Any tips on making the greatest sheperd's pie?

Any tips on making the greatest sheperd's pie?

I'm currently slow cooking a huge chuck piece with onion soup mix and some veggies. I'll be pulling it with a fork after 6h hours and putting it at the bottom. This will make for some very tasty meat.

I just need a way to make the corn and potato part as delicious. I thought I could put some grated cheese on top and put it on broil towards the end.

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Your doing it wrong and every part. Also it's not a shepherds pie unless it's lamb. If your using beef then call it by the proper. A cottage pie.

is correct, and also lose the corn entirely. The trick to the potatoes is that they're whipped, not mashed, and give it a little butter spread over the top if you want to cheat at golden-brown ness.


The last time I made shepherd's pie, I used carrots, onions, Worcestershire sauce, tomato paste and lamb broth for the meat. It was pretty good.

I'm trying to make the french canadian version of a sheperd's pie which is traditionally beef-corn-potatoes. It's ground beef usually but the chuk piece was cheaper.

As a canadian I can attest to the fact that this is how they do it

>French Canadian version

This is the way I make it as a normal Canadian as well, very delicious

Du pâté chinois mon négro!

Pâté chinois/Sheperds Pie 101
Put the website in english.

That's a folk definition distinction based on assumption. Cottage pie and shepherd's pie are interchangeable.

First thing to do is remove that fucking disgusting sweet corn. No shepherd's pie ever had that yellow shit in it.
Secondly, you are making a COTTAGE pie because it has beef in it. Shepherd's pie uses lamb.


Not correct. Shepherds pie is made with lamb. You are making cottage pie, which uses beef.

>The term “cottage pie” predates “shepherd’s” by nearly a century, but each was used synonymously with the other for a long time.

Congratulations on blindly linking the first result google returned without even reading it.

>citing wikipedia as a credible source.

They're correct you dopey twat

Add some black pudding to that shit. Shit's delish. I also like to mix up my mash with either potato + parsnip or potato + sweet potato.

>not citing anything

>adding corn
What the fuck are you doing OP? That's not shepherd's pie.

Try this recipe instead:

Shepherd: someone who herds sheep.

Cowherd/cowboy: someone who herds cows.

Cottager: faggot who importunes men for gay sex in public toilets.

You're making cowherds pie.

Agreed. Why the fuck are you not using peas?

>Soup mix


thats all wikipedia does so

I like a green bell pepper in mine, also green peas, no corn

Does anyone else call this chinese pie? I've heard it called shepherds pie, but I always figured thats what they called it in school to be politically correct. At home this was always chinese pie.

1 lb. of lamb, seasoned to taste and seared in a skillet.
1 lb. of corn, preferably cut off the cob but frozen is hardly the worst thing.
2 lbs. of potatoes, boiled while the lamb browns then mashed per whatever recipe you prefer.

Put the whole thing in a 9x13 in the order of lamb, corn, potatoes, place a couple pads of unsalted butter along the top in small divets, and pop the whole thing in the oven until the top reaches a golden brown. Take it out, let it cool, and enjoy some shepard's pie.

In Quebec, we call it "pâté chinois", which means Chinese pie. Anglophones here call it shepherd's pie, though.