Why is home-schooling legal?

Why is home-schooling legal?

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Imagine if it wasn't. Suppose every child is required to attend government schools. Then the government has complete control over what they learn. Don't agree with the government? Don't what them forced into learning government propaganda? Too fucking bad.


seriously dumb question

it's not
in theory homeschooling is good, but in practice in muhrica it's mainly used by poor and poorly educated people, which is not good

also - this applies to everyone - school like uni is more than "learning what's in the textbook"

>Don't what them forced into learning government propaganda?
Are you literally 12?

Why is schooling not only legal, but mandatory?It's quite literally a form of child slavery.

>sister in law plans to homeschool kids because they teach evolution in public schools

>ten seconds of google


Basically modern homeschooling exist because of various disagreements about the curriculum and social tone of public schools. Both on the secular and religious level.

It pretty much mirrors the kind of mindset has unfortunately for anons such as , .

Arguably though homeschooling existed before the modern movement but some states wouldn't "honor" a kids education unless both parents had a legit license to teach it (which is reasonable since that's just essentially private school at that point).

>it could never happen here

>don't want them forced into learning government propaganda
>want to force them into learning your propaganda
How is it any better?

It's arguably not, it's just about muh kids and muh freedom.

The choice should always remain. Take away the choice and you breed contempt. You would make a poor, poor leader. What you are saying is utterly disgusting to most people. It's like kidnapping children. And how would it even be enforced, without entering homes and hospitals? People would start home-birthing and stop registering their newborns to the state or just go homeless/disappear to avoid it.

And it's not just the poor- many richfags tutor.

It's fine for richfags though because their kids will probably get a good education

what are you talking about, you dolt? Homescholing is illegal in most of Europe and we are fine and happy. Fucking ameritards and your freedums.

Maybe some parents aren't forcing them. Maybe they just want them to be natural; learn for themselves; find their true selves. You want artificial humans.

>Maybe they just want them to be natural; learn for themselves; find their true selves
>implying more than 5% of kids would actually do any learning
>implying most kids in government schools don't "do" what you're proposing and just shave past what the government feeds them

So your law only applies to the poor..?

Are you fine or are you fearful? Willing to bet the ones who aren't happy, they move if they can afford it.

No, but the poor are most at risk of delivering a subpar education

I knew one guy who was homeschooled through 7th and 8th grade. Was out of necessity; right after the Columbine shootings, when there was mass "zero tolerance" hysteria, he got expelled from his middle school because he owned a trench coat.

The American public school system is an elaborate complex of interdependent stupidity. Fuck with one aspect and you ruin the whole stupid house of stupid cards.

It's not in most civilized countries.
Only in few exceptional cases it's good, most of the time it's borderline abuse.
Even if the kid gets the same knowledge, it's still going to be socially retarded.

>he got expelled from his middle school because he owned a trench coat

no one is "fearful" because public schooling along with other kids is a basic pillar of modern society and everyone recognizes it

Do you think the poor will have the will and dedication to provide their own education?

Also, homeschooling is regulated, your homeschooled kids have to take tests every year to prove they are as good

And in practice, homeschooled kids are better in standardized tests than kids from schools

> live in one horse town
> most of the kids at school go to better run the family farn
> study at home instead
> get into a decent college

Because it's the only way for your kids learn math a science while they're still young.

Just imagine if you had been homeschooled on those topics... no hard pressure on exams... just knowledge and more knowledge, wew

>implying kids are able to learn that at that rate
they can't even learn effectively what's already in the curriculum

maybe bottom thirders and delinquents who have no place in a school to begin with
regular/academic students would be challenged by such a curriculum but it would be doable

>some internet user on a taiwanese fishing forum knows more about child development than people who have been researching it and developing curricula for decades

I coach grade 7/8 football, I'm no professional researcher or teacher but I have some idea on how kids behave
Schooling is basically mandatory so public schools must try and cater and push along any and every kid whether they want to learn or not.
As a result academic and hard working kids are usually bored until at least high school. At least where I live, There is usually very little middle ground between honor roll students and kids that try and pass by on as little as possible, it's usually one or the other until HS

It's one of those things introduced when it had sense and never removed. Back in the days of was normal for rich people to have private instructors, and that is why you are allowed to not go to normal schools, but now it's used by retards who think they can teach to they children better than 10 professors could

it's not about behavior
it's about capability, physically
just like a nigger doesn't have the same mental capacity as an European, a 4th grader doesn't have the same as an 8th grader


I really hope you're not suggesting the average public school teacher is a professor. Or even any smarter than the average parent.

