How the hell can stock market go 9 plus years with no market corrections whatsoever...

How the hell can stock market go 9 plus years with no market corrections whatsoever? And with higher gains than ever before despite america being shittier now than it was 10 years ago

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America is great again brainlet

Shes 18 right?

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I have a feeling if Trump introduces tariffs on a country with more clout than Canada we'll be fucked

anyone have the goose yelling "MOOOOOOODS" pic?

Maybe because people keep buying shit and no one is saving

how many links for her?

Tariffs signed into law and market goes up. Makes no sense. Though i guess its a joke in terms of tariffs because at this point looks like hes going to exclude most countries. Most stupid thing I've seen.
Of course

she'll just laugh in your face
>what, you don't own bitcoin? are you too poor for it?

>central bank prints unlimited fiat currency from nothing
>pump it into stocks and bonds for (((quantitative easing)))

>wai no correctuionz?

2016 was the worst start to markets in us history. biggest 1 day dow loss was three weeks ago. 2010 markets flash crashed 10pct in minutes. many sectors devastetd mlp funds volatility funds etc wiped to 0 or closed over last 3 years. wall street is just mass theft by jews coordinated by the fed reserve to drain wealth from americans to jews

i thought QE ended

because foreign central banks are printing their own national currencies and buying the appl/amzn bubble

you're losing a shit ton of purchasing power if you're buying bonds or letting your money sit in a bank account

Phase 1 and 2 ended. 3, 4 and 5 are still in the pipeline

kys pedos

Because it was oversold when the Dow hit 6.6K (missed my bottom call by $600) and stayed down too long. Once housing debt was liquidated + QE the market thought "oh shit, we're still undervalued - buy buy buy!"

Long-term we are still undervalued. DOW $100k would not surprise me. It's absurd and artificial but we run on fucking moonbeams anyways. As long as nobody mentions the emperor has no clothes we are safe. Indo think we will have a drop this summer as more boomers retire and cash out of.stocks for real estate (2nd homes and shit)

Fucking pedos, neck yourselves.

Tariffs are a good thing liberal brainlet

This. Public beatings and tar-and-feathering need a comeback. Every town needs a square of shame to carry out such acts.

you know what else they did back then? married off girls at like 10 years old lol

If you don't support tariffs you're a liberal?

Also What is stopping a canadian from buying chinese or brazilian or russian steel and selling it to the usa and avoiding tariffs

Trump is a moron for excluding countries. It really seems like hes only doing this to appease his retarded base and have them believe its a victory and steel industry will boom or something

cunny coin when

Not really. Courtship was typically chaperoned and young women were not brought out into society until 14-16 years old. Average marriage age for women in colonies was early 20s and mid 20s for men. The Jew-Tube has warped history.

The fact that America would notice this and implement terrifs on Canada for trying to fuck them over?

>appease his retarded base and have them believe its a victory and steel industry will boom or something

Yea some unemployed guy in Middle America stocking shelves at Wal-mart for 20 years after the steel mill left is going to be crooning about, "But, steel is cheaper and things are good." Like some Austrian autist.

>But get another job retard

Yea so easy, there are just so many good, high-paying jobs these days that you can raise a family on. Not.

Right? I swear our economy keeps getting bigger on paper but it's literally worse to live here than ever. Hell even 2008 had better/more quality job opportunities than now.

Who is she

if shes 16 thats legal in my country you faggots

yanks are cucked by 18+ laws

crypto never closes so it moves 5 times faster

Imagine being 21 before you can buy a beer. Cucks all around, and they think they are somehow eligible to be the global moral police. Disgrace.

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Just go listen to some Peter Schiff if you want to understand.

We did QE 1-3. 4 Is going to be bigger than first 3 combined.

>I don't understand how negotiations work