You need oxygen to live but it also kills you slowly because it's poison

>you need oxygen to live but it also kills you slowly because it's poison
>you need to exercise to be healthy and live long but exercise makes you consume more oxygen and food
>You need food to live but calories are linked to shorter lifespans

Wtf is up with this?
Am I missing something?

Other urls found in this thread:

>you die

Wtf is up with this?
Am I missing something?

Holy shit that's a better question actually.

Well you see user around 6,000 years ago someone ate an apple because a snek told her to but it was a bad apple so now all of mankind is cursed by the benevolent ghostman in the sky.

> Am I missing something?
Yes. Bitches.

You need just enough without going over

So, if you feel always starving but get just enough food to survive, you can live forever

What about exercise?
Does exercising too much become bad for your health?
What about breathing too much?

>Is exercising bad for your health
>what about breathing

Abstaining from either of these to any sizeable degree will shorten your life expectancy by more than if you were physically "fit" and, uh, breathed regularly. Eating less food, however, could make a difference/

no, because every time your cells divide they lose part of a protein chain that determines how many times it can ultimately divide- as they shorten, you show signs of aging until you die. this might also be why your body doesn't want to regenerate limbs.

it is still good practice to fast routinely if you want to eat less ie- 1 day per week (16-20hr intermittent fasting, only drink water)

oh. my. gawd.

This is EPIC XDD

Is this why old people have so many wrinkles?

partly- also oxidative damage

>Food and water pass through your body and become toxic waste which must be periodically expelled
>you must protect yourself from predators but you are unconscious half of the day
>too much exercising under the sun will dehydrate you and give you a brain destructive fever
>sleep in the cold will slowly stop your metabolism to death

>finding a partner to procreate depends on beauty
>acne only happens on your face

> as they shorten, you show signs of aging until you die
There's no direct link between ageing and telomeres (yeah that's how that it's called) length. Also telomeres do recover (telomerase). And it's also known that exercise triggers this process.

> this might also be why your body doesn't want to regenerate limbs.
Oh fuck how dumb is this is shit. Go educate yourself about stem cells.

>And it's also known that exercise triggers this process.

Then how come this nigga died from exercise overdose?

remember when your mom asked you what you would like for dinner? A hamburger or a salad? And you said hamburger?

Well you shouldve chosen the salad. Oxidative stress is killing you, very fast

thank you for this post, I was beginning to lose hope on Veeky Forums way too fast

end your life

calorie restriction works on rats, it does EXACTLY NOTHING for humans

you wanna live forever? Stop consuming pro-oxidants/oxidative stress causing agents, start eating alkaloids (salads, fruits, etc)

Why did you name a picture of your little sister, faggot.jpg?

He died because of underlying brain issues exacerbated by medication.

He already said oxidative stress here and never said calorie restriction extends life. But you probably already knew that and just wanted to run your mouths.

> losing faith in Veeky Forums