They are going to call us lucky. They are going to say there is no way we knew how big it would be. Unfortunately...

They are going to call us lucky. They are going to say there is no way we knew how big it would be. Unfortunately, many are going to sell at $10, $50, $100. To those that don't, the world is yours.

We saw the potential. We dealt with the fud. We deserve what is coming. There is no crypto project that comes close. We are in this together and together we will make it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Are you serious user and if so why so confident I must know now

its just a meme

Same with REQ, anyone who sells REQ over $10 is missing out on passive income the dumbasses. REQ and link, brothers to the moon

if you don't know by now...

I was early in eth, early in antshares. They aren't going to be what link is. They are now big and compete. Link will stand alone and be the glue that marries the real world to crypto. Link will be the biggest thing since BTC.

>philosophy major

>intel sgx

Okay OP, chill the fuck out. Everyone who was stupid enough to buy into this shit coin (you included) is now in on it.

You are shilling to nobody now. We are just laughing at you.

I hope this is an ironic post, but you and me both know it's not

Blockchain represents chaos. It reminds me of how Adam and Eve were in paradise, but a malicious snake doomed them with false promises, just like all the shills here.

You also need to sort smart contracts out, or how would you say it... They'll pump new useless stuff all the time to fill the void, like PoWH and MOBIUS and man, that is NOT good for you. LINK represents value and transcendence. It literally unites the smart contracts with real-world data, this represents the death of god. This is what Nietzsche was talking about all along.

In Jungian psychology, and I find this tremendously intriguing, you need to be able to contend with yourself in domains out of your comfort zone.

That includes being made fun of on Bhutanese basket-weaving forums for your decisions in life, all of the FUD, the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. But, in order to grow and extend your physical manifestation in this world you must endure this. And once you've made that trip, to hell and back, oh man, you've EARNED your place in the book of legends.

You will try to hide this post in the back of your memory but it will haunt you soon.

The biggest lie biz ever told is convincing plebbit that Link is only a meme

Everything we post is archived. In 2019 biz is going to be full of screenshots of the few that called it. How did we know link was going to be so big? Did we just get lucky?? The ones that understand link know how big it will be. I hold other coins but there is nothing that compares to how confident I am.

"chainlink is a meme is a meme" is a meme

I'm absolutely convinced that anyone who thinks link is a meme hasn't read the whitepaper and doesn't understand why LINK is an important tool in the mainstream adoption of smart contracts. Buying link is like buying a ton of shovels at wholesale value before the gold rush of 1949.

user you couldn't be more right. A reddit link post will get no attention. Reddit doesn't deserve this. Chainlink posts will fill reddit by the end of the year.

I literally bought 1K of this not too long ago just to avoid a repeat of what happened with Antshares/NEO.
Same fucking shit. Was both shilled and fudded hard as fucking hell on here just like Chainlink. Look at where NEO is now. I literally spent days wondering if I should get some when it was cheap and chose not to.
I'm not taking any chances this time.

Even if Chainlink is only a meme there is a meme in the oval office.
I do a lot of things but I never ever underestimate meme magic and weaponized autism. Every time I did I got burnt hard

>goldrush of 1949
The state of link holders

Damn chainlink is the Milhouse of crypto

If brainlets can't fathom how valuable a blockchain agnostic middleware for automated smartcontracts on a trustless decentralized oracle network is going to be for crypto & fintech which happened to be mentioned by fucking name by the Chairman of the World Economic Forum then fuck them, rain piss down on their heads from the moon.


Read the white paper...follow the GitHub...understand the team can give a shit about hype...they are antihype. They arent some Justin Tron sunny lu promising the world...but they are about to give the biggest gift to crypto.

those idiots don't understand anyway

Like I said user...there will be a day when I won't explain it...but someone will pull screenshots of threads like this and they will realize there was a few that knew. I've already made it off my past investments but hop on here to give hope

user, I have 6k REQ should I also start accumulating link to match my req?

d e l u d e d

I’m holding until 2020 at least. I have 75k link. I think I’ll have 100million by then

I unironically sit and wonder how much of the FUD is people being serious. I legitimately don't want people to miss out. Empathy kind of blows

the scary thing about LINK is that one day we will just make it, it'll be like the second coming of christ, like a thief in the night user's, the question is, will you be ready?

fud to link is needed. What would happen if everyone knew bitcoin would go so high.

user...I like req and I hold a bit but it is a long shot. Link is a guarantee. If you want to hold both i would go 10 to 1 link/req. I do think they will both succeed in the long run. Req will have a lot of competition meanwhile link has centralized competitors or others that are years behind.

