How do I justify my pure math studies to someone I care about?

They don't care about abstract. To them abstract math is basically "not real" and they question how much math I even know since they can't "see" it applied to anything. Since it doesn't make money it is essentially useless to them

Same thing applies to programming. I like to use mathematics in programming and do a bunch of toy problems. Since it isn't iOS development or making money it is useless/not real.

I feel like everything I do is meaningless since it doesn't relate to the real world despite enjoying it immensely.

I feel like I go no where when I explain what theorems I'm proving or whatever. Like all of it is useless. Especially since I can' t monetize it or do 'real world' things that matter

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who is this semon demon

Same OP. Idk I might attend grad school

they're not really your friend if they make you feel that way.

abandon that bitch right now, she's not good for you. i know your heart says otherwise, but it's probably just your dick talking. either way, you need to end it. now.

You just admit that it is essentially useless but you don't really care.

My mother and father are actually afraid of my work. They clench up when they make eye contact, and I have good handwriting/notetaking skills

I swear it looks like that girl has a gigantic nose in the thumbnail for that picture.

Being a mathematician is like being a wandering cartographer. You build new theorems based on old ones, charting a path from the known into the unknown. Only after years of studying mathematics do you realize how rich and vibrant the land is that you travel.

i am sorry m8 but people like that can only bring you down
it does not take a genius to be able to value and even enjoy abstract thinking and math itself, it does take an ignorant to just completely disregard it

You don't have to justify studying math. If she doesn't approve or whatever, tell her to take a hike.

If it was useful, society would encourage more of it by paying lots of money to its practitioners.

If the people you care about are your parents, then you have to accept that they don't understand what you find interesting, its a tough pill to swallow, but youve got to swallow it.

They're only concerned because they want you to have a job and stability in life, its not their fault that their upbringing made them unable to appreciate abstract math.

She reminds me of a good middle class country girl.

The type I grew up with.

>Nostalgia time.

Love is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, then it slowly fades, leaving you trapped in a failing marriage. I did it, your paremts are doing it. Break the chain, morty, rise above, focus on science.

This is why many of us mathematicians have trouble building relationships with other people.

If you are smart enough to understand it you should be smart enough to think of useful applications. You just need to go for the financers or higher ups or superstar networkers more directly as recruiters for specific jobs probably won't understand you and whether you fit and not-so-theoretical-coders may be insecure about helping build and maintain stuff with all dat complicated theory in it.

With advanced mathematics you can build advanced stuff that beats a lot of things out there and the ones who matter (and have money) know this. You will need to build your confidence and learn to interact with people. It will be a challenge for someone prolly a bit introverted who thinks about advanced shit all day and don't socialize too much. But who said all of life should be easy?

>notice the pic first now
Wait a minnit was this all a bait to see if I would be jelly of your cute gf? :D Haha, well played then, she is cute.

>i like it and i think ill make more money after I get a degree, deal with it

your question, OP, fits under the broader category of "how do I make people think a certain way." in your case, "how do I make people think pure mathematics is useful/worthwhile/enjoyable/meaningful/real."

People are more concerned about how they are right and everyone else is wrong. If you were to give a presentation about how other people are wrong, theyre not going to listen to you. As far as I know this is the only way to make people think a certain way:

let them know they are right--not about pure mathematics--but about the things they think or real/useful/meaningful/etc.

If the person is some one you care about then this is an advantage because you are going to have to listen to what they think are important. if you care about them then you wont mind this step. chances are you already know the answer but your going to have to inquire further about how said person acts in their daily life to do what they think are meaningful things.

the first step doesnt help you immediately but it does establish one thing: they will like talking to you. why? because they get to talk about how they are right and act accordingly. if you are honest and sincere then they will enjoy your company more and more. if talking to you becomes a regularly enjoyable experience they will become more likely to seriously consider your opinions.

do you think they are wrong about what is meaning?

anyways, tl;dr:

>ask them what they think is meaningful
>get to know how they act in a meaningful way
>they will enjoy telling you about how they are right and act in a righteous way
>they now enjoy conversations with you
>they are more likely to consider your ideas or meaningful

Yes this is really good advice. Thank you.

Your gf reminds me of a girl I went to highschool with

eh it's possible for someone to consider your ideas meaningful but to still disagree on a point like OP's.

it sounds like whoever OP cares about is pretty narrow-minded

it is useful, and it is also unpatentable. you'll be encouraged to publish. but ego stroking is your only payment. the ideas will be stolen by others who immediately see the applications.

No. That is not how it works. Society is not one single entity with one single perception of usefulness who makes decisions based purely on that perception.

There is hope but you will need to learn how to find and attract people who want your help in exchange for money.

i guess theres 2 options then

>continue the relationship but it now consists of you just listening and understanding to the other person, no more OP explaining himself(good thing he cares about the other person), but he should move forward with what he thinks is right. if he needs an outlet, he just has to save that convo for some one else.
>end the relationship. but then you convinced no one AND lost the person you care about.

