Mfw I'm in a sexually abusive relationship as a male

>mfw I'm in a sexually abusive relationship as a male
>mfw I can't go to the police to make her stop
>mfw I tried to shove her away from me but she punched my testicles making me bed ridden for a couple days
>mfw if I leave this relationship she won't pay off my debt. Someone please help


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Is she hot?


where are the nudes op

Sounds like you need to distance yourself from that psycho.

is she hot

No very ugly but very wealthy. We have a sort of agreement


dont listen to this virgin OP

provide us with pics

If you have living with her for 6 months you can take half her assets in Australia. I think 12 months in most anglo countries

If I post pics my life could be endangered. I can't go into much more detail but you guys can see where this is going. She "knows" people.

>not sucking sugar mommy dick
Can you bo more of a cuck?

Leave and never look back. Move to another city if you have to. Block her off everything and make sure she has no way of contacting you. Don't stay in an abusive relationship like this, no money could ever be worth detrimenting your physical and mental health.

Best solution would be askin her for marriage then wait 6 months and ask for divorcee... ud suck her moneeez dry

>I'm willingly in this abusive relationship to pay off my debt
if you decide to sell your soul to the devil don't be upset with the terms and conditions

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you mean she is a filthy kike ?

OP stay with her until she pays your debts then poison her

Last time i checked i saw ricin cost $600 on deepweb this was YEARS ago tho

Godspeed user dont let these bitches turn you into a bitch


ESPECIALLY if she's not hot, holy fuck that sucks even more

She knows the people that I am in debt to for $55,000. I still have 8 months left on the agreement and I can't leave. It didn't start out this way in the beginning. But she's changed alot recently. I can't go into more detail.

And yes itll work

Trust me I think Thanksgiving will be the dopest thing in 2018

8 months? Cuck take 1k$ put it in chainlink and pay ur own denbts

Make like a lobster and CLEAN

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You're a brainlet aren't you. She controls the money. She has her people holding all my ID, social security number, credit cards, driver's licence. I seriously can't do anything without endangering my self.

This is OP

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Retard do u know what ricin is?

How will it come back to you if it she dies of "natural" causes

But yeah its some bloke and 50 bands its not like you have any children like I do

Pay your own debts you piece of shit

I cried for minutes. My face.

Can't you fucking pathetic r9k faggots stick to board topic in any fucking board for once?

Who do you owe 55k to?

Will she pay up? What women say and actually do are completely different.

just show her your TA

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autopsy is going to show the most fucked up GI system imaginable b/c of ricin. poisoning will be immediately suspected
>t. pathologist

You probably deserve it. Why aren't you in the kitchen?

I used to be pretty decent at poker but I over came my previous gambling addictions and had recovered from a few years back. I owned a restaurant up until business started to slow down. I was in debt with my restraunt of over $100,000 so I decided to go visit a loan shark.

Took out a $55,000 loan to try my hand at poker again and double it. I used to be able to do it. Started off slow and before I knew it after a couple of weeks at the casino of carefully trying to get more I was left with $2200. Loan shark guys came after me started hurting me etc.

I begged them I would do anything if they would let me live anything at all. Turns out this "boss" guy has a daughter who has never been in love or had a relationship before. So I've Entered into an agreement to pay back my debts over a 1 year contract by loving this woman and teaching her how to treat a man.

Little did I know she suffers from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. That's why she's never been in a relationship before. At first she was kind of nice when on her medication but lately she hasn't been taking them and she's turned into this physically abusive ogre who Beats me with a rod If I don't follow her every direction in bed.

If I run away her people will come get me and hurt me. They have 2 men posted outside the house at all times of the day. If I ever go out in public it has to be with her and the men follow behind.

They have all my credit cards, identity cards, and social security card, as well as all forms of any money I had before. I literally can't do anything. I've tried and almost landed up in the hospital. I'm seriously stuck guys.

I honestly hope none of them find out I posted this. I seriously am desperate for help. If anyone could suggest anything it would be appreciated.


The epitome of human trash
You lost buddy
There's one rule in life, and that is never get in debt, for any fucking reason

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I think watching too much anime warped your brain. That story is in no way realistic.

lol what the hell is wrong with you


you were never good at poker matey, even if this isnt a larp, which it is.

Just but inside her. Once she is pregnant you become higher up in the mob. You'll get money and have sex with mistresses.


Do this!

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Bro. Make the best of it. I would have a serious sit down and tell her
"I actually like you, let's make this work, but I'm actually more of a dom".

Worst that happens is she let's you tie her up and spank her. Power hungry people can be easy to twist

Atleast you put some effort into this here’s a (you).

If true then you do realise the debt will never be payed off and you are stuck for ever. Making a run for it one day and trying to recover your identity in a new location would be your only hope. Or anhero


Good thing ive been repairing our relationship the last couple of months

Im the last nigga suspected

I don't believe you because a real gambler wouldn't leave with $2200.


Veeky Forums - Business & Finance

Take this shit to /r9k/. Reported and saged.

Go to a police/lawyer and ask them what can you do in the situation your in. Don't report it as plea for investigation.


Or y'know.. you could..... like.... maybe... tell us where you are and someone could call the cops you dumb fuck.

Hatefuck her, she is bossing you are around coz you are weak effete "male".

you're a prostitute

One year is nothing.

>tfw no abusive gf

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