
What are the famous whores/sluts/homewreckers of literature?

>extra points for whores who make the protag's life miserable with their deception

lux Lisbon

Do underage whores count?

If so, Tanizaki's Naomi

Every book with a male protagonist since the neolithic.


It's true. If having sex too much is impure and home wrecking is terrible, then men are built to be whores.

Zola's Nana is pretty much described as the wrecker of all of society.

Margot Peters in Laughter in the Dark by Nabokov.

Madame Bovary

That book upset me more than it should have.

Rimbaud fucked up Flaubert's marriage too :3

Thanks senpai I started reading it but was unsure as to wether to continue

Not a whore, but Edith made Stoner's life pretty miserable.

I think Mishima wrote something where the main character (who is then a child) walks in on his mother having sex with another man in front of his dying/bed-bound father.

Not sure if I'm remembering wrongly, however.

>Japanese author
>unreasonably fucked up sexual cruelty
Sounds about right.

I couldn't. But I might pick it up again. I hear the ending brings relief.

Does she die of AIDs, or get throttled by her husband, or something?

Madame Bovary is my first thought
She is obsessed by romantism and marry a complete wimp and boring guy
She procede to cheat on him two times, tries to play the good and holy wife at some point ,and then killherself

Good book

Rimbault was a love with Verlaine not Flaubert

Oh boy I like and hate this book at the same time
It's written flawlessely, but Emma and almost every character in it are fucking cunt it's impressive

She poisoned herself with arsenics after she is crawling in debt and her former lover Rodolphe and Leon are rejecting her

Daisy Buchanan.

Nastasya Filipovna

Kingkiller Chronicles

The Unnamed woman from The Real Life of Sebastian Knight
Olga-The Castle

you fell for the trap.

she miring HARD

Not a trap
Also read it years ago.
Hussie a home wrecker. Took her mother's man away.

yep, blame the 12 year old girl for ending up with a middle aged sociopathic murderer.

He just told her about his mom dying or something.
She does that when she is uncomfortable.

Cathy Ames from East of Eden. She's a whore who makes every protagonist's life miserable by her deception.

You are such a piece of shit lol

OP here I am monitoring this thread

Madeleine from Herzog. Pretty much cucks the guy with a family friend, who starts taking care of Herzog's daughter too.

The Empress of the goths (Theodora? Whatever the fuck her name was) from Titus Andronicus.


Honestly most men here deserve to be cheated on tbqh

grow up
>needing characters to be likable


Humbert Humbert did nothing wrong.

They don't deserve to habe someone to cheat on them.

I just finished Lolita last night.

I felt that way for a good portion of the book. It was just a slightly uneasy feeling about how he treated her. Until later in it I was still sympathizing with H.H. and mad at Dolly. It ended up with me feeling happy, and sad for her, but angry and disgusted with Humbert.

All around it was a good but emotionally exhausting book.

From The Idiot? (Sorry, I don't really know if that's the name in English).

Truth be told, H did do a few things wrong. But not 'til way late in the book.

Rita, man. H was retarded enough to forsake a legal loli for a cunt that constantly cucked him. And then, of course, his thing with Quilty. Bitches ain't nothing but hoes and tricks, so for one to make him do that... retarded.

But up to the point where Lo left, H dindu nuffin.

Memeing or is this bad at reading comprehension...I can't tell anymore...
I swear to dog so many of you are still saying Oh nothing happened even when rapists, rl or fiction, straight up admit it.

Disgusting post

Nora the doll

But really though H was a selfish asswhole in his treatment of her. How could he not really see the way all her hope had died during their travels? I do believe she could have been happy with him if he was more understanding of her feelings. Instead of casting her off everytime he got his fix he could have actually sshowb some self control. Do some things for her without demanding his reward.

everything you just described is basically Nabokov's goal.
but it's important to step back from the way nabokov presents the situation and understand it objectively, which is that a middle aged murderer preys on a pubescent girl.
you're supposed to "sympathize" with HH because Nabokov is tricking you into doing so, but not because he's actually sympathetic, which he is not at all.


Most men have crazy amounts of sex while assaulting women as whores in early lit (Odysseus comes to mind)

Manon Lescaut is the best answer to this question tho

That's because sexual norms were different when that literature was created. You can still appreciate the literature without agreeing with what it presents.

