Would humans ever make it to space if WW2 never happened...

Would humans ever make it to space if WW2 never happened? To shut up any people who'll tell me WW2 would've happened no matter what let's just say Hitler got shot in WW1 and died. How long would it take to develop rocket technology with no Nazis and no V2?

All I can say is that a great deal of tech comes from the military:

rockets obviously
nuclear energy ?¿
computers where rushed out for the enigma thing
(more examples anybody)

With or without Hitler, the Treaty of Versailles was destroying Germany. Someone other than Hitler would have taken his place.

maybe, but the chances of another crazy fascist planning to genocide all Jews in camps taking power would be low. It'd likely be a communist authoritarian government instead. But that's besides the point because in this hypothetical world no WW2 ever happens

The need for those technologies would still be there. I do believe it would've come eventually, perhaps through other means.

Okay fine I'll go with your question

The answer is that we would be behind at least 50 years worth of space tech right now. Most people don't know that the V2 rockets were as advanced as they are due to Hitler's obsession with terror-bombing London.

Hitler spent more money on developing V2 rockets than the Allies did on developing the nuclear bomb, even though Project Manhattan is considered the most expensive scientific project in history.

Can you better describe this hypothetical world for me? What are the women like there?

They're all racist, believe men are better fit to rule than they are, and don't wear dresses that go above the knees

>f another crazy fascist planning to genocide all Jews in camps taking power would be low.
Sorry bro but this happened more than once, all over the world, in other countries, maybe not with jews but with other minorities,stalin, pil pot, slaves, mao, best korea, admenians, tutsi hutu, etc etc

without WWII and the cold war we would not be as advanced technologically as we are today

field medicine

>computers where rushed out for the enigma thing
Also for simulating nukes

dumb pol posters ,can't resist huh?

>dumb pol posters ,can't resist huh?
Given how absurd the idea "no hitler = no ww2" is, it's amazing anyone is talking about the space race.

And the space race itself was post WW2.
The key ingredient seems to be nukes. Because the major players couldn't get into flat out war, they settled for a tech development aspect of the overall arms race.
I'd imagine we'd have nukes by now, even without ww2.

It was just a joke that went a bit too far

>futurism kek
>Science related
Take your uthopy circlejerk to

"Treaty of Versailles was destroying Germany"-And for a very good reason,they were the first to unleash nerve gas on the battlefields, they've caused the death of more than 16 million people, they've plaster-bombed Southern England and Eastern France,they've organised the systematic rapes of more than 40000 ethnic French women in the Alsace-Lorraine region and they've also financed and supported the rise of Bolshevism(red plague) in the former Russian Empire.

You're sorely misled if you believe that the Treaty of Versailles was "unjustified and too harsh".

What a load of bullshit
Germany was offering white peace to the allies as early as 1916
And Bolshevism was financed by new york jews

Also,Turing' might've contributed greatly in the fields of early computing,but Atanasoff,Eckert and Mauchly were the ones who've founded digital electronic computing.

"Germany was offering white peace"-You call an offer of polite submission an offer of "white peace"?

"And Bolshevism was financed by New York Jews"-To some minor extent,yes but Imperial Germany was their main financier.Most importantly,there is proof and it comes in the form of the Sisson Documents, a collection of missives,letters and other various documents that have circulated between the German Emperor, his royal staff of ministers the leaders of the Bolsheviks.The Germans have also smuggled Lenin into Russia during World War I,in case you've forgotten.

>What a load of bullshit
Magnanimous response,colonial subhuman.

>And Bolshevism was financed by new york jews
And the Nazis were financed by American industrialists.

hypothetical questions belong on reddit.

high school maths belong on sci.

Masturbating over ethics and justice doesn't really matter.

His point stands. Cause and effect. Nothing he said was untrue, and neither did he say it was "unjustified and too harsh".

>he thinks Hitler dying in WWI would have prevented WWII