame on genetics

Are you implying there aren't people who are unable to accomplish certain tasks due to genetics?

My usable knowledge of mathematics is at or below a 6th grade level. Recently I got real high on various stimulants, added a GABA-A sedative. Found myself reconstructing how to work with fractions, do division by hand, etc.

Gateway to memory.

Escapism, denial, and self delusion won't ever fill the hole. Just so you know that. The longer you go around thinking or posting that hoping it becomes real, or someone does something to change it, the worse you'll feel.

Your conflict in this case is a false one. Improve yourself.

>improve yourself.

You're extremely naive, it is a fact that some people have more potential than others,some people have genes that result in them being better at certain tasks and others have genes that result in them being worse at certain things, it would make no sense for op to try learning something he doesn't enjoy doing and doesn't have the mental capacity for and will most likely never benefit from, i'm 5'4, no amount of improving myself will make me taller than someone that's 6'0 and this is due to nothing but genetics, this may be possible in the future, my reasoning ,to me, seems perfectly rational.

>comparing the physical to the mental


>Comparing something heavily influenced by genetics to something heavily influenced by genetics


No matter how untrue you want it to be.

>loser mindset
lol you think people are completely victims of their genetics? People can improve their mathematic skills by doing mathematics.

height is isn't the same as being good at something.

You just want it to be true because you don't want to try. You're pretty damned hypocritical.

thisIf you think you are solely a victim of circumstance you might as well kill yourself

Didn't expect so much retardation from sci, people are not born equal, some people are better than others, this is a fact, i don't like the that genetics determine allot about you and your capabilities, but it's true, would you tell someone that was born blind that he just doesn't try hard enough to see?
Some people have "better" brains than others, some are unable to accomplish certain tasks due to their brain, these things are heavily influenced by genetics. i dob't understand what you guys thing is wrong about my reasoning. every person on this planet is a victim of circumstance, why do you have the time and option to make retarded comments on sci instead of searching for food right now? did you choose when and where you were born? how are you not a victim of circumstance?

>tfw IQ approx. 125
Am I smart enough to make it as a top engineer?

lol, you're pretty pathetic. You can't even say what you're saying without quotation marks because it sounds so ridiculous. You keep citing random physical abnormalities that aren't related to what the thread is about.

bro, being sub par at math is something that can be overcame, being short can't, being blind can't. You are comparing a skill that can be developed to things that are 100% genetic. He may not become an Einstein but he can be better than 99% of the population unless his IQ is less than 80 then your argument would be valid.

I wasn't great at literature in highschool yet I started reading everyday and have improved significantly.

try and find out.
if you don't try, you were obviously too dumb from the beginning.

Not following that line of thinking.
Why does a failure to try reveal inadequate intelligence?

it's related though, people born retarded are less mentally capable than those born healthy, are you implying genes play no role in this?
if we accept that genes can heavily influence mental capability, shouldn't we accept that some people will have genes that make them more or less mentally capable than others? I was simply suggesting to the op that there's no point in him learning the material if it seems that he's mentally incapable/extremely challenged by the it and feels it offers no utility.

The universe is mechanical, and intelligence is relative. Yes, I know. No, I'm being naive or unrealistic. People can improve both their use, and ultimate layout to some degree, of their mental machinery. While it still exists strictly within hard bounds (genetics, acquired damage / traits, deficits in plasticity, prenatal aspects, etc), they're by no means composed of fixed constants.

The only accurate way to frame it is self limitation. If they have life problems getting in the way, or are in a bad environment, acknowledging and unraveling this can slightly counteract it. It happens.

Just to briefly address your other reasoning, height cannot be compared 1:1 with intelligence. The former is mostly a product of genetics dictating hormonal signals and some aspects of early muscoloskeletal formation. The latter is complex machine built to adapt itself according to its conditions. I'm also 5'6", and naturally a better sprinter than most people ever will be. But that doesn't negate a value in physical conditioning and form.

>I'm being naive
not being*
It's implicit what I meant, but these omission typos that reverse what you mean are irritating enough to fix.

I don't want to give op a false sense of hope, i'm not going to encourage him to learn information that he feels will offer no utility and also feels he's not intelligent enough to tackle, some people are not intelligent enough to do certain things, this is a fact, why lie to them by telling them if they work really hard they can? are you doing it so on the off chance op decides to tackle the material you can tell yourself you made a difference in his life? If i'm genetically unable to do something, i would appreciate it more to be told the truth than lied to.

You lost the genetic lottery through no fault of your own user.

i know this feel, family. considering ending it all tbqh

>tfw absolutely smart enough for math
i thank god every day

Can you repeat that in 5 years when you are homeless and such (I'm sure plebs can borrow a computer and the library).

Well first of all, when it comes intellectual studies, being less intelligent than those in university excelling in such courses does not mean you cannot learn it. All it means is that when you go to sit down to do practice problems, you will have a harder time than people like that. If all you want to do is learn the material, then you shouldn't be worried about doing practice problems. You should try to do some but you shouldn't be worried about it. Sure, if you are dumber than other people, you'll never contribute to science or mathematics just because you can't apply your knowledge but why should you be concerned about that?

