Why shouldn't I?

why shouldn't I?

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Because it makes your dick smaller

because apparently you're pasta is filled with sand and it will release in a cloud and send shrapnel flying everywhere. pasta carefully now, laddies

do americans really do this?

In traditional Italian cuisine, breaking the pasta is called "al dente" from the root latin word meaning "to dent" or "to bend".

I do, it's hard enough to not get spaghetti sauce on my clothes with half length broken noodles

Full length and shit is flying everywhere, I need a bib.

why shouldn't I?




If this isn't bait, you are supposed to eat the spaghetti by twirling it around the fork against the plate. You can also use a tablespoon to help twirl, I find that it makes the spaghetti more compact that way.

I find that the americans that do that don't have any italian in them. I'm half sicilian and I'd be lying if I said it doesn't trigger me. They even sell "broken spaghetti" in some grocery stores here.

it's not even spaghetti at some point, it becomes filini or something.


Of course you should. How do you expect the spaghetti pasta noodles to cook evenly? Also don't forget to add oil to the noodle spaghetti pasta water to prevent them sticking together, and don't make a rookie mistake and salt the pasta noodle water or you'll damage your stovecookers.

You could also buy pic related to make your life easier. Yes it's a pound.

>all pots are the same diameter
>pasta in the middle is same diameter as pot and it is cut shorter as it reaches the side of the pot, so it fills the pot with a perfect layer of pasta

Still no answer to OP

save your strength OP and just buy this

>it's real

It's nice that you cater for the less able members of your society, I guess.

If you want smaller pasta buy a pasta that is smaller.

not all of us care to have a 14 inch or bigger skillet. the only right way to cook spaghetti or other long pasta is in shallow water to assure proper sauce incorporation when complete. unless you own a fucking wide pan even a pot wont let you cook pasta without over doing the ammount of water you use and make your pasta water shit.

for people with smaller pans breaking the pasta is the best thing you can do for real food, as it allows you to best marry the ingredients together and in a pasta the texture and the combination of sauce and noodle is king, not the intact shape of the pasta.

If you are legit triggered that I do this then feel free to buy me a pan big enough to fit the noodles flat inside of.

I have never been triggered so much and mad so much. People that break spaghetti should be denied spaghetti for the rest of there lives and if they have the audacity to break it again I feel like the death penalty is in order. It's like making a ragû Bolognese and putting cream in it. It's wrong it's just plain wrong. It's like people who rape children or people that eat babies. Some things are just not done. I'm not a puritan but some things are just the way they are for a good reason.

The pasta takes up the exact same volume inside the pan whether broken up or not. I don't even understand what you're talking about.

>why shouldn't I?
Because there's absolutely no reason to do so.

It doesn't trigger me, I just don't see the point.

If you got a pot that is not wide enough to keep the spaghetti noodles in a horizontal position it's not a bad idea. It wastes less water than keeping long as fuck noodles in a weird position because the pot is not wide enough

In other words, you've never cooked spaghetti.

I'm not sure I understand the problem. You start boiling the noodles in a pot of water. By the time you need to transfer the noodles to finish in the sauce then they are already soft and therefore don't require a huge-ass skillet, unless you're trying to prepare a large number of servings at one time.

No. Wait .. what? Spaghetti soften up and unstraighten when boiled?
Hmm, what do you know!

Wtf this might be the first unretarded thing i read here

Dump it in the pot, wait half a minute and push it down now that one end is soft.

Breaking it is like buying crunchy peanut butter and then blending it because you want it smooth.

You sound autistic m8 it literally makes no difference.

I'm an Aussie and I do this. Come at me, shitcunts.

No, you go free, as an aussie you are excused.

It seems this is too difficult for people.

such racism

OP here, so there's no real reason other than "muh authenticity"

Just say "pasta" or "noodle" and ck explodes into terminal autism levels.

There's no reason to do it, and no reason not to do it. So do whatever.

Because instead of saying "noodle" for ever single type of pasta, you can use, you know, their names. Or is remembering more than one word too difficult?

oh noooo bro wat r u doing xD


also, it is impossible to break pasta into just two pieces

do you also get pissed when someone calls a german shephard a dog?

the longer pieces will take longer to cook than the shorter ones.

That word again, Veeky Forums.

lol your a retart

Thanks for that chuckle bruh.

>They even sell "broken spaghetti" in some grocery stores here.

I don't believe this. This has to be bait.


