How flat-earthers explain this?

How flat-earthers explain this?

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How flat earthers explain GauB's theorema egregium?

timecube ;)

All I know about flat earth is they think the earth flies through space like a clown's pie.

Actually the earth is a volumeless cylinder. Perfectly explains ops pic.

I can dig down tho

What a waste of fuel...

Fastest way is not stupid

Fastest way is the straight-line distance

Floating Alien Megafortress in the middle of the Atlantic that shoots down any airtraffic.

dumb brainlet

It impossible to travel in a straight-line from one point to another in along the surface of a sphere.

Earth is not a sphere

Why are there mostly Europe => NA planes, and only a few NA => Europe?


All the more reason that you can't possibly travel in a straight line over its surface. However, its standard deviation from at any point from being a perfect sphere is literally just a few meters.

Its surface is pretty much one.

Everyone emmigrates to America

Why go to Europe which has shittier living standards?

>a flat rectangle is almost a sphere


But if Europe is so shitty, how can they afford to send so many planes which never come back?

The earth is a sphere

Oh, you're one of those "hollow earth" nutjobs...

I just figured it all out

The world is a torus

Fish eye lenses.

That's silly, how can Earth have a specific astrological sign?

Not a flat earther, but one feasible explanation would be that the air flows could make it more economical.

Flat earthers believe the world is a circle, with the North Pole in the middle. That would make all the curves north of the equator straighten out a bit, but it doesn't explain anything south of the equator. However, not many flights go south of the equator across a major ocean, most are within the same time zone.

Europe does not have shittier living standards. In fact it has better living standards as you can indulge in your passions at least shorter periods of time while having a social economical safety net. If doing that in the US you would have to find someone paying you for it and then you would by definition not be free.

In both directions?


Something tells me you're wrong

That is why you don't travel on the surface.

You surface dwellers truly believe such efficient travel is impossible, and that is why you still live up there.

Not all people in our world are mentally addicted to gather and stash small green pieces of paper all their life just for the sake of it. What you do with them? Eat them? U a paper goat or smth?

Almost all of the planes on the pic go westwards.

Also it is the factual correct explanation. Going east is for the same air flow reasons more economical from south, like gulf area Florida aiming a curve for the Mediterranean not too far from Portugal.


>Perfectly explains ops pic
A geodesic on a cylinder is not the same as on a sphere.

You don't need this to btfo flat earthers, the biggest problem with their idea is that simply because they can come up with an alternate explanation for a phenomena that explanation is automatically true, but when you consider all of those things at once those alternate explanations ultimately make far more claims with far less evidence.

Their stance for southern flights is that airlines purposefully make many connecting flights. Otherwise people would catch on that it takes much longer to travel in the southern half since all maps are false.

It's probably very early in the morning in North America. Most westbound flights take off midday to early afternoon from Europe, eastbound flight take off late at night from North America.

Total Healthcare costs in the Netherlands were € 5630.- pppy in 2015.
Which is about 9% GDP. The USA spends 16% GDP.

Are you retarded?

no u

(pic: world happiness report)

and for completeness

(pic: list of countries by average wage)

the earth is flat.

"abyssal plains cover more than 50% of the Earth’s surface.[1][2] They are among the flattest, smoothest and least explored regions on Earth."

On tectonic plates:
"The same heat engine that produces earthquakes is the driving force raising the world's great mountain ranges.
If this uplift did not take place, the relentless force of erosion would reduce the Earth's landscape to a single flat plane. "

"Plane surveying assumes the earth is flat. Curvature and spheroidal shape of the earth is neglected. In this type of surveying all triangles formed by joining survey lines are considered as plane triangles. It is employed for small survey works where errors due to the earth's shape are too small to matter."

"Generally the survey works below 260 kilometers radius are treated as plane and beyond that is treated as geodetic."

> 260 kilometers radius are treated as plane supervening
> 260 kilometers radius are treated as PLANE SURVEYING
>260 kilometers = 161 miles
>Plane surveying assumes the earth is flat. Curvature and spheroidal shape of the earth is neglected
>161 miles. no curvature. assumes as flat.
>each 161 mile radius.
>yet official statement of the earths curvature of 100 miles is a 6,666 feet.

can you even science nigger?

all communication uses landlines, satellites and radio towers. no satellites. This makes sense since satellites would require heavy maintenance to handle terabytes of data.

taking screenshots is hard, apparently

America is the worlds richest Third World Country.

But for a radius of 260km a plane surface is still a good approximation. Supposing a spherical earth, the angular longitude of a patch of terrain that big is approximately 0.04 radians. This angle is relatively small and allows us to consider arcs of the sphere as straight lines.

Your post is very contradictive.

What your post against my scientific facts for the flat earth explains is this:

So when people say they see curvature they are wrong

When people see ships go over the horizon because of curvature they are wrong.

When snipers account for the Coriolis effect they are wrong.

And when the engineers say they accounted for curvature for bridges like the Verrazano–Narrows Bridge which is less than 161 miles or 260 km, they are wrong.

I laugh that africa is so close, if its stretched out like a FE map, it would look like a straight line. (you can google this easily)

>expecting flat-earthers to explain anything
fgt pls

I only said that, for calculation purposes, we can consider that as a flat terrain, nothing more.

When you're making a map that's gonna be hung up on a classroom wall, you don't need to be super precise. Snipers and engineers do need to be really precise, b/c lives are on the line. 0/10 falsely equate harder

Who the hell wants to go to Europe today? If you want to get stabbed, shot, or ran over by a truck then okay I can see why you would want to go, otherwise...

