Is there an actual good read by "I do drugs" guy?

Is there an actual good read by "I do drugs" guy?


I can't take him seriously after finding out he didn't even trip anymore after like '89 or something.

I didn't know that. That makes him twice as retarded.

His brother Dennis wrote a book called 'Brothers (maybe Brotherhood) of the Screamin Abyss'. He mentions how Terence had this terrifying mushroom trip after which he never tripped again, yet still continued to advocate doing psychedelics in large doses.

Idk but I listened to him talk about finnegans wake on youtube and that was interesting.

Psychedelics can be misused, and I don't think Terence ever said that they couldn't. Terence perhaps used them too much. Psychedelics are probably a big part of the future of mental health and Terence's work will be part of that.

He stopped doing shrooms in large dosages after 89 because of a super-traumatic experience he had in 88. He still tripped but he mostly became interested in DMT and abandoned shrooms personally. He still encouraged others to explore shrooms.

He's that weird 1960 counter-culture amalgamation of shaman, human laboratory, researcher, and icon. Some of his insights are poignant but his verbal style is new age gobbledygook. Whatever's important from his corpus can be gleaned from his lectures on YouTube. I can't help but feel he's leagues ahead of the drooling "whoa maaaaan" vegetables using him as an academic basis to elevate their social problem lifestyle. His knowledge of literature and philosophy, especially his discussion on Finnegan's Wake, impressed me. Listening to him talk isn't the most fruitful intellectual activity but his calm, nerdy lectures are comfy.

I like the analysis of civilization's relationship with drugs in Food of the Gods, but I don't buy into the whole "stoned ape" thing or "time-wave zero" or anything like that.

I also like McKenna's claim that literature should hold the central place in human thought, not physics.

t. Someone who has done mescaline, LSD, shrooms, and DMT each multiple times. Enough to rebuke staunch materialism, not enough to change my name to Earth Muffin and raise my kids in a teepee.

so the world didn't end in 2012? thanks, Mayans. get your freakin' calendar right whyncha.


Aldous Huxley's Stuff. Brave New World is just the tip of the iceberg.

this. Doors of Perception/Heaven and Hell are p cool tbqhwyfamalama

Naked Lunch. I guess that's not for everyone though. And might take some reading of his earlier work to understand it's significance.


Also HST is misinterpreted as just "I do drugs," so there's that.

I've watched the movie and I plan to read the book. It was a very interesting movie to watch.

I haven't seen the movie, but making a movie out of Burroughs's work seems misguided.
Part of what makes Burroughs so great is the writing, which you can't translate into visual media.

I liked the movie. The book is completely different though. Utterly more batshit and with different shifting locations and characters.

The movie is more a surreal depiction of Burroughs's life taking elements from the book.

Well it's very often like that with books and movies. The book is always better.

Bullshit new-age shlock.

Jesus I didn't know Ernst Junger was such a degenerate. Welp, time to throw out Storm of Steel I guess

is there an english translation?