Get a diagnosis of ASD.

It's rarely completely unpatentable but that is besides the point as patents are mostly an economical tool for the big boys anyway. It is OPs knowledge that may be valuable. What the theoretical results even mean and how one could make algorithms benefitting from it and then implementing the algorithms and then finding use for the algorithms and pitching them to the right industries.

There's a whole stack of turtles for you. But a lot of it involves learning to make connections with people. So that should probably be your first priority at this point.

I am not OP but...

What exactly would that achieve? Easier to find a job if formal mental diagnosis? Easier to build relationships?

It would discredit him further while making it more plausible that the ones secretly leeching off his work were the actual contributors.

And if he ever finds out he can't do nothing because he is already discredited and marginalized.


They just desperately trying to get socially plausible excuses to help you, man. Stop thinking the worst about people all the time!

>I feel like everything I do is meaningless since it doesn't relate to the real world despite enjoying it immensely.
I've talked a lot of shit about mathematics, and mathematicians specifically, but this is a claim you'd have to be delusional or completely unaware to make. The applications of mathematics as a whole are vast, and proof of this is nearly omnipresent in modern society. You can't look anywhere without seeing something built with mathematical models or at the very least, rudimentary arithmetic.

Two things are omnipresent: Yourself, and your environment. This affords you two means of controlling your experience, modulating or changing yourself, or trying to change your environment. If neither one is worthwhile or valid, and you have people around you that constantly bring you down and devalue your endeavors, ditch them.

A person's capacity for self control and modulation of their state or perception, is limited. There is a limit to how much you should bother questioning yourself, trying to help others not be retarded, or thicken your skin. This sounds like such a case when it isn't worth it, and you should distance yourself from this person.

Some of my biggest mistakes were made around this. I put too much negative (realistic) shit on someone I just assumed was durable and would handle themselves, just as I did, because that's where my mind was polarized too. I never realized how pointless it all was and we could have just talked about shit in another way, or thing that mattered. I also developed sophisticated mental systems to stay in situations and roles that were awful and slowly crippling me over time. I learned to manage, but not to change, and not to choose.

Fuck all of that.

To add the confusion some people unironically enjoy learning new things so badly they would voluntarily do things most others would rather not ( that would subject them to pain or discomfort or mental nausea ), just for the challenge of learning and acquiring strange experiences.

Like an adrenaline junkie but for new strange thoughts or emotions or mental experiments.

Living life in brute force mode.

I'm not OP but I have issue with what you are saying.

In my efforts to change myself instead of other people I have become isolated and no longer find connection with the majority of people that I speak and interact with on a daily basis, family especially.

Perhaps it's a case of not meeting the right people, but as a person who is always looking for solutions to problems I have trained myself to not offer the vast majority of people help as they usually take it the wrong way or are unwilling to change.

It counts as evidence towards benefits. I was recently diagnosed and it should let me finish my degree.

Having a diagnosis also gives you the right to represent yourself as an Aspie to other Aspies. It also entitles you to support from charities.

I thought OP was referring to a non-technical acquaintance?


If they can't see the beauty and use in pure math call them a brainlet and move on

What does she do?
Does she do anything real?

Also, hope you didn't plan on plowing her, because she's gonna take a big dump after eating that sandwich.

Tldr subjagate her with her inferior intelligence

>inferior intelligence


So it lets you finish your degree and then you will be dependent on benefits or charities? OP asked us to help him get out of a situation. What you propose would get him cemented into it by giving him an official stamp of "useless retard".

She's pretty cute OP.

If she didn't have long hair I would have thought she was a dude. Look at those hands and those man eyes. Jesus.

OP, you sound insecure. This isn't a problem about math, this is a problem with whether you care what other people think about you.

Stop caring what other people think about you. Do what you want to do.

Hopefully a janitor will move this to cough cough

It's an official stamp of "My brain is wired for technical subjects." He wants to prove he has the right to be an academic to a pleb who thinks he's pretending to be smart. A diagnosis would free him from this situation and may lead to employment he enjoys. His narrow interest is also typical of ASD.

It does apply to the real world though.
Sounds like you've just got bad teachers, or you aren't making the right connections. If math is a serious thing for you OP you need to make an effort to prove it to not only yourself, but the people around you. Then maybe that shit will start making more sense.
Otherwise math might not be as interesting to you as you think. Or you're just not caring about college as much as the money 'you're' spending on it.
Assuming you're telling the truth, then what the fuck are you talking about? Applying concept and theory is USELESS if you aren't actually making an effort to prove your ideas and math theories to be true. So the fear about your significant other or whatever not understanding has nothing to do with the rest of what you said, and you would know that if you really are a math nerd.
Get over yourself. Don't forget to read books that aren't about math. Enjoy college. Don't worry about people not understanding, because you're obviously, and realistically, not the only person to think the same shit.
Scientific method, go partying, do dope, fuck hoes
Your 'pure math studies' is like the epitome and apex skill that almost every job out there that requires an Excel spread sheet and any simple math that your boss isn't going to want to worry about. That will be a fucking stroll through an empty park for you.

