S to spit on grave. Can't believe the amount of people here that support this sociopath manchild...

S to spit on grave. Can't believe the amount of people here that support this sociopath manchild. Do you guys do it just to be contrarians?

Other urls found in this thread:


Shkreli didn du nuffin.

OHhhhh hohoho I love when the globalists punish people hohoho

Right...Next thing you know they will be using the word NIgger and blaming the man for everything

It's biz, this channel has went full retard since early 2017.. late news, constant panic, fud on all crypto.. every once in awhile there's a diamond in the rough post, rest are basement trolls these days

arguably the most reddit post i’ve ever seen on Veeky Forums


I unironically like and support Anders Brievik.
I haven't kept up with the information on this guy. I could support him if I knew what was going on.



He was a nocoiner in denial too until he finally started making Bitcoin videos and asking for donations.

Know it all fucktard is going to go jail while owning no bitcoins aka POOR.

If he wasn't a retard he would be holding his net-worth in bitcoin and in 7 years he would come out of prison a billonaire.

He lives on in our hearts. And on our backs. And on Tyrone's lap.

You need to go back
And kys

good im glad i can finally get my aids meds again

What'd he even do?

you sir have won teh internet

shkreli is great and didnt do anything wrong. if you turned biz into a human its this guy. fuck you OP

he lied to his investors even though every investor made 3-5x returns.

memed too hard

He went to jail for lying to investors and misappropriating funds. Publicly he's more well known as the guy that jacked the price of a generic drug up 5000%, bought a single press Wu Tang album for 2 mil, and generally acting like a twat on the internet.

he's clearly extremely hardworking and smart. 3 months in prison would have taught him that he needs to pay attn to other people's POVs and with a good chance he'd have become a very highly producitve member of society.

7 years of prison will just make a sour piece of shit when he comes out in his 40s, and will be extremly mad at society

american justice system is so fucked up. tough punishments do have a place but some sour old ladies living their frustration with life out in harsh sentences is beyond fucked up.
look how the judge punished him for joking about hillary and alzheimers.

or look at ulbricht's case.


true. if he got a year he would be grateful and be sure to avoid doing anything that would land him back there again. They just want to make an example of him, same with ulbricht. "don't fuck with the system"

this is what happens when you try to cheat chad

How many people making these threads are active homosexuals?

> 7 years
who were his lawyers? they obviously should never work again.

yeah. there is no person with significant amount of power who would ever cheat. they're all behind bars.

and i mean, ulbricht did deserve 10 years. but did not deserve to be sentenced for murders that did not happen.

fuck scammers. funny how people hate scamming pajeets but love scamming shkreli.

the lawyer is responsible for the jury, but the guy so didn't care about his public image he must have been a really hard save.

the lawyer can't do shit if the judge wants to destroy him.

what did he do exactly? isn't it more like "shilling a blatant shitcoin on Veeky Forums" tier scam than "send 4 eth here to get back 40" tier scam?

Nice armchair psychology, Stacy. You’ve never spoken one fucking word to MS. Let me guess: muh daraprim and muh smugness. Wow, public enemy #1.
He had a .0002% position pre-trial which is neighborhood of $50,000 at the time (5 months ago).
Be young hedge fund manager. Lose your clients’ money in the markets. Don’t tell them about it. Borrow money from your own, separate company to cover losses, make back the money and much more, give your clients a fat return.
Sounds like 7 years fed time to you right? Only when you add on the obvious character assassination. They’ve been trying to lock him up since the daraprim “scandal”.


This. The guy went out of his way to be a cunt to everyone in the process. He made it worse for himself.

Unironically this

so it's a kangaroo court

Kill yourself. Breivik slaughtered innocent teenagers who were gonna contribute more to this world. than you ever will.


Yeah 7 years is more than you get for raping a kid, when he gets out he'll probably go on a shooting spree and I won't judge him

Damn real

Hillary murdered people and she's free to shit in her pants in public. What a joke.


It was a commie summer camp. They were going to fuck up Norway even worse than Sweden.

I can't wait until the court system is run by AI. Do you know what the most influential factor as to a judge deciding on parole is? Whether or not he ate a meal beforehand. Humans are purely emotional creatures. Rationality is a guise we employ post hoc.

Yeah so edgy to support this POS. Unironic /pol/ nazis, etc. Edgy.

OP, i agree with you.
fuck this faggot. i hate him. i can't believe people side with him. I hope he gets shived in jail. also, look at his smug soycuck face.

He actually did bought bitcoin. Go to his channel, in one of the last few videos. He bought it around 5k. Before the boom to 20k and crash of bitcoin.

You hate him for no reason. Because he’s smug? Big deal, get over it.

you sound like an extremely emotional person and should never be put in a position of even mild power.

When he increased the prices of the drugs he had a monopoly on, was it targeted for consumers? did the price increase mainly affect insurance/pharmaceutical companies?

insurance/pharma companies

>fud on all crypto

Crypto is a scam. Get that through your thick skull.

Insured patients real cost $20
Obamacare $1
Uninsured $0

If you don't like that he could raise the price on that drug then.............. .... ... .. CHANGE THE GOD DAMN FUCKING LAW YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS!!!!!! GOD DAMN IT!!!!

All of of this bitching, and crying, and condemnation. And not ONE. NOT ONE SINGLE ATTEMPT TO CHANGE THE SYSTEM. Not from you, not from the Congress critters, not from anyone.

It's real easy just amend the law so that compounding pharmacies can make drugs that old with no licensing or regard for patents
>Pyrimethamine was discovered in 1952 and came into medical use in 1953
There you go. Used before 1954? Compounding pharmacies should have carte blanche to pump that shit out.

But you'll never ask for that because you're a gay piece of shit. You don't want to fix the system you just want to cry and blame Shkreli the mean man.

Fuck you.

Is it me or biz is starting to smell of pol more and more these last few days

Veeky Forums is half /pol/ you retard.

Cause highest IQ board is /pol/, and a lot of /pol/ards are successful businessmen.

While everyone else who are from /v/, /co/ /b/ and other retarded addicts buy our bags. You low IQ piece of shit.

>cause highest IQ board is /pol/

>>Give away drug for free to people that can't afford it
>>Literally Hitler

They’d rather lynch a boogeyman than make actual change. Pay no attention to big pharmas that do this every day. Nono, MS is the problem.

haHaa excellent post newfriend, I just gifted you a month of reddit gold, enjoy! :)

Edit: Wow thanks for the reddit gold in return! :)

All currency is a scam... designed to keep you where you are and keep you working hard in the hope you might some day have more of $currency

Can I get reddit gold too? I agree with both of you.

>saving dollars doesn’t net me gains
It’s not supposed to. You’re supposed to spend it. Invest. Start a business.

Uh, not sure how what you said relates to the reply I wrote to the other guy

Cant he appeal the sentence

>He went to jail for lying to investors and misappropriating funds.
so what happened, exactly?
have read some news pieces but its all rather vague

He did some crazy investnents, they wanted out coz they thought he would lose it all. Sued him but he made them 400% gains

Hueeee I can sense your high iq through the internets. I'm genuinely amazed by your post, so iq.

so he basically was convicted for pulling a michael burry?

I assume you were bitching about inflation.

The fund was losing and he didn’t tell the investors. Worse yet he told them it was doing better than it was. Then he borrowed money from his pharm company to cover the losses and made everyone more than whole. The only thing he was found of guilty of was telling the investors that the performance was better than it really was during that period.

>I can sense your high iq through the internets.

I never said I had high IQ, faggot.

I said /pol/ is overall the highest IQ board, which it is. Matching Veeky Forums.
While most other boards aren't even in the same league.