How come digixdao token is worth 340 dollars even Though a gram of gold is only $50?

How come digixdao token is worth 340 dollars even Though a gram of gold is only $50?

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Digixdao isn't pegged to gold. They haven't released the tokens pegged to gold and silver yet.

why would a girl with no boobs would walk around like that in the street?

Are u gay

nah man. she's crazy cute but the way she's dressed scream look at my boobs and i cant see shit.

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>no tits
This is the manlet of women

Wish I knew her, I need a place to park my car, and the gap between her tits has plenty of room

As opposed to parking your bike

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More like, light cycle

I've never really found the whole "women eating icecream" thing to be hot at all. Its just an annoying trashy meme look.

quit posting faggotry videos with useless sluts fucking fuckboys. You are supposed to be focused on making fucking money and disregarding bitches. What is this shit? You will never make it you fucking cunthead fuck.

you know how small a gram is?

I can't stand these narcissistic pieces of trash anymore. When will this Marxist bullshit end

>women eating ice cream
>marxist bullshit
are you retards just stringing memes and buzzwords together as a means of confusing newfags into becoming literal fags like yourselves? Fucking cancer

>You are supposed to be focused on making fucking money and disregarding bitches.
fucking faggots
try harder

You will never get anywhere drooling over low quality sluts on biz you fucking virgin.


kill yourself autist cunt

cry more queer

Ill agree with the other user. Fuck off permavirgin. If you dont have hair on your nuts, skindog, fuck off out of /biz this board is for money not roasties

> Marxist bullshit end
> Marxist

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shut the fuck up faggot

t. obvious newfag from reddit feeling brave with numbers

take a look through the Veeky Forums archives queers
you will find thots going back years
what you will not find however is masses of obvious newfags getting triggered by sexy girls because you brainlets were still laughing at this "ponzi scheme"


another literal faggot attempting usurpation of Veeky Forums in the name of /lgbt/

cry more faggot

Because why not?

That's where you're wrong. Humans putting stuff to their mouths (as well as mouth open and also tounge out) automatically adds a casual and erotic element to pics.
And I don't just mean for me personally

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holy shit so a version without druids does exist

That's my girlfriend.

If this was marxist she would have short purple hair and fish lips, you got it all wrong newfag, this girl is a typical bimbo who embrace and flaunt her sexuality.

no, they are still there, but once the demons affected the host (you), you can't see or defend yourself against them anymore.

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