What would be the legitimate FUD?

Never selling.

you should be holding 10/1 LINK/REQ so you need to stack 60k stinkies to make it

I honestly don't know. Hundreds of autists have tried to poke a hole in LINK the past 6 months, nothing has worked.
Straight up everything about LINK is bullish.

Right, that's what I'm getting at. Everything that people try to call out as FUD can either be debunked or is a meme.

8k here, prepared for liftoff. Fuck all you faggots who whine about having "only 20k" I can't wait till you assholes sell early and whine of how someone like me is richer than you

that's the spirit, my friend. we're all gonna be winners, but some more than others. hold.

I have no idea, nothing I've seen, but I know I've fallen for weak fud in the past so it gives me feels knowing it's happening to others now

I just haven't seen any estimates of the market cap of chainlink.

Even $100 seems really bullish for a coin that... I don't understand how it works or why it would be superior to both ETH and NEO.

I've been in since .38c back to .17c up to $1.30, back to .45c up to .80c & to where we are today. I own my home & have a solid 100k p.a job.
Even if this hits $300 & takes 2/3 years to do that, i still won't fucking sell & i have a considerable fucking stack.

i've never ridden a jet ski :(

Real fud is the Chainlink network receive a series of successful Sybil attacks early on in an effort to undermine the trust in the network.
Who do you ask? Chinks. Because they ALWAYS want an in house solution.
When some Chinklink appears as a true competitor they will use all the Linkies Binance Bots have been hoarding and rape Link in the ass. If they almost raped BTC with Bch. Chainlink will be child's play. But unlike btc Chainlink will never recover if most of the nodes are compromised.
Try to debunk this

Chinks will to busy trying to rip off XRP.

That's where reputation will come into play. One would need to spend the time and money building up a node's reputation. Contracts with real money in them aren't going to take any new node that was just spun up.

> I don't understand how it works or why it would be superior to both ETH and NEO.

Ok then go read up on smartcontracts then read the chainlink whitepaper.

Haven't even touched on the fact you can run a node and only cash out node earnings

I'm one of the posts in a well circulating image. Kek spoke through me.

I can't wait to still see that image a year from now when I'm rich and it was one of the legendary LINK prophecies.

>tfw i have to cash out as soon as LINK hits $100
Remember me when you've got your second lambo, fellow marines

>I just haven't seen any estimates of the market cap of chainlink.
that's because it's just a meme

I have 111k links. I really want to run a node. You think i'll be doing well with those link tokens? Or do I need more.

you'll be a fucking multimillionaire
>tfw 1k link

Well at least I'm gonna make it, kinda.

>I'm one of the posts in a well circulating image. Kek spoke through me.

You'll prob be running two nodes and making 6 figures passively

You're kidding yourself if you think people won't sell when they reach their "make it" number, which should start happening between $10-20. Anything more is pure greed

I believe it

I'm being honest when I say...10k link should be your goal.... You see Edith 1k link you will prob sell had by the time it's $20 only leaving 500 but you will sell most at $50.

I’m rock hard over this thought. Rent free

My original post says most will sell too early... And it will happen

>the holder that doesn't need the money
>the holder that looks at selling in disgust
>the holder that holds BTC from 20k down to 6k
Your money will be pixels on a screen friend
You will never cash out
Meaning the value of the digital coin is nothing

BTW good shilling on biz, i use to think link was a joke but i finally bought in during one of the dips

I will be selling, and buying, and selling, and buying, and selling until i slowly increase my stack

How sure are you? Token wise I’m 50/50 but $ wise I’m like 60 link 40 req the filter you go

I'm not selling until it hits $200


You better hope it makes it past $40 fucker
There are so many coins out there, and more coming
Many of them good projects, with great teams, with use cases
Try to be more realistic, and say hopefully....

