Every day some new tech gets invented and instantly adopted, transforming our everyday lives

Every day some new tech gets invented and instantly adopted, transforming our everyday lives.

And then there's Satoshi Nakamoto. People say his invention is as important as inventing the wheel was. His invention overthrows central banks and governments and will change the way we think about money.
But for some reason it's been 10 years and our tech-savvy society hasn't adopted BTC. Nobody uses it and most even oppose it.
We believe mass adoption will happen in the future. But when is BTC going to be adopted if not today?

Do you think the Internet and the refridgerator were strongly opposed back in the day? Or the wheel?
And today we adopt things faster than ever, so something as massive as BTC should get adopted in a week.
Unless, of course, BTC is shit and people are smart enough to realize it. Honestly, I think the wheel was adopted the same day it was invented, because the best inventions don't face opposition. BTC is a pyramid scheme.

BTC will go to zero by summer.

You want to replace a trusted system with something that an anonymous person came up with. Of course it will not happen over night. There was no alternative for refridgerators, for wheels, for the internet. All of that was completely new. Crypto is the foundation for replacing established systems. That will not go unopposed.

I completely agree but I do not think it will be BTC.

The only type of adoption crypto will have is people will hoard it to sell at a higher price. There is literally no other need for it.
>but muh blockchain
yeah, and? Something that consumes more energy than needed. Its hype, like beanie babies.

Operating a smart phone doesn't make people tech savvy. Even children can use them.

If you think you're part of a secret elite group that understands the possibilities of a blockchain, you're wrong. Most people do.

>You want to replace a trusted system with something that an anonymous person came up with

Exactly, nobody wants that to happen, and it will not happen.

>The only type of adoption crypto will have is people will hoard it to sell at a higher price. There is literally no other need for it.

This. We've had a decade of nothing but speculating and hoarding, that to me is proof that BTC will never make it.

>most people understand the possibilities of blockchain
Anyone who would say something like this clearly does not.

Also, link would be top 3 marketcap if it was true.

So, what, you're claiming we haven't seen mass adoption simply because the tech is too complicated for people to understand?

And one day people will magically understand it and mass adoption happens?

Ethereum is the future, BTC is garbage. It serves no purpose other than meme monies. If the blockchain tech can be used as something else, it is effectively currency.

>Ethereum is the future, BTC is garbage

True, but people have invested their whole fortune in BTC so they are emotionally biased.

For comparison the standardisation of currencies into their geographically bounded national form took about 200 years with the constant updates of the printing presses in order to eliminate defects in the copying process. The analogy comparing the internet to crypto is off because the timeline is far too short.

>today we adopt things faster than ever, so something as massive as BTC should get adopted in a week.

nice pic, user

Check technological singularity.

We adopt and invent new tech faster and faster, at an accelerating rate.

A refrigerator doesn't oppose the current financial system (blockchain) and the way laws work (smart contracts)

Are you seriously comparing this tech with a fucking refrigerator? Plz rechek ur brain

It IS being adopte. Laws are being made because of it, this will be the year of DAppa and you are saying "but I don't see my friends using cryptokitties bro, not gonna work"

I swear it doesn't get adopted because people like you make it slow.

It is going to be slow because this tech is not like a fridge!


I was only referring to the fridge because one of you BTC believers posted an adoption curve of inventions (such as the fridge) and used it to prove adoption takes time.

I just wanted to shoot BTC down with its own argument. That's all.

>I swear it doesn't get adopted because people like you make it slow.

This makes no sense whatsoever.

So BTC doesn't become a worldwide supercurrency because people like me don't want to use it and this makes the adoption slower?

Get this into your head: we don't want BTC, we will never want BTC. It's not "slow adoption", it's zero adoption.
People who hate BTC today will not suddenly learn to love it in the future.
Even if BTC was millions, I wouldn't "accept defeat" and start buying it, like you guys wish would happen.

No matter what anyone here says bitcoin has always been a solution in search of a problem. Furthermore, blockchain tech falls victim to the same issue as well. The blockchain has been around for 10 years, in the meantime there has been absolutely no paradigm shifting applications applied to it. You'll hear the common arguments such as smart contracts will be applied to it but in reality, no large entity will adopt it if the rule of law still exists, because why would they? They can just have a court order the other party to pay money.

>inb4 Jewish bank central monetary system

Ya ok faggot, the retards on this board don't have the mental capacity to acknowledge that an inflationary monetary system is directly responsible for the prodigious amount of growth this country, and the world, have seen over the past century.

So what if it corrects every couple of years, you dumb niggers wouldn't be posting this from a computer if the central banks didn't exist, because there would be no loan to give.

Not everything is black and white like most of the dumb fucks here make it out to be. But then again if you get your economic and investing knowledge from Veeky Forums you're probably an og brainlet in the first place.