Private school teachers, sure, but Public school teachers are dropkicks more often than not.

>>some internet user on a taiwanese fishing forum knows more about child development than people who have been researching it and developing curricula for decades

Yeah, lets listen to this quack instead who discovered "children don't know things therefore can't learn things" which all modern teachers hold as infallible gospel: youtube.com/watch?v=Jw33CBsEmR4

>Why is home-schooling legal?

Because public schools are so terrible, even untrained laymen can do vastly better jobs. The only problem is that the children are at risk of coming out as unadjusted, socially inept, and/or autistic.

Public schooling is not about education, it is about enforcing conformity. Knowledge is merely a side effect tolerated only to run the system called official reality, the mental concentration camp of the normal, the water the fish do not see.


To hell with the cheese, let's get out of this trap!
- user Y. Mouse

>it's mainly used by poor and poorly educated people

No, usually poor people would rather send their kids off to public school so they can have 2 working parents and/or free lunches (and sometimes free breakfasts).

>Homescholing is illegal in most of Europe and we are fine and happy

Keep in mind that what a 10 year old learns in Europe isn't learned in American schools until the 10th grade (15~16 years of age). Our schools are a crime and only exist to prevent child labor.

Europe is irrelevant when it comes to science

Civilized countries have private schools to send their gifted children off to. In America - thanks to the KKK hating private Catholic schools, SJWs who view gifted programs as "privilege" and against "social justice", and teachers who do not want to be forced into teaching - there is no funding for better schooling so the middle class have to do it themselves.

You can have a legit life if you homeschool but need to make sure your kids have socialization.

Try to teach them but also have the humility to bring in tutors or internet websites like Coursera.

You can take the SATs as a home schooled student and get probably better scores then average and get a great college scholarship and life is gonna be aight bros.

NOTE: Don't forget to teach a language to your kid or put him/her in a community college for it because its a huge pain in the ass to get it in time if you aren't ready it could set your kid back to age 20.

In my opinion, what those of you who advocate homeschooling underestimate is the capability of parents to educate their children in spite of public schooling. You can teach children reading and basic math before entering school. You can also teach them some sense of what is important to know and learn. I am confident both of those points applied to me (could read and do 3rd grade math, as an explanation to why I think so). I agree that pupils would benefit from a more flexible education system which allows people to learn more (and to demand more from them) in fields where they are further than the curriculum. Homeschooling could work better for some pupils but I only see that legitimacy when pupils develop significantly faster than other pupils in their age. And also when your country is a shithole full of propaganda and punishes pupils for different opinions on something or curiosity for what's beyond the curriculum.

The point of time I refer to in my anecdote is before entering school. So yeah, generally I also believe if more would be demanded from pupils (at least here in Germany) then they could still meet these demands.

Yeah for me the entire elementary school was a bore because my mother taught me and gave me material for 1-2 years beyond my current grade. I had to sit through like 6 hours of lectures about things I already knew.
Had there been schools/classes for advanced students in my country I'd do much better, but I still think homeschooling alone would be detrimental to my emotional and social development.

>having rich parents
I know that americans really buy the 'wealth equals merit' nonsense, but confusing these two is taking it absurdly far.

I was homeschooled until I was 17 when I earned my diploma.
Hard Mode: I was also homeschooled by a single mom.

I'm in a PhD MechE program, studying dynamical systems and mechatronics.

Yeah you'd be surprised how far middle class morons will take this meme to feel like a worthy person.

