Guns, Germs and Steel

Can someone summarize the main arguments the book puts forth in the book? I haven't read it.

niggers act like they do because wheat doesn't grow in africa not because they are genetically pre disposed to be chimpouts.

muh animals that can't be tamed

Geographic and environmental factors have a very important influence on history.

this is a misleading post

he does make this assertion, which is correct, but he arrives at the ridiculous conclusion that geography can't affect human biology through different environments selecting for different characteristics

It's literally Dindu Nuffin: The Book

Just watch the youtube videos, you insufferable pleb

Is there any evidence of the latter?


Would it be accurate to summarize the books argument as: "The success of the West rests solely on their chance access of diverse crops and domesticable animals"?

And the problem of this is that it isn't true right? Africa has an abundance of crops, what about the domesticated animals part?

Also, would the summary of these book be attributing all the problems of Latin America to imperialism?

'Fuck whitey'.

>das rassis

of course

No, because he says he's only looking at geographic and environmental factors, which particular factor did he neglect to mention that leaves you rustled?

He asserts at the beginning of the book that Papa New Guineans are smarter than whites, but then also says the only reason for the success of certain civilisation is geography.

Congratulations now you can talk authoritatively about these books during internet arguments without ever having read them

He justified it by suggesting that modern western life reduces the evolutionary selection pressure for intelligence.

And he is too reductionist, but some civilisations have collapsed predominantly due to environmental conditions.

You sound Australian. And yes your right niggers didn't amount to anything because they didn't have access to grains and domesticable animals. Like here in aus they were hunters and gatherers before "whitey" came on "invasion day"(Australia day to us). Things have certainly improved for the Hunter gatherers here, now they don't hunt but just gather unemployment benifits from the tax money paid by working "invaders". Providing a life relatively free of child rape, death from starvation and curable disease. Gave them sanitation, housing and free education. And the cunts still want more without working for any of it. Makes me sick

>Can someone summarize the main arguments the book puts forth in the book?
They dindu nuffin;they good boys

Why you white men have so much cargo and we New Guineans have so little?

I don't know about the book, but the success of the west is entirely situational.

It's no wonder that through most of history, the most advanced civilizations were all connected, and that the ones that were able to get a step ahead over their peers were the ones with fewer flanks to protect. This, coupled with the treasure trove of resources pouring in from the Americas cemented the Western civilization as the 'winner'.

If the Song Dynasty or the Umayyad Caliphate had found America, we would probably be speaking Chinese or Arabic right now.

Center and South Africans never really had a chance because they were cut off by rain forests and desert from other civilizations.

The same happened in the Americas at a smaller scale.

They didn't amount to anything because their environment didn't make innovation necessary for survival. That's all there is too it, take a fucking anthropology course m8.

Anecdotal evidence and various implications of correlation meaning causation.