>Upon hearing her first morning yawn, I feigned handsome profiled sleep. I just did not know what to do. Would she be shocked at finding me by her side, and not in some spare bed? Would she collect her clothes and lock herself up in the bathroom? Would she demand to be taken at once to Ramsdale—to her mother’s bedside—back to camp? But my Lo was a sportive lassie. I felt her eyes on me, and when she uttered at last that beloved chortling note of hers, I knew her eyes had been laughing. She rolled over to my side, and her warm brown hair came against my collarbone. I gave a mediocre imitation of waking up. We lay quietly. I gently caressed her hair, and we gently kissed. Her kiss, to my delirious embarrassment, had some rather comical refinements of flutter and probe which made me conclude she had been coached at an early age by a little Lesbian. No Charlie boy could have taught her that. As if to see whether I had my fill and learned the lesson, she drew away and surveyed me. Her cheekbones were flushed, her full underlip glistened, my dissolution was near. All at once, with a burst of rough glee (the sign of the nymphet!), she put her mouth to my ear—but for quite a while my mind could not separate into words the hot thunder of her whisper, and she laughed, and brushed the hair off her face, and tried again, and gradually the odd sense of living in a brand new, mad new dream world, where everything was permissible, came over me as I realized what she was suggesting. I answered I did not know what game she and Charlie had played. “You mean you have never—?”—her features twisted into a stare of disgusted incredulity. “You have never—” she started again. I took time out by nuzzling her a little.

Yeah thanks teach, i knew that

This is clearly an OP who had women in mind though, totally acting like dudes in lit havent been the whores for centuries

Yeah, I perfectly understood that HH was supposed to be bad. It was clear that he was really the monster of the story but Nabokov wrote it so perfectly that I did feel a connection to him and I did get angry at Lolita for the things she did to him.

All this made it so much worse the more that was revealed about Humbert. I became angry and sick at myself for sympathizing with him in the way he treated her.

Yes you can. Having sex with a minor once you reach a certain point is rape, regardless of what you say, what excuses you make, what justifications you throw, it is sexual coercion under the law and lands you a prison sentence.

Fuck off. Learn to improve your vision before you make some other mistake in your life that isn't justifying a character justifying his pedophilia to naive readers.

>>>>>trusting the unreliable pedophile narrator
>>>statutory rape

I thought this board was supposed to be smart

They're both terrible people, and he would have most likely really raped her eventually, but point is, he didn't. It's not just that she asked for it. She pushed him into it.

And after having dealt with Valeria... you'd treat Lo with the same kind of zeal.

>Muh law

I didn't realize there were people who thought the law informed morality, and not vice versa.

They're in for a treat when the reality of a world in which God is dead, really hits home.

You can if they no longer are willing. I forgot the page but there was a part in their second trip where he gets angry and forces her inside and describes ripping off her clothes aggressively before he fucks her and she gave no resistance.

God is a construct of humanity

The world has no inherent meaning

you aren't special for figuring this out

But you



Stop making excuses for justifying pedophilia. Cut your wrists.

Now I wish to introduce the following idea. Between the age limits of nine and fourteen there occur maidens who, to certain bewitched travelers, twice or many times older than they, reveal their true nature which is not human, but nymphic (that is, demoniac); and these chosen creatures I propose to designate as “nymphets.”

It will be marked that I substitute time terms for spatial ones. In fact, I would have the reader see “nine” and “fourteen” as the boundaries—the mirrory beaches and rosy rocks—of an enchanted island haunted by those nymphets of mine and surrounded by a vast, misty sea. Between those age limits, are all girl-children nymphets? Of course not. Otherwise, we who are in the know, we lone voyagers, we nympholepts, would have long gone insane. Neither are good looks any criterion; and vulgarity, or at least what a given community terms so, does not necessarily impair certain mysterious characteristics, the fey grace, the elusive, shifty, soul-shattering, insidious charm that separates the nymphet from such coevals of hers as are incomparably more dependent on the spatial world of synchronous phenomena than on that intangible island of entranced time where Lolita plays with her likes. Within the same age limits the number of true nymphets is strikingly inferior to that of provisionally plain, or just nice, or “cute,” or even “sweet” and “attractive,” ordinary, plumpish, formless, cold-skinned, essentially human little girls, with tummies and pigtails, who may or may not turn into adults of great beauty (look at the ugly dumplings in black stockings and white hats that are metamorphosed into stunning stars of the screen). A normal man given a group photograph of school girls or Girl Scouts and asked to point out the comeliest one will not necessarily choose the nymphet among them.



You have to be an artist and a madman, a creature of infinite melancholy, with a bubble of hot poison in your loins and a super-voluptuous flame permanently aglow in your subtle spine (oh, how you have to cringe and hide!), in order to discern at once, by ineffable signs—the slightly feline outline of a cheekbone, the slenderness of a downy limb, and other indices which despair and shame and tears of tenderness forbid me to tabulate—the little deadly demon among the wholesome children; she stands unrecognized by them and unconscious herself of her fantastic power.

Furthermore, since the idea of time plays such a magic part in the matter, the student should not be surprised to learn that there must be a gap of several years, never less than ten I should say, generally thirty or forty, and as many as ninety in a few known cases, between maiden and man to enable the latter to come under a nymphet’s spell. It is a question of focal adjustment, of a certain distance that the inner eye thrills to surmount, and a certain contrast that the mind perceives with a gasp of perverse delight. When I was a child and she was a child, my little Annabel was no nymphet to me; I was her equal, a faunlet in my own right, on that same enchanted island of time; but today, in September 1952, after twenty-nine years have elapsed, I think I can distinguish in her the initial fateful elf in my life. We loved each other with a premature love, marked by a fierceness that so often destroys adult lives. I was a strong lad and survived; but the poison was in the wound, and the wound remained ever open, and soon I found myself maturing amid a civilization which allows a man of twenty-five to court a girl of sixteen but not a girl of twelve.

