I inhale more liberal brainwashing than you do so I'm smarter

>I inhale more liberal brainwashing than you do so I'm smarter

What did the leftists of Veeky Forums mean by this?

Are you a conservative or a liberal?

Watch this webm, and then check your response:

Liberal response: Cultural appropriation is not funny.

Conservatve response: Kill the sandnigger

Sadist bacchanals are fun. Fun is always the smartest plan.

my ninja costume's better.


this is hilarious

>picking a side
>not choosing the best of both and creating your own delicious ideology out of the carcasses of the previous big players



I think it's a mildly amusing prank. What did I mean by that?

Why care at all

I like to look at life selfishly, my own being the only of value

Feels good man

>not supporting one or another depending on how much you gain from it

You really disappoint me, patriot/comrade

Are you sure they said "liberal brainwashing" not ritalin?

election season really does brings out the worst in us all, for it is the only time when people feel obligated to choose sides and defend shit they don't believe in or truly care about

>right wing

another quality thread from the folks at /pol/

My dad is a righty and his understanding pretty much boils down to "kill all niggers" and "the jews run everything." My mom is a lefty and her understanding is "fags are ok" and "fuck the police."

Oh boy, I can't wait to grow up and play politics.

If I simply found it funny what am I?

Most people are stupid. Truly a revelation.

I thought it was fucking hilarious

He's lucky he didn't get shot.