Your Origin Story

Tell me who got you into crypto?

your mother.

2012 - Silk Road

2017 - Fake Goods from China

some BitClub Ponzi scheme dude
I told him no thanks and bought actual BTC

semi-oldfag here
came here around 2014 and learned about stock trading and financial markets
fell for the dropshipping meme around late 2016
got into crypto around july 2017 but didn't place much in till december

t.36k linkies

Hook a brother up, where can one buy counterfeit shit with crypto?

my asshole friend, if he is going to make money then so am i, havent told him about link though fuck that cunt

/pol/ initiated it with a drunken money skeleton from Texas

Depends on what you're looking for. I just wanted some fake Yeezys because I'm a degenerate roastie. Otherwise been holding since August, went from $2k -> $25k -> $12k as of today.

> 2010-11 be on /b/ see all the tread about BTC give-away for dubs and trips
> check it out
> wtf this shit is too complicated
> don't do shit forget about it
> 2017 btc reach 5k in the news
> fuck me buy LTC from 90-140
> currently rekt

feeling more suicidal by the day

Bought 200$ in bitcoin to mess around in the darknet(weed), sold them again after realizing I wasn't a weed person.
Bought Ethereum at 80$, Bought Bitcoin with my first Ethereum exit gains(sold at the first spike 340$ I think), flipped my bitcoin to an Alt Portfolio.
Basically made 30.000$ out of 400$, over 12 months. I don't trade though. Right now I am just sitting on my portfolio, coming to Veeky Forums for my daily laugh on leverage trading cucks and wojaks. Probably gonna sell some crypto off after finishing college.

Elaborate how you flipped $400 into $30k without trading?

I didn’t expect origin stories to be so varied! I came here looking for stock advice and it was full of crypto.

Well obviously it was trading by definition, I just meant I don't daytrade. I held bitcoin for half a year, flipped into Neo, Iota, Dash, Eth. approx 2x on most of them except neo which was a 10x for me, considering I allready had 1.4 bitcoins you do the math.
I even sold bitcoin at really bad spots, could have went with the wave way longer, I was just skeptical of bitcoin and wanted to get out with my profits as soon as possible and invest in stable projects with actual purpose.

The goodwife tv show in 2012

i was in Veeky Forums when ETH was $3 and i remember making memes about it "to the moon" just for the lols and stuff, didn't really invest in it, little time later i left Veeky Forums in general, i was like 16 but i could have invested anyway

be back in nov 2017,fuck my fucking fuck life, i missed everything

A year ago my friend got curious about bitcoin and spread the words on a group chat. I looked at ethereum and tried to mine it with my gaming PC for a month, after realized it really generated magic internet money I built some mining rigs. Should have just bought the ethereum directly with the money.

who cares, my dad was speaking alot about investing in stocks after the crash 2008, never pulled the trigger because he was afraid and allways said 'Too much gambling going on'.
Look at it today, I could probably be a trust fund kid, if my dad wasn't a huge cuck.
Be happy about life, there is alot of missed chances for everyone, we can't change it.

I had a real estate client that cashed out some crypto to pay for a house. It blew my mind.

2014, Veeky Forums, love you guys.

Me to, heard stocks were pumping figured why not. I came biz in late 2016 and saw how confusing crypto looked and everything looked like scams. lost job temporarily and had no extra fiat to do either stocks or crypto anyway.
I left my money in a mutual fund for the whole year and made like 4 percent. What the actual fuck I hate myself so much

I wanted to buy a house but the mortgage I could get sucked. So I thought fuck that shit. I don't want to get some shitty loan to buy some overpriced house in Amsterdam and pay it of for the rest of my life. I'm gonna make enough to buy a fucking house without some jew mortgage.

That was 6 months ago. I started with 14k.
Right now, in the middle of this fucking crash, i have about 280k with 100k cashed out.

My goals have shifted a bit though. From enough to buy a house to getting to a million.

Autistic family friend with a lisp that spits when he talks tried so many times to get me to buy bitcoin in 2016
>b-buy byitcoin anoynn
>no I’m not buying your stupid memes Larry
>dude iyts gyonna be yugeeeeee
>shut the fuck up Larry

Now he’s a millionaire and I fomod in when bitcoin hit 5k

Saw eth being shilled here when it was around $8. Looked into it and decided not to buy because it had already gone 10x.

Fast forward to spring 2017 when eth was at $300. Instant regrets ofcourse. Decided to just buy some crypto to avoid future regrets.

Bought antshares, so I don't regret it.

Yeah and I also bought pandacoin (random p&n coin) at ATH way back, and got scammed by a shitty exchange when I tried to sell the bottom.

Went homeless because of 2009 crash. Saw BTC in 2013 and bought 10 BTC, got Goxxed. Maxed out credit cards and student loans last Sep, Alts bled and I sold in Nov. Down -14K in debt.

I ain't even mad.

was browsing r9k like the loser I was in June, some Veeky Forums user showed up in a thread and told us to stop being poor. didn't actually start until october. turned 7k into 111k, now it's down to 17k. hoping to get back to ATH and then take out at least half

You Veeky Forums fags where flexing on /pol/ back in November I FOMO'D because I needed money bad.

Did you day trade?


Lysergic acid diethylamide

Veeky Forums showing me how to buy steroids

Quads tell me half you fags are /pol/ refugees like myself.

sometimes, mostly just bought low and sold high later. i thought i was a genius but it was just a rampaging bull market.

HEARD ABOUT it somewhere on a forum in 2010, researched it a little, made a wallet a few months later when it hit 30 dollars and started mining it. had about 20 or so mined after a few weeks of of and on mining.

forgot about it for months. apparently it crashed back to 4 dollars. Was playing runescape and someone offered me 500 btc for like 500m on runescape. i told them no thanks because it was worth nothing now. Later on I accepted some BTC for runescape gold for it when it went to 10 dollars. had about 300 btc or so. what ever i mined was lost because i didnt keep the hard drive and wasnt even thinking about it.

whe nit hit 100 dollars i sold about 75% of it all for a nice profit basically free cash. kept some more. years late ri was trading on mt gox and yeah basically got goxed and lost the rest.

got some more in 2016 for about $800 a piece and jsut held them. i was trying ou coonbase for the first time thought it was cool.

Then last summer i got back into crypto and been active regularly since then.

Pizzagate woke me up from being a normie. Started following independent journalists on Youtube. Some would mention cryptos. Ignored them for a year. One night I woke up with an urgent feeling that I needed to buy Litecoin. Downloaded the coinbase app and haven't looked back since.

learned about mining on a thread on either /b/ or /g/ in 2012 installed the software and uninstalled it after about 5 minutes because I was 15 and a total pussy and thought I was gonna fry my 5770. Then again in 2014 I used bitcoin to make quite a few purchases of DNM and then stopped doing drugs and ended up losing the private keys and then in summer 2017 saw how big it had gotten and thought for sure it was going to crash hard soon and didn't really pay attention until I finally fomo'd in during the December bubble. How many shitty decisions can I make fucking kek

Unironicly I saw Lauren Southern talk about it around this time last year thought only ((elites)) could get in. Always thought us poor fucks could never get into stocks,commodities or forex/crypto.

drugs in 2013
trumpcoin late 2016 beginning 2017 I think
then went deep in when it hit 1800
average buy in price 3600 now at