>all pots are the same diameter

And here we see the post. It weighs as much as 9 1/2 elephants and two tables, as round as 89 pots put in a really big pot and sent through a steel press and is as tall as 3 trees, 4 cars, a house and 12 people of different ages stacked on top of eachother!

No its real

this too

>Enriched macaroni product

What in the fuck?

A legal definition of the food in whatever country it is being sold. Probably US or Canada.


Instead of broken spaghetti I'm always on the look out for some type of thick spaghetti, like the kind you used to get in school lunches. Can never find any though.

>Can never find any though.

You have the internet and mail-order. How is this even possible?

But it's spaghetti not macaroni?


>You can also use a tablespoon to help twirl
Get out of here, forever

high class restaurants have special plates with a hole on the side to emulate a spoon, and I really doubt you can even afford to eat in a place like this
what is it with this board, someone says something and there's alwys an assblasted sissy to take it personnaly

This stuff?

>High class restaursnts encourage spoonghettis
America, everyone

I'm actually french, the country that created cuisine, you know ?
i've also worked with a "MOF", meilleur ouvrier de France, stands for "best worker of France", la crème de la crème, if you will
now take your memes somewhere else please

I'm afraid that somebody was trolling with you friend

You also invented cuckhold and mixed breeding. Whats your point?

How's that gene pool working out for you guys since Napolean killed off all your real men?

france just ripped off italian dishes. That's the root of french cisine- doing what the italians did, but somehow make things even fuckin harder to pronounce

They ensured the existence of your country


My sister is a restaurant chef and does this
makes me mad everytime, like holy shit you actually cook for a living and dont know how to stir in pasta

you arent "supposed" to do anything. you arent "supposed" to eat dried pasta in the first place

>I'm half sicilian

I always break my spaghetti in half, so it fits in my pot. People who don't do this for pots smaller than the spaghetti length are not to be trusted and may be considered to be terrorists or at least arsonists.



dude you need a larger pot. Spend $5 at a fucking thrift store.



underrated as fuck post

>They even sell "broken spaghetti" in some grocery stores here.

Never change, Ameribros.


Just like Nonna use to make!

oliv oil mother fucker.

This post caused me to "el chuckle" meaning "to chuckle" or "to lol".

What the fuck? You don't just leave full length noodles standing in the water and walk away you need to gently press them into the water once the submerged portion becomes soft.

>Preparing pasta for whatever
>Noodles are settling in nicely, walk away to get tongs
>turn around, aunt pouring olive oil into the water, smiling at me
>Later the spaghetti al nero is oily and almost flavorless because the sauce can't stick to the noodles
>Somehow i am to blame for this development
I desire oblivion.

>the only right way to cook spaghetti or other long pasta is in shallow water
>proper sauce incorporation when complete
Wait, do you cook the pasta together with the sauce?

>aunt pouring olive oil into the water, smiling at me
that line is somewhat creepy

I'm italian and i can confirm

My immediate family does this to all our pasta. My sister came back from staying with some cousins and bragged about how she showed them to add olive oil, when they were probably all screaming internally at her to stop ruining their food.

i imagined she's missing a few teeth and has a milky eye

zitto animale

If you can't fit spaghetti in your pot why don't you just fucking use penne or something?

I did this to noodles by accident.
Sure, it looked fancy, but cleaning the pot was pain

Byut what abyout Go'tza!

I do it because I don't like using a gallon of water everytime I want to eat pasta.

So what you're saying is that you willingly cook your pasta improperly?

The more water the better.

i was just at the grocery store and i saw "pot size" spaghetti, which was basically just noodles half the size of standard(?) spaghetti noodles.

i thought spaghetti noodles were already pot-sized?

>I find that the americans that do that don't have any italian in them. I'm half sicilian and I'd be lying if I said it doesn't trigger me. They even sell "broken spaghetti" in some grocery stores here.
You are not half sicilian. You are Anericans, actual Italians hate you guys and are ashamed and would never acknowledge kinship with you, so why do you cling so hard to this identity?

While I hate sicilians this is incredibly inaccurate

it's hard to speak clearly when you eat 4 sticks of butter a day

How does breaking your spaghetti mean you use less water?

I assume he means that when the spaghetti is broken he can fit it into a smaller pot.

But that's kind of stupid because pasta is best cooked in the largest possible amount of water. Just because you can fit broken spaghetti into a smaller pot of water doesn't mean that is a good idea.