Yeah but you're clearly in the spectrum.
Nobody here argues that homeschooling can't be better, it's just very risky and produces mentally retarded people.

What the fuck are you talking about?

>>implying kids are able to learn that at that rate
>it's about capability, physically

Not this meme again... Show me any study which shows children can't learn at that rate. A century ago, children used to learn much more math in addition to learning both Greek and Latin, rhetoric, civics, history, geography, physiology, music, and various practical skills by the end of primary school. All of it was removed to make way for more modern material which never came. Now teachers are complaining that what little is left is "too much".

Sure, kids can't learn as fast as college students but the pace we go at in public schools is nowhere near their full potential. On average children learn just 15 minutes of material per day in elementary school.

This is why partial homeschooling is the best. Teach them math at home and get the teachers to let them read a novel or something during their math classes in school.

How are your social skills aspie?

Srs question.

Why are you legal?
Why haven't you been banned?

You really can't tell? Maybe read the post i replied to.

I'm not on the spectrum at all. I'm a bit awkward socially at times, but not like an actual autistic person. This may come as a surprise, but I'm one of the most social people in my program. Most of my classmates are borderline autistic, especially my Asian classmates.
They're ok. Better than the average, but I am a bit awkward from time to time. It helps that my mother, who has a degree in English Literature & Philosophy, would consistently enhance my conversational skills and teach me basic rhetoric. She would also give me several books to read and write reports for (Consolations of Philosophy/Boethius, Confessions/St. Augustine, Nicomachean Ethics/Aristotle, etc.) When I encountered those books again in my undergraduate study, I was happy about that I could exchange my ideas with my classmates and also critique others/get critiqued. It was nice; both experiences enhanced my education.

Apologies about the late replies; I left to take a shower and eat breakfast.

Because the US has a retarded political system, the ruling powers always try to push their political agendas into the curriculum.

>children used to learn much more math

You know how many children grow up socially inept due to homeschooling?

Any data to back that up?


desu I was schooled properly and even I turned out to be socially inept. I honestly think that if I had the opportunity to stay at home and spent time observing people (you know, try to see if there's a pattern between hand motions that people make when calling a taxi for example, or figuring out why they're angry) then I would feel a lot better socially.

If I had children I'd homeschool them.

Even the best school programs are trash.

>>don't want them forced into learning government propaganda
>>want to force them into learning your propaganda
>How is it any better?

Diversity my friend, diversity is always good. Evolutionary Algorithms 101.

I have grown socially inept due to public schools.

How does it feel to be braindead?

If I had been homeschooled, Maybe would I be socially inept (as i am now), but i would have a lot more knowledge.

The only members of my family who are homeschooled or going to be are my cousin's children. Not 100%, but pretty sure it's for religious reasons. It's too bad because she doesn't know a damn thing about science or math, and her husband (who is actually an engineer) is too far on the spectrum to teach anyone anything. Maybe he's different around the kids, but the guy doesn't talk to anyone as far as I know.

Their eldest daughter really likes to read too, so she'll probably turn out smart. It's too bad she'll get an extremely biased education.

You aren't a child anymore, right? Just learn the stuff you might have missed yourself, won't take more than a year if you are dedicated enough. People in universities often learn 3 years worth of children material in a semester.

Outlawing homeschooling doesn't automatically exclude private schools. Privates schools taught by professional teachers, who actually have degrees in Education, and not bored housewives that are completely unqualified.

Because you spend money wrong...

>home-schooling legal
maybe in Africa

Why shouldn't it be? The standard of education in public schooling is fucking abysmal. Christ, I'd rather hang myself than send my future children to some trash government funded, delapidated shithut where grades are based on "participation " and all the teachers are either alcoholics or sex offenders.

t. not a complete retard

I went to public school and I'm still socially inept.
Checkmate atheists

its legal in everywhere

It's legal here in Britain, legal in France too. As far as I'm aware it's chiefly the Scandinavian countries in Europe that ban homeschooling.

