No girl will ever find me desirable so please recommend me literature which denounces women as worthless whores so that...

No girl will ever find me desirable so please recommend me literature which denounces women as worthless whores so that I'll feel better about being forever unloved and alone.

I've already read Schopenhauer's 'On Women' and that helped a bit.


Oblomov and Notes from Underground :)

The Holy Bible


Schopenhauer was wrong about women. 'On Women' is easily his worst writing. Kierkegaard's early polemical writings about women's emancipation in a Christian context is alright for what it is, still not that great.

R9k has frogposters everywhere


Anything by Michel Houellebecq. The Elementary Particles/Atomised is the best.

Blaugast, though it only denounces some women. Still a good read.


What makes you so sure you will never find a woman who loves you?

...Says this completely anonymous poster on an anime website.

Lmao bro I bet you're real smart aren't ya? Much smarter than that fool Schopenhauer?!?

>Oblomov and Notes from Underground :)

you misread both

Other people have different opinions from yours. Don't make a scene.

I have a folder with frogs and watch anime daily

Have you read any Schopenhauer? 'On Women' is just a bunch of vague observations that aren't even unique to women, but philistines in general. He doesn't even argue anything, just a bunch of ramblings that could be condensed into a paragraph and you wouldn't miss out on any of the nuance, because there isn't any. Easily is most insignificant work.

Go to Veeky Forums, son. The journey is long, but it only demands hard work

>Notes from Underground

Literally doesn't do that anywhere.

Infinite Jest

Notre-Dame de Paris

Why does no one ever mentions "Sex and Characters" in these threads? Isn't it more or less the most complete work on the subject?