Let's be honest, at the end of the day, this book is pretty good, even if it's overread

Let's be honest, at the end of the day, this book is pretty good, even if it's overread.

Gatsby is one of those characters you'd love to meet one day and hang out with

what are you doing

I really dont think it's that great. All it has going for it is the allure of posterity.

not reading it right now

It's a phenomenal text on the strength of its message, symbolism, and prose alone

Fuck the tryhards. Same people who shit on this are the same people who think they can't listen to Nirvana or the Stones for whatever embarrassing reason

This was funny.

I personally don't like the book due to the characters being so horribly unattractive/unrelatable in a sense. Nick is a fucking idiot, and an asshole as well. Tom is annoying ( I get he's a hypocrite and brutish but please). Jordan is fucking ignorant to the point where I got annoyed just seeing her name. Gatsby and Jordan are the only two good characters, but Jordan's part is very brief. This is just my opinion though, don't get buttmad over it.

Are you implying most people in general are reasonable, likeable, logical folk?

Are you implying that rich white people in the 20s definitely were?

>implying you should "like" the characters

It really captures the Trump spirit, dressed with DiCaprio beauty.


I get they aren't characters you aren't supposed to like. Think Heathcliff from WH, but like they are so aggravating that it ruined the book for me.

Don't ever pick up Madame Bovary

This makes me all the more excited to read Madame Bovary.

>Gatsby is one of those characters you'd love to meet one day and hang out with

The whole point of the book was that Gatsby was a creepy stalker who didn't have any real friends, and Nick only likes him because he bought into the illusion.


did you read the book with your eyes closed, OP?

I guess I bought into the illusion, but I really feel for Gatsby. I thought he was a hardworking man who made it his life to relive the past with the love of his life, and it just could have worked out if it weren't for Tom cockblocking.

Gatsby especially didn't have to die at the end for trying, that really made it even worse

that's just it, though: why does that make you want to hang out with him?

I saw that everyone in the book were living honestly but being shitheads, whereas Gatsby lived dishonestly (bootlegging) but was the most honest had the best genuine intentions. I can relate to him working to transform himself into something that he wasn't born with (from poor James to rich Jay).

Why wouldn't you want to hang out with him?

I'm too poor to get invested in the contrived issues of people with too much money

What did he mean by this?

>allure of posterity
Are you retarded?

Maybe some John Green with nice little relatable characters will be more to your liking, user?

Lmao, good joke. It's not my fault they are literally terrible characters in a plot that is convoluted.

>but was the most honest had the best genuine intentions
let's see what Gatsby does:
>hooks up with girl then doesn't see her for 5 years
>spends those 5 years plotting how he can get back with this girl
>becomes career criminal
>fabricates new identity
>all to break up a marriage

none of this is honorable.

It's a great book. I don't know what it means for a book to be 'overread', though.
99% of the people who disagree are people that wanna be to cool for the room