Would anyone like to join in creating a new symbols for numbers etc.. so you can do math with them, like normal math?

Would anyone like to join in creating a new symbols for numbers etc.. so you can do math with them, like normal math?
Just because we can, for fun.

I've already been using my own letters for a long time now. Made them in a way they are more comfortable to write, and it's quite convenient at school, doesn't matter if someone's looking at the text.

What a retarded fucking idea.

well I think it's fun

The variables and symbols you use do not matter for shit as they represent whatever value is relevant in the current situation. The reason we have certain standardized symbols for certain occurances like W for Watt is because then you don't have to explain what your variable represents every time you calculate something.

Meaning that you could put ¤ for pi but isn't it easier to just use the pi symbol instead of putting ¤ and then having to explain that ¤=pi?

lol, yes?

It's just for fun, like creating your own alphabet system.

I get shivers from doing math using the widely accepted letters, numbers and symbols,
when I use ones I've created myself, it's a lot more fun and chilling.

Somewhat related to what you're asking, I always thought these were pretty cool.


Okay so you could come up with a whole new numerical system also and use that and be fine. It's pretty stupid though since you will have to explain that numerical system to everyone when you could just use the standardized one and be fine.


Special snowflake alert

That's true, of course! Obviously! All different languages is exactly that too, hah.

Calm down, OP is obviously just doing this for the aesthetic pleasure.

That looks great!

Don't worry, far from being a special snowflake,
I'm just a stupid monkey, who has acknowledged it.

I am calm I just don't see the point of it. Like trying to reinvent the wheel, that is also pretty pointless.

that actually looks quite fun!

Doing this helps to understand numbers, really.
When you have to create something new from old, you really have to know what they mean too.

>I just don't see the point of it

The point is it's fun.

Do you not like fun?

Some people like to create and innovate.

Some people just like to follow the old ways.

both roads are okay, but the other one is more fun to, me at least.

Ok if you think it's fun then of course you should do it. My point is that from a practical point of view it's pretty redundant. But hey, live and let live right?

Hah yea, live and let live.

But from a practical point of view it's not useful at all, since others have no idea what you are doing.

Which in some cases can be very useful.

The only thing I don't like about the system I posted is that there isn't an easy way to represent arbitrary real numbers (transcendental numbers specifically).

There's no place-value system, so decimal expansion wouldn't work. Maybe something like a continued fraction?

>from a practical point of view it's pretty redundant

No one's disagreeing with you.

But from a practical point of view it is not redundant.

i.e I can't copy my friend's homework, because I can't understand the symbols, letters he used.

Suggestion: Try and make 30 symbols for a positional notation system that can work with fractions of the prime factors 2, 3, 5. You can now divide 10 by 3 and get a non-repeating thirty...mal?


And I tickle the people who pretend to sleep,
somehow they just wake up.