LaTeX Thread!

ITT: We fuck with [math]\LaTeX[/math]

Other urls found in this thread:

a \\ a \\ a \\ a \\ a \\ a \\ a \\ a \\ a \\ a

Stop posting these horrible threads. You don't need to use Veeky Forums as a LaTeX sandbox when there are countless better options.

Did you know you can just run pdflatex on your computer?

These threads are fun. They belong on Veeky Forums much more than gorillas.

Why is "but there's other shitposting!" always the argument in favor of shitposting?

[math]It's fun to code on Latex.
def main():
for i in range(100):
print "This nigga is sucking : {} dick/s".format(i)

\sum_{n=1}^\infty n = -\frac{1}{12}

$P = NP$ iff $P = 0$ or $N = 1$

[math] \displaystyle
\sum_{n=1}^\infty n = -\frac{1}{12}

[math] P = NP \iff P = 0[/math] or [math]N = 1[/math]

thanks senpai, still working this stuff out.


[math]0.999 \ldots = 1[/math]

scared of latex

[math] \displaystyle
0. \overline{9}=1

a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13} \\
a_{21} & a_{22} & a_{23} \\
a_{31} & a_{32} & a_{33}
\\ \\ \\
\bar{A} = \begin{pmatrix}
\overline{a}_{11} & \overline{a}_{12} & \overline{a}_{13} \\
\overline{a}_{21} & \overline{a}_{22} & \overline{a}_{23} \\
\overline{a}_{31} & \overline{a}_{32} & \overline{a}_{33}
\\ \\ \\
A^T = \begin{pmatrix}
a_{11} & a_{21} & a_{31} \\
a_{12} & a_{22} & a_{32} \\
a_{13} & a_{23} & a_{33}
\\ \\ \\
\bar{A}^T=\overline{A^T}= A^*=A^\dagger = \begin{pmatrix}
\overline{a}_{11} & \overline{a}_{21} & \overline{a}_{31} \\
\overline{a}_{12} & \overline{a}_{22} & \overline{a}_{32} \\
\overline{a}_{13} & \overline{a}_{23} & \overline{a}_{33}
\\ \\ \\
if A = A^\dagger, \text{it's called a HERMITIAN}

The meme isn't as recogniseable this way. I'm going to make a banner of Veeky Forums memes.

Math without [math]\mathbb{R}[/math]

[math]\color{#db2b2b}I\text{ }\color{#db5f2b}r\color{#db932b}a\color{#dbc62b}i\color{#bcdb2b}n\color{#88db2b}b\color{#55db2b}o\color{#2bdb36}w\color{#2bdb69}e\color{#2bdb9d}d\text{ }\color{#2bdbd0}y\color{#2bb2db}o\color{#2b7edb}u\color{#2b4adb}r\text{ }\color{#402bdb}m\color{#742bdb}o\color{#a72bdb}m[/math]

How do I generate something like this? Surely you didn't make it manually.


[math] \Gamma_{j'k'}^{i'}=\partial_{i}x^{i'}\partial_{j'}x^j\partial_{k'}x^k\Gamma_{jk}^i +\partial_{j}x^{i'}\partial_{j'}\partial_{k'}x^{j} [\math]

[eqn]\left( \rfloor \:^\circ \,_\Delta \;^\circ \right)\rfloor \:\: \frown \: \perp \mathunderscore \perp [/eqn]

This should be updated; we have support for matrices now.

[math] \Gamma_{j'k'}^{i'}=\partial_{i}x^{i'}\partial_{j'}x^j\partial_{k'}x^k\Gamma_{jk}^i +\partial_{j}x^{i'}\partial_{j'}\partial_{k'}x^{j} [/math]

Please tell me how you did this.

well, the useful thing about anonymity is that I cannot embarrass myself...

[eqn]\left(\:' \,_\cap \;' \right)[/eqn]
You have failed me, deTexify...

Not that guy but you can do this by generating the hex values for the colour code first (using something like and then used some form of grep+replace to turn it into valid LaTeX.


