This is the only fucking coin that might be able to do something in the near future...

This is the only fucking coin that might be able to do something in the near future. This fucking roadmap better be good.


dude im fucking shaking rn I put way too much money into this shit I cant even sleep at night not even larping fuck my life I hate this shit so much I shoulkdve sold at $16 fuckl

How much you got in there bro? I'm unironically pretty 'cozy' with NANO, as much as I can be I mean in this market. If I had to have my money anywhere it'd be in this coin anyway...and that's where 95% of my portfolio is.

Same here. Easy $50 in June

my whole months paycheck(over $300). i cant sleep guys please help.

Blockchain 1.1

lol cant sleep over $300? what a fucking poor

If there's a clear incentive to run nodes I'll shut up and join.

once this hits $110, i'll have $1.5M and will be able to retire a rich man over here in my beautiful country (brazil)

>be nano holder
>dont want bags to become worthless
>be incentivized to run a node

>be merchant
>be wanting to double check your own customer payments were received properly
>be incentivized to run a node

would u send me some nanos :)

Poorfags need to GTFO.

Mandou bem, mano. Quem dera eu tivesse tudo isso. Não tenho nem 200, queria ter descoberto essa moeda mais cedo.

What that one Japanese Mt. Gox trustee just did to the market is what Bomber and his 13% of all NANO can do whenever he wants.

Hard pass.

Eu também quero comphiar que os meus Nano vão se saphar.

Tô nem aí

>he hasn't heard of zilliqa

pode crer, velho. escutei falar dessa moeda aí quando tava a $.60 lá no r/cryptocurrency e comecei a comprar a 2 dólares. só vi discussão dela no Veeky Forums depois e era geralmente só FUD

Olá, Um Vencedor.

Piss off with roadmaps and announcements and fake partnerahips and actually kys ruck ng vaporware scamartists.

I'll buy you a beer when we both make it bruh. I'm from the US but that's where I'm heading

NANO is a shitcoin but your analogy is dogshit

i would rather own vertcoin. VTC is gold compared to shitcoin Litecoin LTC and Nano. Cap this u faggts