With that in mind, I ask what is your motivation for learning what you want to learn? If it's just to know, then why do you care about your intelligence? If you legitimately want to contribute (I doubt you do, it only sounds like you're only after prestige) then I'm sorry, you are fucked (if you're even as dumb as you think you are). You'll understand any of it if you start from the basics and work your way up. Do you want to make money? There are a lot of other better ways to make money. Theoretical science and mathematics do not lead to money.

Next, most people who are good scientists and mathematicians do not become known as "awesome people." They sit in a building somewhere and do the job they are expected to do with their skills, if they land such a job. I am want to become a mathematician because I have to, it is my calling and not for any other reason. There's a high probability I'll never land a job as a mathematician but I accept that and I'm definitely not going to become some "awesome person" just because I'm above average at math and have taken the time to learn much of its basics.

What are you talking about?

He could learn the material though. Using that 5'4 example, yeah sure, he would never play in the NBA nor would he ever keep up with anyone about 6'. But he could still go to a basketball court, learn how to play and have fun. It's not like he's talking about going to grad school or even university. He just wants to learn a bit. It offers most people no utility whatsoever anyway.

iktf bro, tfw you're graduating summa cum laude and taking graduate courses while your peers struggle in elementary group theory

Math PhDs are pretty employable. Why are you bitter?

Love u senpai

learn more pls.

please have cancer dumbass, anyone autistic enough to like math or science is a stupid dumbass.

Thats the curse of having a brain that originates from tree dwelling stupid hedonistic monkeys.

>tfw science and mathematics is extremely important and have a brain that is catered to learning it

I would never advise someone to learn something they believe will be practically useless to them, if he wants to know it just to know then i'm fine with that, but why would you encourage him knowing he'll hit a dead end?

What's the dead end he will hit exactly?

If not bait, why the fuck are you on the science and math board?

>If not bait
There's your mistake.

>None sticks and it bores me
> I know that none of it is interesting
> I'm not in university so nobody would give a fuck about me knowing this stuff because I won't have a stupid degree

If I could shut down the reproduction function and focus on learning, I'd be a lot happier.

dont we all

Nice. Could you take on Gauss tho?

You act as if the "innate capacity" for knowledge and understanding is the only important thing but all of that is completely irrelevant if you don't do shit to apply it. Intelligence is great and all but only because it implies some potential to do interesting things, if you don't do any of these things then you may as well have not had the intelligence in the first place.

Not everyone learns things because others give a fuck. Some people actually have intellectual curiosity, which I realize is something Veeky Forums hates.

If you had actually bothered to read the thread then you would've known that i'm okay with op learning the material if he wants to know it just for the sake of knowing.

Apropos to this thread I figured I'd ask a general question:

Suppose that I struggle with basic arithmetic (algebra ETC...), and have for my whole life.

Is it even worth pursuing a post-grad degree requiring physics, stat, chem, all utilizing shit like calculus as prereqs?

Because frankly I'm sitting here brushing up on my high-school algebra, and I suspect it may be a waste of my time.

I have dyscalculia and dysgraphia. I can't remember multiplication tables and have a hard time with orders of magnitude on an intuitive level.
Group theory was hard for me, but alternate spaces was a breeze. My lack of accuracy and intuition in Euclidean spaces made me compensate and those compensation skills made other spaces easier to understand.
Algebra and trig identities kill everyone. Most of the problems STEM has in understanding the math has to do with getting stuck on some algebra trick.

The trick with learning anything is hard work. You have to cut new pathways in the brain to connect all the different stories to make a new one, and that is hard for everyone. As long as you were not raised in a Russian orphanage, and lack the neural connections, you can always find a way to understand anything.

You just have to be brave...

Here are some questions for you, taken from memories my days as a Calc I TA:

>Do you understand what a function is?

>Do you understand what it means for a function to be invertable?

>Do you understand the real line? The difference between the rational numbers and the reals?

>Restricting the scope to functions from real numbers to real numbers, do you understand, in general, how to plot such a function on an x-y Cartesian plane?

>Given a plot of an invertable function, can you sketch the plot of the inverse of that function?

>Given the plot of a function y = f(x), can you sketch the plot of y = a*f(x), y=f(x) + b, y = f(cx), y=f(x+d), and y=1/f(x) for known quantities a, b, c, and d??

>Can you sketch plots of the following functions, including labeling axis-intercepts and extrema: sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), exp(x), ln(x), x^n, 1/x^n?

>Do you understand exponents? Polynomials?

>Can you recognize and plot the equation of a line in it's various forms (e.g. y = mx+b, (y-y0)/(x-x0)=m, &c)? Can you identify the axis intercepts given such equations?

>Given a quadratic polynomial, ax^2+bx+c, can you find its roots, minimum/maximum value and location of that value?

Those were the kinds of Pre-Calculus activities we'd do before getting down to it. If you can answer "yes" to all of those, you're absolutely capable of going into a university-level Calculus 1 class and excelling. I'm serious. Go down this list and if you don't understand something, learn it, and come back.

Once you understand everything from my list, you're ready for Calculus. People overestimate, and mostly don't even understand, what they should know.

>tfw having a brain catered to both science/math & arts/humanities

feels good to be alpha

>having a brain catered to both science/math & arts/humanities
>using it to shitpost on Veeky Forums