I sold. You are now free to enjoy your bull market

I sold. You are now free to enjoy your bull market.

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Other urls found in this thread:


thx breh

>Having weak hands
Let's be honest here.
You've never meant to make it. You have been designed to watch others succeed.
It's not your fault. You're just designed with sheep mentality, so you can fit in part of the heard. Nothing more. Just stay wagecucking. Because that's what you have been meant to do.

weak hands are a good strategy if you do it when things don't go according to your strategy.

Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.

Attached: protestcat.png (250x278, 44K)

There will be none of that, don't worry
Smart move but should've left at least 0.2 on bitmex where shorting has never been easier

Is bitmex best for leverage? I used okex but it was more of a coincidence, bought some coin and used their futures with some rest I had left.

I find its UI nice and pretty straightforward
100x is also a big plus
No KYC either

Holy shit bitcoins back up to 8.8k!
Wow thanks bro.

>you're fired.

Attached: whydidyousell.jpg (253x281, 16K)



Thanks mate, keep me updated when you fomo back in.

Attached: and we re back.jpg (1559x425, 70K)

>that green candle
Wow, they really were out to get you. Thanks, OP.

>he sold
>dump it, it's the last thing they'll expect *click*

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 54K)

Thanks.. I guess?

Go look!

fucking crypto man 500 $ in 5 minutes

Jesus christ OP you were cursed by bogs for sure

you got bogged hard my friend

thank you Z7ujnLHX

I knew it was just me. Sorry I held on so long, should have sold earlier. I'll let you know when I buy so you can get it.

I just bought some Monero.

Attached: depressed-man-subway.jpg (848x565, 337K)

Gone but not forgotten. Thanks for the green candle

I'm OP, switched to phone


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this is unreal. holy fuck, OP kept everybody down by being in the market

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Thats some serious meme magik

>100x is also a big plus

Lmao, you actually use 100x? Be honest

don't be fooled by this retard buying aths to sit it out
unrealized loss is a loss nonetheless, smart money doesn't operate like that.

It appears that OP is the one that all those Wojak/Bog videos were made about.

Thanks brah


Attached: 20180311NeverForget.png (996x598, 159K)

Thanks man :)

Thank you for your sacrifice to the cryptos gods.

thank you user, honestly.

this implies that he sold after the pump due to your unsynced timestamps desu

At least you're the MC of this shitty anime.

Attached: mc.jpg (900x452, 38K)

Oh shit, thanks, I fixed it with some manipulation, no one will know.

Attached: 20180311NeverForget.png (1005x598, 144K)

and now it's outdated

Attached: ss+(2018-03-11+at+12.25.25).png (902x493, 28K)


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Holy shit, thanks op!
You really took one for the team


I'm FOMOing back in

OP u are the MVP

thanks op you da best

>he FOMOd in

Attached: 15fc3151b2a5cf40826a41d57549fac76b0e7e1d_hq.jpg (808x805, 31K)

Are you op? Nice trips

Attached: 1520443485316.jpg (680x680, 32K)

thank you for real op

let's get this man some free boipuss

Yes, phone posting


Attached: PINK CAT OF MARTYRDOM.png (512x636, 270K)

thank you op!

Attached: -.jpg (1024x962, 67K)

not pink enough

this is the funniest thread ever would feel bad for OP if he wasnt such a weak handed faggot

I'm comfortable in my role of selling the absolute bottom. May you all be blessed in your gains.

Attached: 20171226_231043.jpg (2660x1995, 2.85M)

thank you probably submissive boy

Oh shit, here comes the red candles!


Attached: 1520771584071.jpg (2048x1515, 231K)

op saved the market.thank you again based op

ahhh it's dropping

sell you prick, noooooooooooo

Thank you for your sacrifice pink cat

I'm all for this meme taking off but it wouldn't surprise me when one of you autistic fucks starts ritualistically killing cats for gains.



Do you understand his satire you Autist kek

>state of Veeky Forums

I did one time when I was absolutely certain the sell wall won't fall
I stick to 10x mostly

lately the bogs are getting a little too cheeky aren't they

I sold. Continue upwards.

What kind of expensive cats are you guys gonna buy with your gains?

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Biz has become infested with these mgtow kinda pol fags

I'm not a mgtow.
But are you a male feminist?