Veeky Forums serious inquiry here

Why is it that mexicans/Muslims/ and poor african blacks give birth to litters?

White people have children maybe once in a few years but minorities tend to have multiple children all at once aka "mexican litters"

What body morphology has occurred to give the dumbest of races the ability to produce litters

how do we combat it?

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Are you excluding twins? I'm a fraternal twin, but triplets, identical and fraternal are genetic on my mother's side. She's French/Scottish though.

In Mexico because Christianity, and because you're seen as a loser if you don't have at least five kids. In Africa because no contraception. In Muslimstan because Allah said so.

There are articles on infertility treatments causing multiple births also, its possible that theory has been debunked now though.

no reason to bring up race and /pol/ science here, you could have simply asked why do poor people typically choose to have more children

and that question is not related to Veeky Forums

r-selected organisms tend to have more offspring more often than K-selected organisms.

>White people have children maybe once in a few years but minorities tend to have multiple children all at once aka "mexican litters"
They don't. That's just a part of your fetish.

Gotta apply that psuedoscience a little bit better
Twins have never been commonality in all of human/near-human or even primate existence.

>no reason to bring up class and /pol/ science here, you could have simply asked why do people typically choose to have more children

>and that question is not related to Veeky Forums


To my understanding larger families were common virtually everywhere at one time. With economic development that changes.

In India most upper class have one or two children. Lowest classes have like 4 or more. They are the most backward. They prefer sons because culture sees sons are the money-makers. Children are often their only source of social security at that level of poverty. They do not have a macroeconomic view of the situation.

As development occurs, people feel safe investing more resources into fewer children. The one exception is places where Islam + Christianity dominate. Religion often trumps development. Then even rich families continue to see children as a blessing and the more, the merrier. Social progress is limited due to that confounding variable.

Forgot to mention; preference for sons is important because many families will refuse to stop having children until one or two sons are born, if they cannot about the female fetus.

Yeah, my grandparents were both part pf families that had between 15 and 20 children each. Can you even fucking imagine having 15 brothers and sisters?

Nigger it's not a race thing it's a stage of development thing.

Nations that are considered "developing" tend to give birth to more young. The reason I always heard was that in pre-industrial societies people gave birth A LOT because poor health programs meant a lot of babies tended to die often. In some cultures they don't even name a baby until they're up to a year or two old because they aren't considered real humans yet.
After modern medicine becomes available, they keep having babies because they had no reason for birth control before, so they have lots more kids. But statistics show that in a short amount of time (one or two generations) they tend to have children at the same rate as industrial societies. It's more of a class issue than a race issue.

Not to mention pre-industrial economies were dependent on a lot of unskilled labor, so large families were beneficial. In developed countries on the other hand, it's all about being skilled and educated, so it's wasteful to have more kids than you can afford to send to college.

>In India most upper class have one or two children.
I think it has a lot to do with the time as well - my grandparents parents were both upper class and each had like 10 siblings

that was in the early mid 1900s though

Because retarded countries do not push for >muh women can bent over without consequence

That's a nice theory but it doesn't actually happen in reality. All types of human give birth in pretty much the same manner.

Poor people have more kids.

why do all white people have a superiority complex? they honestly think theyre better than other people because they were born without melanin. Im mexican and grew up around white people and thought they were nice people. but these past few years ive noticed white people really are born evil. they take over countries and kick them out to maximize their resources. theyre modern day barbarians who are keeping society back. i honestly believe they dont want world peace and would rather have the whole world for themselves

We were engineered by aliens. It's okay. Just wait to be wiped out.

i know this is a joke but it seems as if white people believe they were crafted like an art piece. maybe its because the united states is stuck on christianity with a "white god"

have a limit on how many children a mother can give birth to depend household income?

The strange thing is, all the odd ideas out there, beings living in the moon, the moon being a spaceship, reptilian shapeshifters living underground, modern humans being tampered with by aliens, ourselves, or a species that came before us, Atlantis and all the stuff with the Garden of Eden, old cities built during the glaciation period either sinking into marshes when it began to thaw, or becoming submerged[...]
All of these ideas, I thought up independently. I wrote a short story based on a number of these things in middle school. Then years later I find the internet and a lot of it is already a "thing". Many reasons this could be. Curious either way.

The main issue with the engineering aspect is it's hard to determine what we were made for. What was the goal. If it was anything other than something like what we did to canines, they clearly were terrible at what they were doing. In such a case we haven't the means to know the mind of the creator.

its not all white ppl m8, its just Veeky Forums. you need to hang out here less.

depends where you live, in the big places with jobs there seem to be a higher number of psychopaths afoot. here in rural new england folks are mostly concerned with their paying the bills and taking care of their kids. can't blame "minorities" for their disdain, but it's hard to lumped in with the stereotype.

This is a logical fallacy you've got going, here. While it's mostly white people who do this, it's not *all* white people. Not even close. The average white person is pretty cool, as is the average black person. But when people see only a particular group of people acting a certain way, they tend to generalize it to the entire group, which is incorrect. It's surprisingly unintuitive to the human brain, though. Kinda like a lot of concepts in reference to probability don't make sense until you think about it for just a bit.

It's surprisingly easy to determine what humans were made for. Every single trait which a human being has can be traced back somehow to our evolution, and was either useful until relatively recently (8,000 years ago or so) or is a so-to-speak vestigial trait which can be traced back to our genetic ancestors.

> they honestly think theyre better than other people because they were born without melanin

Are you so fucking retarded and illiterate that everything around you except for burritos are basically created by white people ? Most of todays technology including the computer you use to constantly shitpost right now.

> because they were born without melanin
just kek. How about you stay behind the wall and never use white inventions ever again, and I never eat burritos. Deal ?

So do Mormons, what's your point?

You did watch Lucy right? Remember, when Morgan The Magnificient was talking about surviving instincts when people were in a risky enviroment tend to multiply? Well that's it, they are afraid that they are going down in numbers due to lack of medication and health services.
Basically, they multiply because they're scared that they will extinct.

>mud skinned fag whines about genetically superior whites

its ok to be jealous