>And just what is this important person of yours' studying that's so much better than what you're studying? HUH!!??

>Otherwise math might not be as interesting to you as you think
Find a hobby and reevaluate your interests
Is the math the only thing you're interested in? Are you going to change the world OP? Or do you want to jack off to hentai and drink whisky neat?
>Join the big boys

>To them abstract math is basically "not real"

dump immediately

>I feel like everything I do is meaningless...

it is. you will die, and you will be forgotten. the universe (according to current knowledge) won't last forever.
just do whatever you like.

everything anyone does is meaningless OP, don't take it too hard

Different guy here.
>It's an official stamp of "My brain is wired for technical subjects."
What the actual fuck. ASD is serious mental disability. Do you know anything about the disorder?

>He wants to prove he has the right to be an academic to a pleb who thinks he's pretending to be smart.
Anyone has that right inherently because we choose our lives.

A diagnosis doesn't free him from anything. In fact, it just gives people another excuse to label him as strange as they please. Can you explain how a diagnosis with a mental disability will lead to employment? That doesn't make any sense at all. Furthermore, it's not like he can just go get diagnosed; he likely doesn't have the disorder.

That's because her cheek looks like an extension of her noise from afar. If you actually focus, you can see the difference but it requires mental effort. Or you could click on the thumbnail.

No it's not. Not everyone with a mild form of asd is a Turing, Dirac or Bill Gates. Some are just as fuckin stupid as your average normie.

money money money, bitches love money

If you "enjoy immensely" studying pure maths, then fuck all else and fuck anyone dumb enough to need it "justified" to them. You're on the right path OP.

Honestly most of your statements are due to ignorance and you wouldn't have made them if you'd watched even one documentary on the subject.

>ASD is serious mental disability.
As implied it's a spectrum that in simple terms ends where the neurotypical spectrum begins. It's classed as a disorder. Autism is now called severe autism and is classed as a disability.

>Do you know anything about the disorder?
As I said, I was recently diagnosed. It isn't a death sentence. People with Asperger's usually have above average IQs and impaired communication skills.

>Can you explain how a diagnosis with a mental disability will lead to employment?
In most countries a diagnosis is confidential and therefore can't harm, but can possibly open the door to various types of support. A number of mathematicians and physicists are on the spectrum and certain types of companies can have a positive attitude towards the disorder.

>Furthermore, it's not like he can just go get diagnosed; he likely doesn't have the disorder.
If all he cares about is maths, he likely does have the disorder. He can ask his doctor to see a psychiatrist.

The DSM states that Aspies usually have an above average IQ. Of course some don't. In OP's case his interest in mathematical proofs implies an above average IQ.

Yeah, here. I've been going to a psychiatrist for Bipolar Mixed and he thinks I am on the spectrum too. I am a bit bummed since I feel like I'm fucked socially now. I am a fit fag with high iq but never could get a girl or keep friends I've liked. Friends I have now I don't like but they just keep me around. I thought maybe it was just an adjustment I'd need to make from bad times in K-8. You got any pointers for navigating social life.

Smoke more cock.

>I feel like everything I do is meaningless since it doesn't relate to the real world despite enjoying it immensely.
how do you access this fake world where you're doing math and programming?

> The DSM states that Aspies usually have an above average IQ.

Part of that is the definition of aspergers/high functioning autism. They are defined as someone with an ASD and an IQ above 70. Automatically, you are excluding

>parents ask me what i do
>i study homology
>they think it's the study of homosexuals

Stop saving random pictures of girls you don't know. Its fucking creepy.

don't get yourself mixed with brainlets, especially someone so arrogant as to think a field they don't understand is "not real"

Holy shit kek

A better question is "why the fuck should you care?" They're going to die. You're going to die. Nothing either of you ever do will matter. So why care what they think about what you're doing? If you enjoy it, do more of it.

>Not being a neo-platonician

at the end of the day they care only about money and without money you are miserable

fuck your interests, grab real money and mosts bitches will be yours!

There are things that may have no immediate known monetary value, but have proven otherwise. If people like you don't puah the boundaries of knowledge by solving obscure math problems we would stagnate as a society. I say this as a technician, not a scientist. I wouldn't have anything to fix if you guys and the engineers werent around.


Thanks. This is a better response to the anons who implied we're all idiots.

>You got any pointers for navigating social life.
Afraid not, sorry. (Distance learning.)
The second article here discusses genius and intelligence in Asperger's: