Why the people still believe in atrology ?

Why the people still believe in atrology ?

Because they want meaning, and science doesn't give it.
Humans will cling to anything, unless it interferes with something else of which they need to or want to understand its rational workings.

It can feel hard to accept there isn't some higher order to reality. People just tend to make connections and see patterns when coincidences happen. The lore of mysticism is intriguing, and becomes a matrix for those false connections.

Hmm, nice cringe inducing opinion, anyways you should do some studying.

Not the person who posted , but I don't see how that's cringe inducing.

Why do people believe in any kind of magic?

>Why do people believe in any kind of magic?

Religion ?

Just like I also fail to see any cringe.

Oh ye of little faith.
You have yet to grasp infinity.

>My order is an order without orders!

No, magic is just mind games.

I actually heard a really interesting explanation about this from an astrologer friend of mine who actually has a genius range IQ.

She said she's fully aware that the relative position of celestial bodies has fuck all to do with anything on earth, but that thinking of people in terms of their zodiac sign helps to categorize behavior and makes people more understandable. Whether their personality is actually consistent with their zodiacal profile doesn't actually matter that much; when you break things down to the level of sun signs, moon signs, ascendants and planetary signs, you're analyzing and categorizing a LOT of different minute levels of people's personalities that you wouldn't otherwise think about. Then you're trying to figure out how all of those little traits and inner conflicts might interact with one another. Accuracy aside, just as a thought exercise, being more attentive to those minute facets of personality makes you more perceptive of them, and that makes it easier to relate to others.

>genius IQ


Why do people still believe in God?

Sounds a lot like psychology, really.

Positive bias and it makes them feel good about themselves.

astrology is not so unreasonable if you think about it psychologically

we all know that the first year of a baby's psychological development has long-lasting consequences, and we know that weather and climate have an impact on mood

therefore it's not at all unreasonable to suggest that the time of year in which you are born will have some kind of impact on your personality

So then latitude would come into play. An Australian Pisces is the polar opposite of an American Pisces, and there's little variation in personality for those born at the equator.

true, but obviously i thought of that
astrology has its roots very clearly in the northern hemisphere and was practiced there for quite a while before spreading around

Someone should head over to Reddit, see if they have an anthropologist we can borrow. Need someone to tell us about astro-mysticism near or below the equator.

lol yeah
maybe this could become a meme, the scientism of astrology meme

i think the first records of it are from babylon / akkad / sumeria so you're not far off anyway desu
but i expect (no idea really) that it would have been 'refined' as it spread around

Given how important stars were to all ancient humans, I wouldn't think those astrology systems would have spread around so much as they'd have been developed independently of one another. Maybe a few concepts got traded, but I'd imagine they stayed fairly distinct. Could be wrong.

Magic is real, but Allah (sbt) condemns the man who dabbles in it.