User, stop reading books for one day and use your language skills to score some chicks down at the creek!

>user, stop reading books for one day and use your language skills to score some chicks down at the creek!

man your shitposts are really low quality. are you a markov text generator and a folder of reaction images?

Late late evening
A desolate bus stop
Me and this blonde blonde chick
Waiting waiting
I was pacing around not paying too much attention to her
She was sitting checking her phone
Suddenly I hear a voice behind me:
Hey, do you need a ride?
She called a taxi.

You sucked Markov

Why do I sort of pity them?

Especially the guy to with the animal hat. Something seems sad about them.

What the fuck are you doing at my house?

Is it that they'll never be comfortable enough with themselves to able to express their feelings for each other?

They're getting to the age where posing like that isn't cool anymore.

This and also they probably have skin cancer.

Maybe your ego is just grasping for a desperate sense of superiority.

It's the handsome manchild.

Nah. It doesn't feel like that.

It feels more like I want to tell them everything is going to be okay.

>hey bro all you got to do is just go up to her bro, its what i do

the key thing to remember that if you're nervous you've already lost

I don't ""pity"" them at all.
I probably wouldn't hold them in too high regard as aspiring intellectuals, and would feel that they're tossing their lives away, but I would definitely accept the invitation to spend one day with them and score some chicks down at the creek using my language skills.

Maybe your problem is that you don't have any.

Well Veeky Forums, somehow you're at the trendy young professionals bar in that big city you live in. After hundreds of hours of reading the finest literature known to man I'm sure you can think of something extremely witty and charming to say to the woman in picrelated within 2 seconds while walking up to her. If you fail she goes home with Chad.

>post feet

The thing about literature is that literature is fantasy, not life. Shit written in books doesn't work IRL.

>Shit written in books doesn't work IRL.
bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk! You've really BTFO'd him, I'd say!

Warden be cry

The thing about women, though, is that it doesn't matter what you say to them, as long as you say it in the right way.

I'm going to take you back to my stepdad's apartment while he's out of town on business and fuck your shitter until its elasticity is all worn out. DAVID FOSTER WALLAAAAAACE

That is true on the other hand. However movies are then a great medium to pick up these kinds of tricks (it's not just how you "say" stuff, it's how you carry yourself in general), and movies are still fantasy.

With confidence

usually but not necessarily

if you're skilled enough you can make a lot of stuff work, out of the slightly dramatized approximation of your actual character/personality


>and would feel that they're tossing their lives away

You all know nothing about these men, which shows your own personal insecurities because they're far more attractive than you. These guys could be holding Doctorates for all you know. I have people just as attractive as these men in my Masters program. You all are some sad, pathetic individuals.

Armless dress, eh? Well I see you have muscle tone for it. Myself, I'm carrying around these flabby hams; I can feel them swinging sometimes when I walk too quickly. Honestly you've probably spent more time at the gym in the past month than I have in my entire life. What are you drinking? A martini? Ha, that's a girl's drink. Well I suppose you are a girl and thus more prone to dainty pleasures as such. Myself, I prefer a strong whisky sour, really puts some hair on your balls. Not that you have balls of course, but if you did, yours would be as smooth as a baby's undescended testes.

>I have people just as attractive as these men
Yeah, I seem to have mislead you quite a bit by how I said what I said (third poster). I'm not ugly, and I don't have problems with my social life.

The truth just remains unbeatably that you can't spend your life partying 24/7 and achieve anything worthy. So no, if the guys from the picture (which is above the point -- the picture is just there to illustrate a bigger point and it succeeds in that visually) have doctorates in real life I don't mind and I would know that if they were my real life acquaintances, but here on the internet, the way they've dressed and their hairstyles sadly even just their faces allow them to serve perfectly as a very specific stereotype of a good-hearted (or not so good-hearted but good-hearted enough) athletic guy who only parties because he's empty inside.

emptiness is form