Biz shills are just deluded, every thread I go on people are 100% certain they are holding that magic one
>Your just a dumb ass, you don't know how good link is
Says every person attached to their coin

Eh. Can you summarize the whitepaper? I skimmed it way back when they wanted $30k worth of ETH to get into the ICO and didn't see anything in the whitepaper that would let me estimate a future value, nor anything that made it send like it would catch on.

Yes, it looked like some kind of oracle service for smart contracts would be cool but I don't understand why that has to be LINK.

How many LNK to run a node?

>you'll be a fucking multimillionaire
How do you get to that multimillionaire number?

you were supposed to sell 2 months ago

any advice on how to start a node?? i'm not that tech savvy but willing to learn if it's gonna save me from having to wagecuck

>it’s just a meme bro.
pic related.

and if they fail they get penalized and the system moves on without it. its not possible. you don't think swift thought about this. Hence the need for 10k nodes for derivatives market adoption

Alright, fuck it.

This thread did it for me. I just got some LINK to hodl. Seriously. Only because it's on the cheap side right now.

This will be the one and ONLY time I get a crypto that had massive FUD and ridicule on Veeky Forums, and that's only because it's not a clear-on-the-surface shitcoin like Turtle was.

You faggots better be right about this one.

Newfag brainlet here. Placed an order for some stinkies a little while ago. It’s now partially filled but the price of link has increased. Should I cancel the rest of my order and try to buy at the current price?

you're better off staking your link in a pool

If you’re really that new just market buy and hold for a while. Consider yourself lucky finding this at the 11th hour

I want to do that. But the beta for linkpool is not accepting anymore sign ups...where else could I do this? Or do I have to wait?

We have to wait or set up our own

Smart move. Now keep adding when you can.

You really think waiting is worth it yeah? I know pool mining is way more beneficial due to the combined power all of our computers are harnessing on the network.

>Real fud is the Chainlink network receive a series of successful Sybil attacks early on in an effort to undermine the trust in the network.
>Who do you ask? Chinks. Because they ALWAYS want an in house solution.
>When some Chinklink appears as a true competitor they will use all the Linkies Binance Bots have been hoarding and rape Link in the ass. If they almost raped BTC with Bch. Chainlink will be child's play. But unlike btc Chainlink will never recover if most of the nodes are compromised.
>Try to debunk this
They would have to buy a ton of link in order to do it. By the time they would attempt to gain entry to create a large enough network of evil nodes, the cost to perform such an attack would be astronomical. Even if they began accumulating large amounts now, it would be a very expensive hedge. In other words, not gonna happen unless it shoots up to a value large enough to be disruptive, then an entity (china in your hypothetical) somehow puts up the capital to create a large enough network to cause havok. Then they would only be able to coordinate their efforts for so long before those nodes would be flagged. It isn't impossible, but it is really unlikely.

I mean I know I don’t have access to the type of data that will go through there

Welcome aboard, now you have to help us keep Sergey under control:

There will be tutorials or you can join linkpool

how many link do i need to not go to work on Jan 2 2019?


Now just turn off the fud...a lot of it is from holders accumulating. Also, read the whitepaper, join slack, and will soon be aggressively adding to your stack.

This... current price is irrelevant...just get some and hold.. see you on the other side

>never ridden a jet ski
You will user, you will. And two girls at the same time. You won't even have to learn their names.

I have 40k. I plan on holding 10k pretty much forever for nodes.

The 30k I haven't decided where I'm going to sell.

Maybe I'll quit my job then pull out 5k USD every month. That should give me plenty of moon potential.

7’s don’t lie.


All of the fud is literally a meme and people who fell for the fud and just the typical naysayers who go in every thread to shit on investments for ego purposes

The more I learn about link the more I like it and I hope it can stay in this lowish accumulation phase for at least a few more months.

"'Chainlink is a meme is a meme' is a meme." is a meme. Change my mind.


All you idiots are falling for a JSON PARSER meme. Half the people still shilling here bought in the ICO at pennies and they are going to fucking jail for fraudulently clicking a box when they knew damn well that this token was subject to SEC security requirements.

So to sum it all up, any newfriends buying link are getting scammed by future jail birds, what a fucking board.

my linky stay stinky

how many links do I need so I don't need to work again and just run a node with my tokens?

>You faggots better be right about this one.

Why even doubt?

theres a 1b total supply, you fucking moron and most of them are locked up
