Do people still freak out when they see a lobster being put into a boiling pot of water?

Do people still freak out when they see a lobster being put into a boiling pot of water?
I seriously doubt crustaceans can feel pain!
That would require a central nerve system.

Murderer! Torturer!

Fuck lobsters mate
You think a lobster would think twice about eating you for dinner?

>caring about sea bugs

Delicious sea bugs.

But all animals feel pain when they are being killed and prepared.

It could be worse, we could be Chinese. They do that exact shit to live mammals.

*central nervous system
Sorry, being a mong.

I have to ask: How or what do you define as an animal? Fish, insects, birds, bacteria? Do they have a vertebra?

Arrhh, dont be a mong, you're among friends.

The only way to be sure is to not eat them.

I like to put just a bit in at a time. A claw, the tip of the tail, the head for a few seconds. They twitch and squirm so furiously.

You can stab them in the cross section before boiling them, it kills them instantly and is the "humane" way to do it.

One of the worst things I've ever seen was a gif of a Chinese fur guy skinning a dog alive. He then throws the doggo onto a pile of other doggos. It turns it's face and looks at the camera before collapsing. ;_;


Just search liveleak for Chinese dog skinned.

it wasn't a dog though it was a raccoon dog

very different

Or dont. No need to see that.

Only when I'm wearing cleats.

Wouldn't recommend it.

That why you got so many burns?

I remember that.

It wasnt nice.

Its quite obvious that even invertebrates have some sort of mechanism for avoiding threats, and they have a sensory nervous system. We can naturally never know what kind of sensation lobsters and crayfish get from painful stimuli, but its not quite as easy as just saying they cant feel any sort of pain because theyre invertebrates.

I thought you said dog man. These are those super mario bros tanooki things. Who gives a shit about those retard dog rejects. Thanks anyway though. That search yielded some other dog torture vids.