What are some good non-fiction books about the USA that a non American would enjoy?

what are some good non-fiction books about the USA that a non American would enjoy?

books about their wars, founding/independence, biographies of any interesting presidents, any cool historical stuff.

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Trump: The Best Golf Advice I Ever Received by Donald Trump, and The International Jew, by Henry Ford.

best war journal i've ever read

i had a book once about weird places in the usa. like the world's largest ball of twine and stuff like that. i think the book was just called roadside america or something. anyway i enjoyed it.

also mystery train by greil marcus

my diary desu

Fear and loathing on the campaign trail 72


Whatever you do, for the love of god do not solely read "A Peoples History of the United States" and then think you've gotten all you need to know

Isn't that some leftist history filled with a lot of dubious ""facts"" about American history? Or am I thinking of something else?

yes, its deliberately meant to counteract what the "textbooks" teach you, which is the author's excuse to make it just as biased as what he claims to retaliate against. I wouldn't dismiss it entirely but it's certainly not to be taken as pure fact

jeff shaara. the civil war is the only cool and interesting part of american history.

Battle Cry of Freedom is good if you're interested in the Civil War

It's not that the facts are dubious. It's well-researched and well-sourced. It just shouldn't be treated as a comprehensive American history book, which isn't what it was intended to be anyway.

Alistair Cooke's America: A Personal History of the United States

Unless you're looking for negatives.

Or . . .


It's pretty cool when they first encounter and are attacked by grizzly bears and find out that they can't be destroyed.

Or Democracy in America, by Alexis de Tocqueville


Not only entertaining but insightful. You'll peel back a few layers of the onion that is America with this one.

That link of quotes I posted looks like it has some fakes, however.

War is a force that gives us meaning - Chris Hedges
Blowback - Chalmers Johson
Dark Alliance - Gary Webb
Anything by Greg Palast

Jefferson-Adams letters are destined to become a Veeky Forumscore staple.

A recent read, one of my favorites.

Six Frigates by Ian Toll is pretty good. It covers the founding of the US Navy and it's history from the Revolution to the War of 1812, along with the Quasi-War with France and the issues with the Barbary pirates, which are relatively unreported on. And not only does it cover the military actions, it also goes into detail about the political issues of the time, such as how one side of US politics at the time opposed having a standing navy, because they thought it would be used by the president to extort taxes.

And it's not a book but if you want to learn about the US Civil War, start with the Ken Burns documentary.

if they're a philosophy/political type, the federalist is good. all the president's men if they're interested in the unsavory side of america.

The federalist papers.

>all the president's men

all the king's men
