If marijuana cures cancer why do people who smoke weed still die of cancer?

If marijuana cures cancer why do people who smoke weed still die of cancer?

duuudddeee whattttt
am i gonna die man?

Obviously because they didn't smoke enough

If breathing stops death, why do people who breath end up dying?

Light doesn't exist only the absence of it does


if you had a million grains of rice youd have all the colours that you can see on a partly cloudy night

are you high

aren't we all

Because only certain tumours exhibited C2 receptors and effective cannabinoid treatment requires saturation.

Hence, you have to use a lot of cannabis oil on a daily basis, which is only available in certain areas and usually not on prescription.

So if you happen to have a tumour that exhibits C2 receptors and you saturate your blood with cannabinoids via cannabis oil therapy, then you may go into remission.

However, this has only been documented a small number of times and the cancer may come back.

The therapy can also cease to be effective due to down regulation of said receptors.

Bottom line is: cancer is a tricky motherfucker to treat.

2nded, it'd be like me taking a fraction of the dosage of cough syrup and wondering why i still have a cough.

Sorry Im a little excited I just read the bible

marijuana does not cure cancer. anyone who says otherwise is misinformed by a real bad urban myth.

marijuana helps with appetite issues when treated with chemotherapy.

marijuana also helps with pain issues.

if shitposting evolved from cancer why is there still cancer

>what is cannabinoid induced apoptosis?

Here is the deal a lot of stoners fail to understand, a lot of things can cure cancer on a petri dish. For example, a .45 caliber pistil will cure cancer on a petri dish. Curing cancer on a petri dish is easy getting it to cure cancer in the body is very challenging. It would seem from what I have seen is most cannabis trial have been necrotic to both normal healthy cells and cancer cells.

a meme stoners use to justify their addiction as if theyre smoking for a good cause

Radiation can also remove cancer, we don't go about zapping ourselves just 'cause

says you

>n-no u

n-no u

Smoking cannot bring about such a thing.


They choose THC over extracted CBD.