1 year into Veeky Forums

>1 year into Veeky Forums
>start talking in a more refined vernacular
>father and sister think I'm crazy
>bring up references to the greeks every time we talk
>give them advice in the form of greek myths
>scold them when I see they are not properly following the categorical imperative
>reject watching tv with them, I'm over that already
>avoid them when they get into vulgar activities, like going to a football match
>start re-decorating the house to make it geometrically and theologically appropriate for my refined manners
>bookshelves here and there
>art everywhere
>house now looks comfy as fuck
>dinner with father
>tell them I refuse to eat his plebeian food
>get kicked out of the house
>mfw I got kicked out and they get to enjoy the comfy place I designed

This is your fault Veeky Forums


>posting in English



What are you talking about?

>>avoid them when they get into vulgar activities, like going to a football match

>thinks he understands the Greeks enough to quote them
>doesn't appreciate athletic feats of raw power and strength

Barbarian af m8

a refined man writes and speak only in french

>>start re-decorating the house to make it geometrically and theologically appropriate for my refined manners
i lost

>feats of raw power and strength
That is animalistic and inhuman, we're better than that.

Any good books you recommend to help me make my home more geometrically and theologically appropriate?

My home is a mess.

Plato was his wrestling name
The only philosopher to protest the Olympics was called The Dog and promoted animalism
Read the Greeks

A tree that is unbending is easily broken. The hard and strong will fall. The soft and weak will overcome.

You're too pretentious for food. That's all you dude.

hahaha, you really haven't read the Greeks, have you

as scrub as this sounds, its true desu
you need to have a goal and motive, and nothing should divert you from that, but you don't need to start being a sperg about it.

I mean, do you jerk off, OP? Because if you're saying that football is pleb, what do you think self-gratification is?

>feats of raw power and strength

lel try again pleb

francophiles are plebs. even the russians attributed speaking it to using an innate deception and insincerity.

WabiSabi: For Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers
Maybe try reading On Growth and Form if you're more of a rationalist

>start re-decorating the house to make it geometrically and theologically appropriate for my refined manners

Hello pic related

Is there any sort of western feng shui? With or without the mysticism, doesnt matter.

>bring up references to the greeks every time we talk
>give them advice in the form of greek myths
>feats of raw power and strength are animalistic and inhuman, we're better than that.

Isn't Feng Shui just Chinese Geomancy?

>the Greeks praised the body and what it can do
>the Greeks praised strength and dominance

>strength is animalistic

Wew lad.

No thats the Yijing.
Its a philosophical text used for Geomancy.

I had the inkling that you were a surrender monkey even before you clarified.

Have fun watching your capital turn into New Mogadishu you pathetic frogfaggot.

>a refined man writes and speak only in greek
J'ai corrigé ça pour toi.

>a refined man writes and speak only in latin
Το έφτιαξα για σένα ...

This is the guy thats gonna complain about "toxic masculinity" later

>not Ouiaboo

>implying the greeks would have given latin any prestige at all


Anyone have the pasta about Socrates and the crew just working out, getting ripped, fiddling each other dingleberries, and discussing philosophy?

>You realize that your family is pleb and therefore your destiny is being a wage slave pleb

No, I won't. That's exactly what football (Gridiron) is. Strategy + raw burst of energy and strength.

>itt: it's 1750

Clearly OP said football match. Nigger was talking about soccer, family.


So fucking gay.

Hahaha, if serious you are way too pretentious for your own good.
>learns philosophy
>decideds the meaning of life is to scold the very people who cared for me

>not Ouiabou

I know, it's amazing.

I guess that if you fused Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums and /m/ you could probably get half as manly as the average Athenian man.

non-parisians are cool although a bit weird, but have you ever met someone non-french who learned french just to learn french?

Is there a worst feel?


>using google translate

Fucking Anglo monolinguals.

I know op is bait but I've read all my life, but since graduating uni I've started reading much more literature...I find I consciously conciliate my vocabulary for the sake of others. Heaven forbid I seem pretentious.

The worst part is I see pretension as positive because it implies an aspiration for amelioration... But when it comes down to it I guess I'm too afraid to aspire for anything better than what I have now.

>je peut pas imaginer qu'il y a des polyglottes ici

sois plus plebe

>ywn be passed around like a little fucktoy by Socrates and Mishima

>1 year of lit
>Starting Comparative Literature studies at a top uni
Thanks guys

"I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse."

Je ne suis pas de scories Anglo, mais je veux dire que le français n'est pas ma langue maternelle.

If Athenians were this ripped and manly then what does that make the Spartans?

>Unde solebat, ut audio, Carolus V Imperator dicere, Germanorum linguam esse militarem: Hispanorum amatoriam: Italorum oratoriam: Gallorum nobilem
>Alius vero, qui Germanus erat, retulit, eundem Carolum Quintum dicere aliquando solitum esse; Si loqui cum Deo oporteret, se Hispanice locuturum, quod lingua Hispanorum gravitatem maiestatemque prae se ferat; si cum amicis, Italice, quod Italorum dialectus familiaris sit; si cui blandiendum esset, Gallice, quod illorum lingua nihil blandius; si cui minandum aut asperius loquendum, Germanice, quod tota eorum lingua minax, aspera sit ac vehemens

How many of you started with the greeks in Greek?

How many of you weren't native Greeks?

Latinis quoque convenit munus

>France is currently in flames, protests, strikes, out of gas, obscenity laws apply to criticizing Muslims, minorities or feminists only, illegal to get a paternity test.

>England just got off the cuck train

I'll stick with English thanks