Contradictory because nasa uses flat earth for calculations involving aircraft.

Flat earth is not the same as moving earth with rotation and moving atmosphere.

Even with all the terrorism you are still far more likely to die visiting america than visiting europe


They would just question source. How do you know the planes fly that way, you lying shill?

this whole post

Only if you are black.

This would imply that the airline companies have spent billions on access fuel just to keep the yaw at a few degrees off from straight and flying in curved flight paths JUST to keep the people ignorant of something that wouldn't affect the public.

I can't get over flat earth people. I've decided all it really comes down to is that a globe challenges the idea that Earth is unique in some way in the universe, and that we just happen to exist here. It's all about religion really, if the earth has been here for a few billion years or whatever, it eventually leads to the conclusion that there is no allah praise be unto him.

> those who give up personal liberties for safety will soon have neither


It's buildings seen over the horizon due to the curvature of the earth, you turd.

Except thqt the entire basis of civilization is trading personal freedom for security


holy fucking shit

That is the tangent of a curve

explain what exactly?

Flat Earthers are just people out for a fun joke. I say leave em alone, they're having harmless fun

Not all. Some believe in Zionist conspiracies and satanic lodges of Freemasons controlling the world and all scientific progress.

I concur with you though. Debating them is a waste.

It's not like they want to. The wind is blowing those planes to the other direction. Wind is very strong you know.

Not just flies at a constant velocity, to simulate gravity that must not exist, but *accelerates*, at one gee. Needless to say, we would be very close to light speed after a few years of this shit.

So gravity doesn't exist, but also light speed is a conspiracy, too.

Why is the flight path on a such a curve? Wouldn't they save fuel if they flew directly there?

Ice caps melted and flooded the city.

Why don't we see the rest of the world ? Are there no mountains/buildings after that point ?

the earth is curved you dumbshit. its travel path is projected onto a 2d surface so it is distorted

The city base is under the sea level.

Coriolis effect due to the Earth being curved. You can't just fucking travel in a straight line like that.

it has nothing to do with the coriolis effect

They're travelling in a straight line, it's just that when you project our spherical earth onto a flat plane then you get curved paths.

Quality bait m8

lens is zooming on the horizon. again contradictions upon contradictions. even in science.


" curvature of 1 appears as a circle of an angular radius of 45° corresponding to an altitude of approximately 2640 km above the Earth's surface. "

What if describing earth as flat wasn't about its appearance, but was about the nature of everything's existence beyond visibility?

I thought Veeky Forums would be smart enough to realize earth is flat..

Hello to all my few fellow flat earthers

this explains landlines. 99 percent of all communication is transcontental landlines.

and all "satalite" communication is really high alitude aircraft and blimps that can stay up for months. military aircraft is used for google maps.

Could you electorate on which calculations you're talking about? the earth can be a considered plane for things that only require approximation or are being constantly corrected for. Things that require one-time precision usually take into account the earth's curvature. For instance ballistics and abnormally long structures.

The reason landlines are used is because satellite communication is generally too unreliable and slow. Landlines are always better, especially when you already have them installed in cites and allng the ocean floors.

The reason Google is using survalence planes now is because it is expensive AS FUCK to lease the images from the companies that actually take the pictures.

Earth is an object in Hilbert space.

the amount of curvature during the entire duration of an hour flight which at going 550 mph would have to account to at least 15 miles of curvature. so that would be a steep adjustment.

all flights Ive taken were smooth with little turbulence. plus the horizon is always flat and at eye level.

you cant say gravity holds the plane because its obviously in the air.

you cant say the atmosphere rotates along with the earth because we have winds that are haphazard to the spin all the time.

so it makes perfect sense to not count curvature, rotation and moving atmosphere for practical and simulated applications involving flight because there isnt any.

>you can't say gravity holds the plane because it's obviously in the air
holy shit how can a human being be this unapologetically stupid.

Today in physics we made a pretty accurate prediction of a physical system via a model which did not account for friction, I guess that means friction isn't real.

>literally flying through the earth

you dumb nigger.

according to NASA. You wear a suit in space to protect you from air being pulled out of your body and high temperatures from fucking you up.

They say its cold and not that hot despite getting a temperature reading of the thermosphere being more than 3000 degrees F.

This is how stupid they think you are kid:
"The highly diluted gas in this layer can reach 2,500 °C (4,530 °F) during the day. Even though the temperature is so high, one would not feel warm in the thermosphere, because it is so near vacuum that there is not enough contact with the few atoms of gas to transfer much heat."

And then here comes the contradiction just a few sentences right above it:
"Thermospheric temperatures increase with altitude due to absorption of highly energetic solar radiation."

your lack of understanding of even the most basic concepts of physics is a cancer to this planet. I truly hope that you, and anyone related to you, and anyone who has come into direct contact with you, dies a horrible death without passing on your worthless genetic code.

i will post 2 examples of flat earth

you cannot make a rainbow indoors without the use of a mirror. Outside, there is no mirror necessary, because of the reflection of the dome

when you look at a ship in the ocean, the ship will sail away from you and eventually you will not be able to see it because it has gone past the horizon. However, if you get a telescope you will be able to see the ship again. explain.

there is a magnetic mountain at the center of flat earth, called mount meru or something like that.

when you use a compass, it always points north, because of the magnetism from the mountain in the north pole

>There are two non-stop flights that operate everyday between London and Charlotte, North Carolina

Can anyone explain this?
Why the fuck would anyone want to take that route

How are there enough people in London, that want to travel to North Carolina, that they operate TWO flights everyday for it, and still be financially viable and operational?

is this some sort of a shitposting paraolympic?