What the fuck does dialectical mean?

What the fuck does dialectical mean?

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It originates from the word dialectic, as in Hegelian dialectic.

It's arguing to reach a conclusion.

It's an obsolete form of diabetes.


It's the regional differences in a language. Like how Egyptian Arabic is dialectically different than Moroccan Arabic. When two people speak a different dialect and want to have a conversation, they must form an combination of their repsective dialects; this is what Hegel means by 'synthesis'.

A fine ruse, lad.

the dialectic may be taken as a method of critical refutation in the domain of discourse or of argument or the dialectic may be taken to be the actual process of the self-differentiation and development of the Idea or as a dialectic of consciousness or thought or the dialectic may be understood as the social process of human action in which human beings create and change their own nature in their praxis, that is, in their social interaction and in the activity of transforming nature or the dialectic may be seen as an "objective" process of history or of social change e.g. a "logic" of the processes of change in the material world (as with Engels)

It's continental garbage.

Us Anglos don't need to worry about it.

Read Popper, he explains why it's useless.

But Zizek explains why Popper is useless. Checkmate.

Zizek is is no position to be calling anyone else useless to begin with.


> Sho, you shee, theshe immigration points are too, how should I put it, *sniff* too accurate for sand people and so on. Only Imperial US Shtorm troopersh *tug* caushed thish.

> My gott, my mashter Jacques Lacan putsh this *wipes forehead* very preshishely: theshe are not the droidsh you are looking for because desire ish not shatishfied by partial objectsh *sniff* and so on and so on. Are we aware that to believe that *sniff* you have the droidsh is Ideology at itsh puresht!?

> My gott, how should I put it no? I felt a great dishturbensh in the Forsh, ash if millionsh of voishesh shuddenly *sniff* cried out in terror and were shuddenly *tug* shilenshed and so on. Thish is why I care about the morning after, not jusht what Walter Benjamin callsh Divine Violensh and so on and so on.

> You can't, how should I put it, *sniff*, win Judith. If you shtrike me down, I shall become *tug* more powerful than you could ever imagine becaush dialecticsh and so on and so on.

> Use the Forsh, Luke! *sniff* and, of coush, by Forsh I mean what Hegel meansh by it in Forsh and Intellect in the Phenomenology of Shpirit and so on and so on.

> Mosh Eishley spash port. You will never *sniff* find a more wretched *sniff* hive of schum and villainy and sho on except for Shtarbucksh coffee!

> You shee, Hegel did not believe that Absholite Knowledge waah attainable because *sniff* only Shiths deal in Absholutesh and so on and so on! *tug* *wipes brow*



plato.stanford.edu/entries/aristotle-logic/ (see sections 8 and 9)

There's even a wiki article on it if you really want to have only a cursory understanding

Socrates was pretty dialectical as well though.

Well done.

I'm gonna tell you a story I read in some biography long ago.
One evening many years ago, Goethe invited Hegel to a dinner, and he didn't want to go, but complied because of politeness. To Hegel's disgrace, his presence was not going to go unnoted, since Goethe even put Hegel's chair at his right. Sitting at the right of the host was a privileged position, but it looks like it didn't mean much to Hegel.
Hegel grew increasingly annoyed during dinner and didn't say a word. Eventually, trying to incorporate Hegel to the group, Goethe asked him: "Will you explain to us, Professor Hegel, what is dialectics?". Goethe expected a long philosophical digression, which never happened. Hegel simply answered: "Dialectic is the possibility to say NO."
Nobody asked Hegel anything else during the the rest of the evening.

Zizek specifically said he is on the side of Darth Vader, because he considers him a Jacobin revolutionary against the feudal/bourgeois system of the Jedi and the Republic.

Aristotle use the phrase a few times. I dont know much about philosophy but I assume dialectical reasoning is a "legitimate" argument, one built on rational thinking and logic to try and read a conclusion and contribute to philosophy. Rhetoric is a tool which helps convince the other party you are correct

He has a point.
He is still a massive faggot for making it, but he does.

That's silly. It's like Hillary Clinton vs Trump. It's ok to hate both sides.

one and two are together as three, if you will (but this is wrong and for why continue reading): you cannot simply be oppressed, there must also be an oppressor. however, these are not 2 separate things, nor are they are some third thing that is the combination of the two but not either of the two things individually. the oppressor and the oppressed are said to be in a dialectical relationship with one another, for although the are inverses, positive and negative, they both exist simultaneously within the same entity.


proceed to induct and apply to every concievable thing that exists in proportion to another thing. as in every single thing that can be said to exist. it just takes positivism and shoves a 50ft spike up its ass, splitting every bit of finite matter within the concept and detonating it in abstract non-sensual land blows positivism to infinity and beyond.


only real answer here. Kinda sad nobody else seems to understand what it means.

I said the exact same thing in less words in but you're too dumb to understand the references.

a dialectic is when two guys argue about something using logic in an attempt to establish the truth

Has Zizek ever read Burke?

Le roi est mort, vive le roi!

*tugs at shirt*

t. Zizek

>there can be no oppressed without oppressors
>he hasn't read Foucault

Foucault pretty much considered himself a Nietzschean while criticizing Sartre for being too Hegelian.

Every position has an opposition. These position and opposition are said to be dialectically related.

based zizek

Nationwide Serbian power company, short for Dial & Electric of Lubujuljanjia ltd.

Speaking of Serbian public companies, my (Serb here) town's pest removal company is called 'Cyclonization'

It means the confrontation between two impulses, with the victorious engorging the losing impulse and incorporating anything useful.

So... Rape vore?