How does an unemployed 27 year old with no qualifications or experience in journalism get a job writing?

How does an unemployed 27 year old with no qualifications or experience in journalism get a job writing?

I'm willing to do it for free. It seems impossible to get a job at a dying newspaper when you're competing with graduates or students.

There are many websites that accept volunteers.

Name names.

You could try writing freelance and sending your work to online news sites

work for a political party of your choosing. i hear they need people these days.

They don't want people without experience?

you don't

get a job in a call center like everyone else

Be better at it than them.

>when you're competing with graduates or students.

Then lie and say you are a graduate or a student.

Or don't lie, take some bull shit online free writing course AND then say you are a student, if that makes you feel better about it.

you're a little late for journalism.
everyone I know who writes that kind of stuff studied it in college, got a four year degree, and got started writing for their school newspaper.
one of my coworkers started a website and writes conservative editorials there along with a few others, he's gotten plenty of views but doesn't make any money, maybe you could try that

You can't, you won't, stop trying. Journalism is dead and is now just a type of business. Journalism now is writing clickbait and sponsored stories. You could always adopt an extreme political stance, but even then you need to be charismatic because you're selling your own image and not your writing.

Most will want experience. That was a poor suggestion.

Volunteer to write copy for a few websites. They don't have to be major sites or anything, you just want to be able to build a portfolio. Once you have some work to show, you can apply for full time positions as a copywriter. If you have quality work, your resume will not be cast to the wayside for lacking a degree.

Journalism and the like (pr, communications, advertising) are very competitive fields and journalism does not pay well (it's more of a passion for those in it). You won't so much as get a foot in the door of any respected publication without an impressive resume.

Just make a blog and try to be hip or something.

your picture is the last of his kind. I wouldn't bother. the academy is the only place left to do interesting writing, and they're trying to take that from us, too

Holy heck, I was thinking about this but I'm two years younger than you. This is actually kind of weird that you have made this thread.

who is this a picture of?

Peter Hitchens

Go to your library and thumb through the 2016 Literary Marketplace. Find publications that accept submissions and send them your shit.

most internet writers are freelance

just write shit and submit it

dont work for free though, have some respect

yeah so I'm looking at photos of peter hitchens...and he looks nothing like this mane here wtf :/

Just work shit jobs that pay shit or nothing at all. This seems to be a pretty general principle for career building. The more you have to stuff your resume, and the more varied-seeming, the better-looking you appear to employers. Also gives you a lot of perspective and experience.

That's because it's a picture of Christopher Hitchens
