Hey guys, it's me again. Listen...

Hey guys, it's me again. Listen. I kinda fucked up my life by not enrolling into math for my bachelors and am now an oldfag EE MsC.
But I would like to study Mathematics because I like it. I want to get like a degree. Have job so the degree has to be online. don't have a lot of money so it has to be cheap. Preferably less that 10k $ for the entire bachelors.

Can you recommend me any cheap online colleges that teach mathematics.
I tried searching and I don't find anything

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If you can't write MSc correctly you should just end it all right now.

An online degree is fucking worthless just read the Veeky Forums wiki page and self-study.

Way to show you don't know shit. The Veeky Forums wiki is absolute garbage.


This one, that is not in sticky, is really good Veeky Forums-science.wikia.com/wiki/Veeky Forums_Wiki

I want to pursue a Bachelor's degree so I can eventually show that I know some math. Self study will not help me with employment. I can tell people "I've read math books", but it's just going to make me seem pretentious.

Skip the exams and learn stuff on your own and show them you can do stuff in reality with your math then. Make computer programs that show you have an understanding. Or proof by usefulness will probably be more appreciated in industry.

They can't argue with hard proof like that. And if they still do you can just say "yeah, I guess I don't understand it really. I just get lucky sometimes when I hit the keys on the keyboard" and see their reaction. There will be all kinds of tests to see your reaction to stuff so you might as well get used to it. Try and see it as an exciting game or experiment where you will learn lots about other people and yourself and other peoples expectations.

Yeah, I was going to write an app in C that does various types of calculations in an electrical system. Now ofc, every function of that app would prove that I understand how to calculate one thing, but I don't know if that will get me a job as a matematician. I'd still be stuck with being an EE in power management.

Any company worth its salt will be interviewing you based on skills and not on degree. They are going to interview you, then give you a series of "problems" (dependent on what you applied for) to solve. How elegantly you solve them and your interview will determine if you get the job or not. This applies mostly for tech companies but that's sounds like what you're going for

t. Have several friends working in Bay Area tech, none of which have degrees in their field and are self taught programming, math and logic

With computers yes, but with mathematics?

Fuck off. This board is for scientific discussion only.

If its you on the picture I can get you free courses

Yes, it is me, but I will friendzone you. Are you still game?

I know someone who was in your position (literally was an electrical engineer) who has successfully transitioned into mathematics. He was able to take classes at a local state school while continuing to work. After he got his bachelor's, he quit his job and got their PhD. An online degree is not going to be worth a lot, I would strongly recommend trying to pursue the route I've described here.

I dont mind, I can have sex with friends like that...

How can traveling time be a game?

Well, I'd be ok doing it at a Uni, just if it is possible to do it online for cheap.
I don't think it's a good idea to enroll into college now. They have lab practices and shit here.

Dont reffer to man in this position with picture like this please...

Its something like angles in atleast 3D you can understand... There are sutras for that... But male in this position is not verry good idea to even imagine.,..

I work in the student loan industry and generally only hear negative things about "online" schools.

If they're accredited, they'll probably charge you more than a local university. If they aren't it'll probably be cheaper because they NEED students to help them become accredited and stay in business.

You might want to look into self study and translating whatever you can into college credits by passing out of the respective classes. The university near me offers such a thing, but I haven't looked into how far you can get by doing so.

>I work in the student loan industry

How does it feel to earn your living by scamming teenagers?

I am not saying this out of spite, I am not a low IQ pleb who needs loans. I am saying this because it is objectively true.

Question is, do you need paper that you can count on? Its really disproving each other this facts...

If youve got degree from logics in mathemathics, you could use a printer.

I don't force them to take out loans, user.

And yes, I know tuition costs are so high that it's basically required by the majority of people.

>I don't force them to take out loans, user.

Yeah but when a nigga comes to you with their plan to major in African folklore philosophy analysis you are supposed to tell them


Do this for a year and then universities will be fucking declaring bankruptcy and will be forced to lower their prices so that then students don't have to take out so many loans, because it is the enabling of loan firms that allowed universities to grow their price by such a large margin.

>And yes, I know tuition costs are so high that it's basically required by the majority of people.
Yes, but do you know, that tuition costs CAN be this high primarily because stupid teenagers who don't know the real world can take unlimited amount of loans?

I agree with that. Unfortunately, it wouldn't happen in our increasingly liberal society.

Well, I guess it doesn't matter.

Hillary already said she would make college free again so if she wins your entire industry will collapse.

Unless by 'free' she meant affordable and then by affordable she means 'the way it is now'.

Or maybe Donald Trump wins but odds are he would also tackle this not by making college free but by implementing laws that will prohibit your reckless loans, which would have the effect I described.

It is just a matter of time.

>Yeah but when a nigga comes to you with their plan to major in African folklore philosophy analysis you are supposed to tell them
Not raising retards is the parents' job.

ParenT (!)
Not plural (!)
Singular !

>Not raising retards is the parents' job.

>Mass shooter kills 200 nuns at airport

Oh well, raising non mass shooters is the parents' job!

In real life you have to assume that everyone is a retard and in every system you implement you have to assume that everyone using it is a retard and therefore you need to have retard protection.

When I said nigga I meant the slang term, not just actual black people.


It's not just teenagers though. There's a lack of self-accountability in regards to borrowing no matter what age.

Send me another picture, you dont have to talk abount student loans or have money to study mathematics, even represent yourself as a whore, because I dont believe its you. I can tell you where you can get even paper you know mathematics for free, but I want fresh picture with todays date, I dont talk to robots and you obviously have money for phone with camera.