\color{#ff0000}F &\color{#ffdb00}A &\color{#49ff00}G &\color{#00ff92}G &\color{#0092ff}O &\color{#4900ff}T &\color{#ff00db}S \\
\color{#ffdb00}A &\color{#49ff00}G &\color{#00ff92}G &\color{#0092ff}O &\color{#4900ff}T &\color{#ff00db}S &\color{#ff0000}F\\
\color{#49ff00}G &\color{#00ff92}G &\color{#0092ff}O &\color{#4900ff}T &\color{#ff00db}S &\color{#ff0000}F &\color{#ffdb00}A\\
\color{#00ff92}G &\color{#0092ff}O &\color{#4900ff}T &\color{#ff00db}S &\color{#ff0000}F &\color{#ffdb00}A &\color{#49ff00}G\\
\color{#0092ff}O &\color{#4900ff}T &\color{#ff00db}S &\color{#ff0000}F &\color{#ffdb00}A &\color{#49ff00}G &\color{#00ff92}G\\
\color{#4900ff}T &\color{#ff00db}S &\color{#ff0000}F &\color{#ffdb00}A &\color{#49ff00}G &\color{#00ff92}G &\color{#0092ff}O\\
\color{#ff00db}S &\color{#ff0000}F &\color{#ffdb00}A &\color{#49ff00}G &\color{#00ff92}G &\color{#0092ff}O &\color{#4900ff}T\\

Is it possible to create strikethrough text?



How to earn $300k starting

and more!

\text{ }^{\color{#571da2}{\displaystyle\text{W}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{\color{#462eb9}{\displaystyle\text{h}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#3f47c8}{\displaystyle\text{y}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#3f62cf}{\displaystyle\text{ }}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#437ccc}{\displaystyle\text{i}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#4b90bf}{\displaystyle\text{s}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#56a0ae}{\displaystyle\text{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#62ab99}{\displaystyle\text{t}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#71b484}{\displaystyle\text{h}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#82ba70}{\displaystyle\text{i}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#96bc5f}{\displaystyle\text{s}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#a9bd52}{\displaystyle\text{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#bcbb48}{\displaystyle\text{o}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#ceb541}{\displaystyle\text{n}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#dcab3c}{\displaystyle\text{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#e39938}{\displaystyle\text{/}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#e68033}{\displaystyle\text{s}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#e3632d}{\displaystyle\text{c}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{\color{#de4227}{\displaystyle\text{i}}}}}}\text{ }^{\color{#da2121}{\displaystyle\text{/}}}

[math] e^{ix} = cos(x) + i \cdot sin(x) [/math]
[math] e^{i\pi} = cos(\pi) + i \cdot sin(\pi) = -1 + i \cdot 0 = -1 [/math]
[math] e^{i\pi} = -1 [/math]
[math] e^{i \frac{\pi}{2}} = i [/math]

[math] i^i= ({e^{i \frac{\pi}{2}}})^i = e^{i^2\frac{\pi}{2}} = e^{-\frac{\pi}{2}} [/math]
[math] \frac{1}{e^{\frac{\pi}{2}}} \approx 0.2787957... [/math]

You can literally compile it locally on your computer and not constantly take up space on the catalog. You can't write anything that matters on Veeky Forums anyways.


You can check what subset of Latex works on Veeky Forums, though.

x &= y + z \\
\sin\alpha + \sin\beta &= \sin\gamma

You can also use that neat little TeX preview button in your post box before you post.

[math]\underline{\color{#ff0000} }[/math]
That's exactly why we need to test the limits of what can be written on Veeky Forums, so that we can communicate more effectively.

oh so that's one more matrix equation to care about

>and not constantly take up space on the catalog
Wouldn't want to take the place of a race thread now would we.

There's no reason to make good posts, because other people are shitposting. Got it.

in QM they associate with observables, i.e. actual measurements your posts nicely show

Nobody (not even mods) on this stupid board complains about monkeyposters.
Therefore monkeyposters belong on Veeky Forums.
[math]\LaTeX[/math] is more science related than monkeys and retarded questions.
Therefore [math]\LaTeX[/math] belongs more on Veeky Forums than monkeyposters.
Therefore [math]\LaTeX[/math] belongs on Veeky Forums.
