/childhood/ thread

>pic related

>not removing the baloney and having a pure mustard sandwich

>tfw you take a yellow shit afterwards


y'all niggas is some poor motherfuckers

my grandma made this for me when I begged her and she put like a pound of real cheese in it afterwards

A friend called this "sushi" once. He was diabetic.



Did your parents hate you op?

Mine was that but with ketchup. My family was pretty poor

no namefag, i liked to make that stuff for myself

I pray for those who don't put them in the microwave and just eat them cold


thats what I always did


Telling the subway artist how to build your order isnt making it yourself faggot

You get whitebread and a slice of bologna and mustard at subway?
Or were you so retarded as a kid you couldnt handle making a fuckin sandwich

The fuck is that

He's not diabetic anymore?

this on ritz crackers
ate a disgusting amount of it
my mom was really fucking bad about giving me a good diet. I ate entire sleeves of ritz with this shit, drank at least 6 cans of coke a day, ate hotdogs with cheese filling constantly

It's a fucking miracle that I stayed as deathly skinny as I did for as long as I did. It took the power of full-blown alcoholism on a slowing metabolism to finally make me a fat fuck

Looks like a saltine, cheese, and smoked oysters.





Do people really feed their children shit like this? Surely some people must recognize that's not actual food.

Stop yelling.


>be me at 11
>have little money and wait for the bus for school
>gas station store is right there
>sometimes manages to afford these and a Sprite Remix while they were still around
>would sit in bus with them in backpack for snack

Felt good. Why must the two of my favorite products end like this? I miss those two

They didnt completely stop selling Remix, I can find it occasionally here.

My mom was professional chef, so my lunches were a bit more elaborate, but I still just took things that were easily packable, like sandwiches and a thermos of soup. But the sandwiches would be things like curried chicken salad, or her own homemade slow roasted beef or glazed ham, all on homemade bread with all sorts of fixings; and the soups would be things like homemade cream of mushroom, cream of asparagus, vichyssoise, minestrone, etc. Her homemade tomato soup was killer. One of my favorite lunches though, was when she'd make tuna pasta salad, because there'd be all kinds of awesome stuff in it.
RIP childhood.....

For some reason, they don't make them anymore...

Did all the black kids your school beg for your hot chips mine did

I want your mum

Mine was chip sandwiches from nan

Yes. They go ape shit over hot chips. I'm surprised that the Hispanics don't considering that they love spicy food as well

great post

At daycare, they used to serve us this reched red beans and rice. So most of us just put ketchup on plain white rice and ate that. I didnt like it but I hated those red beans more. The best was coming back from bowling alley field trips on fridays and eating chicken nuggets and mashed potatos

Oh man this takes me back to preschool in 1991 or something.

All things i ate growing up.

Damn, really delicious.

daddy always cooked em up the best and if i was a good boy he'd hit me with his best belt

god, i'm nostalgia-ing so hard right now.

Kids have shit taste. I was no exception. Some things I thought were awesome as a kid:
Liverwurst, mayo and onion sandwich
Olive loaf and ketchup sandwich
Chef Boyardee
Casserole of Spam, Ragu sauce and pasta

Shit brah

Most of these are things youd get yourself as a kid

>no cut up hot dogs
pleb shit

use your inside voice please.

>hotdogs with cheese
Not kosher

I ate that shit straight from the bottle

>Kids have shit taste. I was no exception. Some things I thought were awesome as a kid:
>Liverwurst, mayo and onion sandwich

Some people get more wise with age. You went the opposite direction.

>Vienna Sausages on rice

My Filipino au pair used to feed me this shit all the time and I fucking loved it


>eating them cold
Every fuckin day mang.
Our school didn't have a microwave you could just use willy nilly.

Why the fuck aren't these still a thing?

Mayo was the shit taste part of that one. Who the fuck puts mayo on liverwurst? Only someone with shit taste.

