The digital age has made the writer less valued than ever before

The digital age has made the writer less valued than ever before.

Why are our literary skills so worthless and ignored in the current age?

Other urls found in this thread:

because its easier to find someone better than you nowadays

>Picture of Shakespeare
>Why are our literary skills so worthless and ignored in the current age?
>Why are our literary skills worthless and ignored
>Why are our literary skills
>Our literary skills

Please, user. Stop. Let it burn.

>Please, user. Stop. Let it burn.

What's wrong, pleb?

Too incomodious for you?

No. I'm saying you're not Shakespeare. You're probably shit. Just let it burn.

The quality is the same. There's just a metric shit ton more produced that reaches the public so you think that everything's gone to shit. Not true. You're just seeing more shit because you're seeing more. There are less filters. You have to do your own filtration.

That's a misreading of capitalism itself. It's not that someone next door is better than you, nor it would be true to say you are better than that person. What affects you is the fact that only one is going to get paid, which means there is a winner and a loser. The fact is that you are absolutely replaceable. Replaceable not because the other is better than you, but you feel the other is better than you because you are replaceable. On another level, what is the harm in replacing something better for something worse, if it will be worth it for me to make this change. Even without terms of better or worse, why would one waste on discussing styles to pick if they're both equally rentable to me. Why make a good film if the bad film makes money? Why pick this author who charges this much, if the other is cheaper and I only want a ghost writer for some biopic that is set to be printed in a month? It is only easier to find someone better than you because this "better" is what's better to them.

aye aye aye aye

Check out this Don DeLillo doc, it is as much about him as by him and reflects on what you say (except what you consider to be a phenomenon of the digital age is shown here as a result of the emergence of film and television as the mayor cultural mediums, of course the digital revolution has changed the game again though)

Also Mao II by DeLoli

Where did I say I was Shakespeare?

You can't even read for fuck sake.

Sorry, i didn't read OP's question and equate value to monetary value. I should have said what said, which is sort of what you said, but not. I'll go back to lurking and my Beano. Sorry for making you type that frend.

man you can't be all superior about your "literary skills" while making stupid typos.

You posted a picture of a movie version of Shakespeare and declared asked, "Why are OUR literary skills so worthless and ignored in the current age?"

That's why I said Shakespeare. Don't pretend you're A.) on the same level as Shakespeare, let alone someone who can even read Shakespeare well, and B.) don't pretend that even if Shakespeare were alive and writing plays today, that he would be recognized as the greatest writer of all time and paid the equivalent of his historical worth he's amassed in the last 400 years. Hell, he wasn't recognized much in his own time, let alone if he were writing today.

Listen, everything changes man. Have to adapt. You need to get it in your head, if you like writing, don't expect to make money off it. You're not competing against your contemporaries, you're competing against the all time greats and the immediate 2 generations that come after you who, hopefully, you'll be read enough that those 2 generations appreciate your work enough that they'll talk about your name for a while.

The writer of what nature?

Many things require people to write -- much is written each day. Literary skills required for said skills are basic however, but one with a degree is of much use when a larger skill set is required.

Do you mean the writer of art? Perhaps the climate is now too cool for you to achieve the position you desire?

Perceive this age as iron, one does not wait to strike till it is hot, but one makes it hot by striking.

(I love late night shitposting)


>Literary skills required for said skills

Said things I meant
typos at night
without my consent


>why are our
>are our
>are our


>The digital age has made the writer less valued than ever before.
The digital age as made people that want to be entertained non-stop. So writers are of critical importance.

Because on a literary forum referencing Spongebob is more impactful than any single writer/book/poem

Writing is more common, popular and accessible than ever before. The internet is a vast sea of text, and everybody thinks they can express their opinion or tell their story here.

That is why the writer and writing is less valuable, because it is so common now. A million pastiches, fan-fics and bad copies of greater writer's works hides anything of any value.

This is the point I was trying to make here and .

There's just way more shit out there. I have no doubt that, hundreds of years from now, someday historians and researchers will comb through the internet the same way they do physical historical sites and digs and such, searching for greatness. And I have no doubt that great writers of our time will be found, many, many, many years after us and them are dead and gone.

You're part of the problem my man.

When did playing with words become more offensive than being a fucking wet blanket

"why cant people appreciate our efforts, where our efforts are no longer needed"

LOL cry more bitch nigga
i bet you still use a pen too.
It's 2016, WAKE UP

Well you failed because you're shit at explaining yourself.

Because of degeneracy.

Nowadays people write down some nonsense quotes and put them on twitter, the next day if it gets 20 replies they think they're the best of what's around and they don't need to get further in order to improve their skills. It is sad. People think their lives are real time reality shows and social media is their own form of self validation.