>in theory homeschooling is good, but in practice in muhrica it's mainly used by poor and poorly educated people, which is not good
No, not really
the main groups of people I've heard of who home schooled:
1. most are religious couples who felt very deeply that raising their children was their #1 duty, and didn't want someone else to do it (even at a religious school). This is a REALLY old-fashioned attitude, even for religious peeples
2. some people with kids who are socially dysfunctional. autists, aspergs, and so on.
3. the rarest are parents who aren't particularly religious, but who feel that school isn't a useful experience overall. often they let their kids decide to attend public school or not.

I dunno about other countries, but in the USA, a lot of the public educational system's harshest critics are people who used to be teachers. They enter it wanting to do well or "make a difference", but they see themselves how terrible it is, and why it isn't likely to ever change.

I've met someone who was autistic but was forced to go to high school because his parents wanted him to be social.. he couldn't even speak a sentence properly, but was still extremely fluent in languages.

Honestly if I was put in the parents' shoes, I wouldn't know what to do. Also, he moved from Singapore to here because Singapore has compulsory military service (NS), and being the autist, his body is extremely weak.

I know at least 10 people who were home schooled and all but 1 of them turned out to be socially confused at best.

>I like the echo of my intestines

At least home-schoolers don't have to worry about school shootings.


Because let's face it, if it were optional, most kids wouldn't want to get schooled and beta parents wouldn't do anything about it, so we'd just get a completely uneducated population with the ability to vote

Aren't 99.9% of parents mature enough at the ages of 25+ to realise that education is extremely important?

Childhood obesity rates should be enough to convince you that parents don't exactly have good control over their children.

Also, parents nowadays are more lenient towards their child's misbehaviour and don't impose as much

You are way too optimistic...

I'm not western maybe that's why lol

He isn't saying that's whats happening he's saying that it would be a massive risk. And it isn't like such things haven't been instated a million times before.

Why is freedom legal?
Why is freethought legal?
Why is trial and error legal?
Why is due process legal?
Why is diversity legal?
Why is...
>Shut up.
The public school system is shit and all the teachers are dunces.
They wouldn't know logical fallacies or fact checking if saved their life.

The only bad part of this is the no tolerance of argument, but it could mean something less totalitarian than it sounds. Other than that its just a support structure for the general populous, you don't have to take their advice, along as free speech in the macro context is protected.

Everyone (Almost) here knows that the propaganda image is exaggerated to irrelevancy. You have light authority as a child and as soon as you become an adult your within the range of reasonable freedom, sliding slightly depending on where you live.

Unless you really do live in some shithole of course.

Kek, this map is embarrassing

>Veeky Forums thinks "_________ Studies" majors are useless

>the retards with these degrees are the ones teaching kids in elementary school

>but Veeky Forums is somehow cool with that


I was homeschooled and turned out remarkably normal, besides being on Veeky Forums most of my free time.
But holy hell I can tell you: most kids get fucked up BAD. I'm literally the only homeschooled kid I know in college for an actual major, the rest are attempting to be rock stars or art majors and shit.

Take your pedophile cartoons back to

Because of public schools

wait what? that isn't even anime

Just like in Germany where they all get brainwashed?


It's called progress, now leave /pol/

>get your anime off my anime image board

>denying choice is progress
ok senpai

Germany can get away with it because they actually have reasonably good schools. Although I would argue the way they treat people by shunting them into different social classes when they're 8-12 is sort of horrifying.

Honestly, homeschooling is what you make of it. I know people who dicked around durring those years and work at McDonald's now. My brother studied hard while he was homeschooled and joined the debate club, the dance club and probably a few other clubs I forgot about. He's in graduate school now with a girlfriend (he's 19).
I taught myself how to program and red a ton about physics and information theory but I never had to leave the house and always avoided people (especially girls).
I know other people like me except their parents don't let them access the internet so they just check out ridiculous numbers of books from the library and read through them. (Obviously their parents grab compilers, tools and OS updates for them)

If there was one thing I could change I wish I would have been forced to be around people more. I feel like I have the social maturity of a 13 year old.