Jesus, burgers have grim fucking childhoods.

every saturday morning watching cartoons on fox and the WB

I thought buns were a restaurant/food cart only thing so the first time I saw them in a grocery store I thought the future was here.

escargot and fries was my favorite thing to get at a restaurant

my mum used to make sausages with gravy and mash for every dinner, was tasty but you got sick of it

would eat now/10

>when mom's too cheap to buy buns
That was my childhood

Grandma used to make sandwiches that consisted of lettuce, peanut butter, and miracle whip, and I ate them as a kid.
Made one out of curiosity/nostalgia a while back and it was the most revolting combination I have ever put in my mouth.

are you Hawaiian

what if your moms thought that while they cant justify the cost of the buns they still want to treat their kids to hotdogs and a loaf of whitebread is affordable

call your moms

My fiancee and I moved back in with mine because she got diagnosed with leukemia and glaucoma and I owe her 23 years of love and support and we want her to see us married before she passes away.

So get FUCKED for calling my mama cheap. Give yours a call and thank her for putting bread on your ungrateful plate at all.

Pic related included to stay on topic. I squirted this shit all over my white bread hot dogs when it came from the food pantry and I was happy for it. They made a blue version that I got ONE bottle of once and I haven't seen it since.

>My fiancee and I moved back in with mine because she got diagnosed with leukemia and glaucoma and I owe her 23 years of love and support and we want her to see us married before she passes away.
I'm sorry user, I lost my mum when I was 17 which is why I was telling you and the other user to call your moms

The big payoff of the pudding at the end was the greatest.

Had not heard of such thing as school lunch before went to the university.
Brought a slice of homemade pizza to school once, every classmate looked at me as though I fucked their dog in the ass, thus causing it to have a seizure and die in extreme pain. We are not used to having lunch.
Could not afford to go out to KFC/McDonald's with the other kids until I started working.
Nowadays I eat a 80¢ hotdog on the go or go to a cheap ass diner if I have the time.
By the way, I'm not from the US.

Also, we have canteens in schools, but…
Listen. You american people tend to blame SPAM for being not that healthy, too spicy, having a weird consistence etc.
Trust me, it's naught compared to what we were offered in schools back then. The food poisoning rates from school food are still high as you guys since the legalisation of cannabis. It's way fucking beyond normal. Mutilation in the aspect of dishes.

from hawaii, not hawaiian
only $6 at mcdonalds

>from hawaii, not hawaiian

it's like if the US had a state called apache.
if your white ass was born in that state would you consider yourself a legit apache indian? nah nigga. i aint fucking hawaiian, im uchinanchu/haole

>those stray corn kernels in the pudding

every fucking time

Americans are fed garbage in their childhood?

>when mom shit on a plate and fed it to you in your cage


Why has no one in this thread posted what they actually ate as a child? Move out of the way, lettuce sandwich w/ mayo coming in, and don't even tell me you never ate this on the regular at on point in your childhood.

he's dead

>no cheese
>honey mustard

It's funny how I used to eat bread everyday as a kid. I haven't eaten bread in years.

>wake up at night with a case of munchies
>decided to spread butter on bread, suck up the butter on the bread, and rebutter said bread
>did this so adults wouldn't get mad at me for wasting on all the bread
>tfw bread would get extremely soggy after a while
>tfw I just was a fat American eating pure butter
Thankfully, I don't think I utilized that "trick" all too often.

Bread can be fucking tasty, especially when all we ever got was honey wheat.
You also don't have to extend any effort to it, the worst being spreading something on it or slapping on some meat.


Rebutter..... If you wanted to eat butter why not just stick the knife strait in your mouth
How do you suck up butter ?
Do you put the knife back in the butter after the third or forth respreading
why not just lick the butter like a fucking popsicle

how in the hell would you think spaghetti with ketchup is just a swedish thing?


I never said that it's only a swedish thing, but it's extremely common in Sweden

sometimes without tomato and dijon or banana instead

that's like saying it's extremely common for kids in your country to eat cereal for breakfast. or for adults to drink coffee for breakfast

my bad user, I'm obviously not the world traveller you are


"childhood" boy i wish i didnt still like these

why is fake-ass processed meat like viena sausage and bologna and hot dogs so GOOD?

That looks good as fuck


Oh yes they do.

we still have them in France

c'est pas les mêmes espèce d'handicapé mental.

I'd still eat it

Slav detected.
+10 cyka blyat points for that plate with the gold rim and alcohol.

Hello newfag. Enjoy your stay.

>Enjoying fellow Slavs makes you a newfag
Makes sense.

Learn image search

As like every real german this was my childhood

mom sandwiches
>white bread
>iceberg lettuce
>marble cheese
>processed ham/bologna