Yeah, I see your point. I suppose it is because when there are whores in literature, they're usually secondary characters or villains which hold a specific purpose to the plot, whereas manwhores and generally main characters who are chronicled more clearly, and therefore are remember better for their other achievements.


Good, good.

Now take you're thinking to its logical conclusions.

I'm not justifying pedophilia; rather, I'm simply explaining why the world is increasingly treating ephebophilia with an air of indifference.

The slope is slippery, some us know better than to try and climb back up.

Nice rebuttal.

Sasuga arts major.


Twelve isn't ephebophilia. It is pedophilia. Stop justifying it, do not explore the ideas in your mind, and cease believing it can be justifiable.

Or someone who's gone to law school. Or anyone in their right mind. Who doesn't condone fucking children.

It's hebephilia.

And legal in maybe half of the world, including many non-assbackwards islamic countries, like Spain.

they've actually raised the age of consent there recently

you're arguing in bad faith or you're delusional

>And legal in maybe half of the world
Twelve? No it isn't. Twelve is illegal in most of the world.

Stop justifying having sex with twelve year olds. kys

>Twelve isn't ephebophilia. It is pedophilia. Stop justifying it

You're mistaking an amoralist for an immoralist. It's not my thing, however I recognize that this sort of thing is expected in a world without any sort of objective moral anchor.

>do not explore the ideas in your mind

Be my guest. You first.

The mind is its own place.

> It's not my thing, however I recognize that this sort of thing is expected in a world without any sort of objective moral anchor.

This is still called "justification", you're not following your own rules, or your own advice. You should be expectant of most people in the world who aren't pieces of shit to defend children from sexual abuse.
>Be my guest. You first.
>The mind is its own place.

>you're not following your own rules, or your own advice

I never claimed to have either.

>You should be expectant of most people in the world who aren't pieces of shit to defend children from sexual abuse.

Of course, just as I am expectant that these same people will believe all sorts of things; like that their children are children until the very moment the clock goes from 11:59:59 to 00:00:01 on their 15th/17th birthdays.

My book uses what I describe as the revolving act structure- its a two volume book locked down as one

The first volume's main antagonist is the protagonist's own daughter who rapes and tries to kill him

Oh shut the fuck up. Twelve year olds are fucking children, just shut up

That lawyer user is not answering this post.

I myself too don't understand america. At the stroke of midnight they are ok if you sleep with their former 17 now 18 year old daughter, but if you do it 5 minutes before you can get charged for statutory rape... what they fuck.

Do Americans feel that their daughters remain virgins until their 18th b-day?
I never understood this, my country the legal age is 16 and that is fine. More space in the prisons for actual criminal offenders, not some smuck that sleeped with a 17 year old on the eve of her 18th birthday.

I also don't see lawyer user crying when some old granny's cunny is watering for the 12 year old boy next door's pecker.. and she tries to get him to sleep with her. Fucking hypocrite.

That is why I will die a virgin.

A 17 year old is not a fucking 12 year old you utter fucking nincompoop

>I also don't see lawyer user crying when some old granny's cunny is watering for the 12 year old boy next door's pecker.. and she tries to get him to sleep with her. Fucking hypocrite.

What the fuck are you talking about.


It might sure seem that way, but you will all love it when it comes out

wont be happening in a while though, im not even finished with the content yet let alone started writing it

>I'm making Californication: The Book

>What the fuck are you talking about.
>what is double standard?

I wouldnt want to spoil too much, but I think people who like silent hill/ the book of the new sun will like the general mood and style of the story/ world

Although I think its much less grand "fantasy" than botns

I never said anything about grandmothers, what the fuck are you talking about. I said fucking someone who is twelve is wrong and you should accept that blindly because children's safety is more important than your safety.

Explain to me where I said a grandmother fucking someone who is twelve is acceptable. Again,

I'm like a quarter of the way through and came to post this


>the world is increasingly treating ephebophilia with an air of indifference
Citation needed.

>And legal in maybe half of the world
Very wrong.

Age of consent isn't specific to America and it's lower than 18 in the most of the U.S. Idiot.


>Age of consent isn't specific to America
Are you fucking daft? Did you read my post?
Didn't I say the legal age is 16 in my country? Doesn't that imply i have age of consent?
Do you just come on lit to shitpost and don't actually read what you are shitposting to?

well what was she supposed to do

Just out of curiosity:
Has any author ever made a female (or male) character so hateable, that them being raped in the story felt good to even the most balanced reader?

I'm asking because even movies tend to fail at this, whenever they try.

doesn't girl with the dragon tattoo do this
with a male rapist

Margaret from Camera Obscura

Why are all authentic female characters in literature massive cunts?

Why are all men in literature massive cunts with an added layer of bruised ego and unwarranted self importance

Incredible character