Yes, we live in a shallow society, there's no deny in that anymore. I'm not a pessimist, neither do I think everything that went out in this age of writers is shit. On the contrary, I do believe this era has the most unique kind of possibilities for drama and good writting, since the few people who try to do it are the ones that are not lost in the fast texts of their smartphones and social media accounts.

The real problem of this age is not the good writer, is the lack of people ready for reading your work

Big BS if I find a writing I like, I try to find out more about the writer which is very easy this day and age...

It's sort of coming back to bite everyone in the ass though, isn't it? People are totally isolated and incapable of creating or understanding coherent, well thought out arguments. When Brexit happened, the left was totally shocked - they had been so busy being self-assured that there was no reason for Brexit to happen they forgot that they hadn't bothered to ask people who were for Brexit why they wanted to leave. Or rather they had asked, but they hadn't listened. They had assumed they understood the arguments of these racist old gits, but it went deeper than that, and in the end something came into existence that hadn't been articulated.

It came, in the end, from the inability of people to communicate longhand. In the internet age, shorthand becomes more and more common, to the point of total excess - I'm sure we've all had occasions of texts, messages, or forum posts where the content would have been totally indecipherable had each abbreviation not been pounded into your brain. People form such tight social circles, with memes, slang, abbreviations, etc., that it becomes extremely easy to communicate ideas with these specific group of peoples, and in fact you don't even need to articulate the idea, a vague gesture in the direction of a great philosophical idea triggers a wave of imagination that occurs perfectly and simultaneously the same in this little group. But an enormous problem arises when you need to articulate this idea to a group of people who do NOT share your cultural background.

We've actually become more divided than ever before, I think. Language is fracturing based on memes.

where do you think tv shows and movies come from?



I understand what you're saying, but I don't think memes are the problem. I think memes are art. Like internet graffiti.


I didn't mean to imply memes were the problem. I think they are part of the problem though. Subcultures in the English language are springing up around memes, similar to the way culture used to fracture around speech. Memes are compounding regional speech problems.

It's interesting though, national television (at least in the USA) eliminated a lot of regional dialects. People in New Jersey don't talk quite as trashy as they used to, while the rest of America has Jersey trash in their vocabulary thanks to Snooki.

So these big systems of communication, these centralized givers of culture, once upon a time did in fact consolidate people. But I think the internet is fracturing people based on the sheer amount of options one has to customize one's feed to be only the things one likes. Memes are a part of this.

People are centralizing around memes like people centralized around works of art and cultural touchstones. We're moving into meme tribalism.

>Subcultures in the English language are springing up around memes, similar to the way culture used to fracture around speech.
>People are centralizing around memes like people centralized around works of art and cultural touchstones.

Right, but why is that bad and not just different? You say yourself they're similar. What I can agree with, is the argument that memes don't have the cultural staying power that works of art used to have. Even then, I'd likely argue that no works of art ever had cultural staying power as they were produced in the moment. They were curated and increased in value over time as people realized their true historical significance.

Sorry, I think we're getting off track here.

The problem with modernity's / post-modernity's dimissal of the writer comes from the idea that now, communication is so easy. Surely, just like the TV consolidated American speech patterns, the internet will bring us all together in peace and love and harmony, kumbaya, etc., etc.

But it's not. It's promoting tribalism, and people refuse to admit this. They refuse to recognize the problem.

So I think this is my point: to answer OP's question, people have stopped recognizing tribalism as existing because of the innernet. In reality, the internet is causing and fostering tribalism. When people recognize tribalism as a problem, they turn to the linguistically gifted (i.e., writers) in order to bridge the divide. But tribalism has gone undiagnosed, and indeed dismissed, and as a result the writers of society have been laid off so to speak. Tribalism (and the problems associated with tribalism) wins out, which is biting people in the ass.

>hundreds of years from now, someday historians and researchers will comb through the internet the same way they do physical historical sites and digs and such,
right, as soon as they figure out a way to recover something that a solar flare has wiped out
digital is shit, just face it

High literacy percentage.
too many literate people = too many people able to write good stories.

Its the exact opposite
Literacy, and literary skills are more valued than ever.

The literary world is now an ocean of piss, with scant islands of beauty.
In normal circumstances the isles would still be beautiful.
But now they shine like diamonds in comparison.

cartoons and videogames are just much more entertaining and moving than writing.

if this makes writers mad, they should level up their skills until they can compete

just eliminate all races except 1

problem solved.

>[unsubstantiated assertion]
>Why [unsubstantiated assertion]?
Ah, my favourite type of OP.

a good writer is someone who has sonething to say. the digital age has stretched this in both directions; it is easier for geniuses to make their thoughts known, while it is also easier for the masses to saturate cyberspace with complete and utter drivel.

intelligent people recognize both when they see it