What are some books about utterly loathing women?

What are some books about utterly loathing women?

None. Every book ever written cherishes women and addresses them as equals, and was written by someone who loved women. The end. Now kill yourself.

Shut up cunt

my diary.

I too am redpilled OP and I hate roastwhores with a passion.


Absolutely this.

Let's start an anti-woman reading group.
Other robots up for it?

*raises paw*

Stop samefagging bint

You're just spamming now, OP.


madame bovary to a slight extent?


The Idiot

madam bovary

Veeky Forums wiki is the only good thing about this board.

Little Women
It should be our first read, followed by the left hand of darkness.

And the Qu'ran.

My Twisted World, one of the greatest tragicomedies ever written.

Pretty much any philosopher up til the 20th century.

your mom's diary



Why the hatred towards women?
It's completly illogical.

Please don't kick start this thread again you fucking faggot.

Knowledge cares not for the status of an imageboard. I would let this all burn if only to get closer to the truth.

You aren't going to get closer to anything beyond /b/tier shitposting.