Anyways, blockchain as of now has no future, and I guarantee that any use case that someone tries to give in retort to this post is gonna be retarded as fuck. The most solid use cases according to this board is shit like Req, which is somehow going to replace PayPal, fucking deep brain chain, which any AI researcher will tell you is retarded. Shitty ass bounty, which will magically overthrow, fiverr, elance, etc.... I could go on. The point is, this is fundamentally a ponzi scheme. And the last guy holding the bags loses. Good luck.

As is custom, kys nigger.

Yeah, and why do people praise a deflationary currency anyway?

How are you going to use deflationary money in your every day life, huh? Each and every day you think "hmm, if I don't buy this pizza I can buy a lambo next year" and we get a society where nobody buys anything and the system collapses on itself.

That system isn't sustainable.
In the next 200 years we will be mad max tier society if we keep it like we are doing it now

It will happen, it does not matter if people want it or not. Money talks, and blockchain technology holds potential to save uncountable amounts of money.

Do you know when the internet was made?
Do you know when mass adoption of the internet happened?

>Money talks, and blockchain technology holds potential to save uncountable amounts of money.

Remember the $50 transfer costs we saw in December?

Teh Inturnet was invented by a CERN researcher in the 90's to facilitate the transfer of scientific data.
And I recall using the Internet for entertainment purposes in the late 90's.

Triple entry accounting is an invention that will revolutionize humanity, just like single entry and double entry bookkeeping did. Trade is only scraping the surface of potential. Something like this takes decades to begin it's work.

No you fucking idiot. Btc is never going to be used as a worldwide currency. Are you 12?? It will stay as a store of value or the tech will be used to make DAaps.

That your brain cannot see how the next 100 years are going to be is not my problem.

Why are you whining about this tech not being everywhere? You aren't even going to see it when you use it. It will be an underlayer that will solve and save a lot of problems related to money and data sharing.

You brainless manlets just can't conceive what this whole thing is about.

This is not about our finantial sistem alone, get that into your head

>You brainless manlets
>our finantial sistem


Air conditioning was strongly opposed after invention, people thought it would kills us all. Look at ACs now. Seems kind of similar to crypto.

lmao the internet wasn't "made" in the 90s
The processes for it to happen were made long before.

Jesus christ look at these faggots who think tech is like an evolving pokemon

God bless you kid. You will need it

No. We haven't seen mass speculation. Mass adoption can't happen before the products are ready to be used. To some extent this requires integration with existing fintech via things like Req via Chainlink.

If people understood the possibilities of blockchain, we'd be over 10trillion marketcap right now just from speculation.

Yes, I'm on a phone and just woke up. My argument has nothing to do with grammatical errors. I don't even have english as mother tongue.

This is how you realize you are on a mongolian chinese restaurant anime board.

But ty, I'll go get breakfast

>Mass adoption can't happen before the products are ready to be used.

Bitcoin has never been more ready than it is right now.
Do people want it? No.
People understand perfectly what BTC tech can offer: volatility, huge transfer costs and markets that fuck you over.

You're just looking at bitcoin. Not sure what you want to achieve here then, but blockchain goes beyond bitcoin.

It's the same reason micron isn't 4x its current share price right now. People just have no fucking clue about tech. This includes most professional investors that" focus on it".

Bitcoin is useless and I never claimed it wasn't.
Even functional currencycoins aren't that useful.

If the tech is so great, why do we need third party exchanges to get it?

Exchanges are like a worse version of banks.

>Exchanges are like a worse version of banks.
That's why there are multiple projects attempting to replace centralized exchanges, and besides those you have working decentralized exchanges like EtherDelta/ForkDelta/IDEX and probably more. (Although the working ones are only applicable to smart contract coins) The technology is still a work in progress, but the progress is exponential. 2018 is bound to be exciting.

Op and the crypto haters have some good points. Good thing I was in this from the beginning to make some money. This system is interesting, but that's it. It will not be implemented any time soon if ever.
Unironically we are all hooked to this now. Even when we are losing money everyday the one green day where it goes up a little stimulates pleasure. And it makes it seem like we are gaining something when in fact we are still down from before. Fuck you faggots for being so deluded into thinking this system will be used on a mass scale.

Only a couple coins will be used at max, chances are...we probably aren't holding one of them

Besides Link kek

>I'm one of you guys
>aren't we deluded lol?

nice try Schlomo

nah it's just because 95% of the world is borderline retarded and waiting on (((them))) to say it's a "good thing"

Some ppl can actually be objective, some can't.

Trading coins doesn't mean you have to believe in them blindly like a dick.

>I'm objective so it's all going to crash
I see you brought your Rabbi

You only think it's going to rocket because you want it to rocket.
You want it to rocket because you're monetarily and emotionally invested in it.
So you make the leap that the thing you want to happen, will happen.

Hypothesis fallacy number 1.

>You want it to rise because you're invested ATH!
You want it to fall because you sold the bottom!

(((You))) guys are so funny.

>investing in something you don't believe in

Bitcoin's is only popular because of its first mover advantage. It will be replaced permanently at the top by Monero (XMR).

History repeats itself. (Google replacing Yahoo, Apple replacing Nokia, Facebook replacing MySpace)