What fictional food you want to eat Veeky Forums?

What fictional food you want to eat Veeky Forums?

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Fictional? I guess that would be your girlfriend.

The magic food they had in Harry Potter

Butter Beer always sounded nice

>I have enough spare time to reply to this meaningless thread


>Butter Beer recipe

Omfg, not the thread from hell again.

Tubby Custard and Tubby Toast

For me, it is the cherrychanga.

get killed Barneyfag

Kill yourself autist


The crystal/ radish scructures the little builder guys made in Fraggle Rock.

you know meat exists irl right?


Nuka Cola.

got 'em

Senzu bean

Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster.
There's a "Last bar before the end of the Universe" out there that serves these, but the original sounds so appealing.

Phantom space ramen from space dandy

I bet it has a spicy after taste

I want to try a cow-pie.

Okay, first, , it's a chimicherrychanga. If you're gonna false-flag, at least do your research. And : it YOU'RE gonna false-flag, put more effort into it.

Kids these days...

Mmmm so tasty!

Countless shit from Star Treks looked tasty as fug. Except Klingon

Elsweyr fondue.


Bell peppers and beef

Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong

I remember watching an episode (or special) of Jimmy Neutron where they're forced to participate in some weird American Gladiator type game run by an alien show host.

In one challenge, a wheel is spun to decide what food the group will have to eat and it lands on some weird dish which is just weird alien meat chunks.

Carl is chosen as sacrifice and turns out he liked it. They kind of looked like fried chicken giblets or weird mini bone-in roasts.

I always kind of wondered what alien meat would taste like.

speaking of jimmy neutron
these fucking things. And purp flurp

Watching that dumb show now.

Came here to post this.

This. Could you imagine how much weight you'd lose and still be healthy? It's a vegans wet dream.

yeah but you didn't and you didn't get trips loser

>Here's a hint!


Why ? What went wrong ? Or right ??

I've always wanted to drink an Alamo beer.

It's real tho

Honestly this though

That building material the Doozers used in Fraggel Rock.

you just solved a christmas gift for a friend


Much rather have some rations.

This shit looked delicious as fuck.

You do know zebras are real animals right?

Not the self cooking space ramen...

saving this. thread


I want to try some of his Ongiri jam doughnuts.

I always wanted to cosplay as Brock and pass out jelly donuts.

But they're onigir.

But then you bite into it and it's sweetened sticky rice with jam filling and the nori is fruit leather.

The roasted wild boar in Asterix makes my mouth water like nothing else.
I think part of the reason I stopped eating meat is because no real meat ever could live up to the expectations of how drawn meat looks for me.

Aren't harpies and minotaurs sapient in the DnD universe? I think it would feel weird to eat another sapient species.

As a kid I always thought the poisoned cake looked fucking delicious


Purple flurp from Jimmy Neutron looked tasty. But I'd also want to try Limestone pie and hot melted silver from "Return to Oz".


Also, Krabby Patties from Spongebob, candied nuts from Redwall and Scooby Snax.

Looks like cream of something, like broccoli